
Sensitive skin every season? How to save?

author:Jiang Yumeng
Sensitive skin every season? How to save?

After the Spring Festival, it is already spring, and the temperature is slowly warming up, resulting in the evaporation of moisture on the surface of the skin. Moreover, the dryness of the climate reduces the secretion of oil and sweat, weakens the skin barrier function, and stimulates the hot and cold weather and causes dryness and redness and tingling, which are all reactions of sensitive muscles. So, today let's talk about how to save sensitive skin sensitivity for babies!

Sensitive skin every season? How to save?

What are the manifestations of sensitive skin?

1. The skin epidermis is thin, easy to be allergic, and the redness of the face is obvious;

2. Lack of luster, skin is easy to redden, fever;

Sensitive skin every season? How to save?

3. Greatly affected by seasonal changes, the skin condition is extremely unstable when changing seasons;

4. Skin redness does not go away for a long time after exposure.

Sensitive skin every season? How to save?


1. Prevent strong sun exposure, pay attention to sun protection daily;

2. Pay attention to rest, do not stay up late often;

Sensitive skin every season? How to save?

3. Choose gentle clean skin care products;

4. Eat a balanced diet, do not eat too spicy food;

5. Stay away from allergens and learn to look at the ingredient list to buy skin care products.

Sensitive skin every season? How to save?

What should I do if I have allergies in the new season?

Drink plenty of water

Dehydration is one of the important causes of skin allergies, which can disturb the imbalance in homeostasis by increasing the amount of water consumed.

Sensitive skin every season? How to save?

Moisturizing and hydrating

Facial cleanser can be replaced by moisturizing and moisturizing type, more use of moisturizing and moisturizing mask, everything is mainly moisturizing, so as to alleviate the dryness of the skin.

Sensitive skin every season? How to save?

Pay attention to diet

During the change of season, you can eat more warm foods, foods rich in protein and fat, which produce more calories and have a better cold effect.

Sensitive skin every season? How to save?

Be protected when you go out

When going out, wear sunscreen, or wear sunscreen clothing, hold up umbrellas, and try to isolate ultraviolet rays, air pollution and other irritants to the skin.

Sensitive skin every season? How to save?

Gently cleanse

Cleansing controls the gentle water temperature and does not burn hands. The number of face washes should not be too much, and it is good to do it twice in the morning and evening. Cleansing products avoid soap-based ingredients and choose gentle cleansers.