
Luc Besson's action film "Nikita" 30 years ago, so classic, it is a pity not to watch it

author:Or so be it

"We decided to give you a chance to atone for your sins."

"What do you want to do?"

"Born again, everything starts all over again. You have to learn all kinds of techniques and lady manners."


"Serving the country."

Luc Besson's action film "Nikita" 30 years ago, so classic, it is a pity not to watch it

Today to take you through a 30-year-old work by Luc Besson, "Nikita", the story tells that the young woman Nikita (Anna Parillo), who committed the murder of the police, was photographed by the head of the Government Intelligence Agency, Bob (Jechi Kayo), training her as a secret agent, and a year later, Nikita left the training center, waiting for further instructions, at the same time, she met Marco, a warm-hearted man, and felt the taste of being loved for the first time...

Luc Besson's action film "Nikita" 30 years ago, so classic, it is a pity not to watch it

Anna Parillo

The fun of "Nikita" is to make "Lady" into an action movie, while Matthew Vaughan's "Ace Agent" has a bit of a male version of "Nikita".

Luc Besson's action film "Nikita" 30 years ago, so classic, it is a pity not to watch it

"Nikita" begins with an impressive picture of Nikita's wild and good judgment of violence, such as using a pencil through the palm of a police officer's hand, or giving Bob a "shock education", which makes her future image change and has a surprising surprise that makes people shine.

Luc Besson's action film "Nikita" 30 years ago, so classic, it is a pity not to watch it

Again, I love that in the movie, every male character Nikita comes into contact with treats her like a harmless (non-threatening) young girl at first, including the cop she killed, Bob in charge, the shooting and taekwondo instructor, and even Marco's first courtship with Nikita, who warns her, "Miss, you're creating danger."

Luc Besson's action film "Nikita" 30 years ago, so classic, it is a pity not to watch it

Female identity and sweet appearance have become Nikita's advantages (loosening the opponent's defense), so think of the Avengers' Black Widow: female, beautiful, skilled, dark past, controlled government agencies, etc., but also like an extension of Nikita's role.

Luc Besson's action film "Nikita" 30 years ago, so classic, it is a pity not to watch it

One of the most prominent scenes filmed in "Nikita" is that after Nikita was trained for a year, Bob took her out to dinner for the first time on her birthday, Nikita regarded Bob as a father (giving her a chance to be reborn) and like a lover (there was always a spark between the two), they went to a lavishly decorated restaurant to eat, Bob gave Nikita a box of gifts, and when she received the gift, her face was full of happy and happy smiles of girls (women) (no matter how fierce Nikita was, Inside, there is still a little girl who expects to be cherished and loved).

Luc Besson's action film "Nikita" 30 years ago, so classic, it is a pity not to watch it

However, after Nikita opened the gift box, she found that the dinner was actually a test to test whether she was competent enough to do the work of a killer/agent, and Nikita suddenly felt a huge sense of loss in her heart, it turned out that in Bob's eyes, she was always just a tool; had to praise Anna Parillo, who played Nikita, this scene, her emotions from happy to shocked to injured to beating spirit to complete the task, layered, very infectious and convincing.

Luc Besson's action film "Nikita" 30 years ago, so classic, it is a pity not to watch it

In addition, "Nikita" is not only the fullness of Nikita's character, I also love the warm man Marco, silently guarding his lover, never leaving nor abandoning; but I love Nikita's boss Bob more, Bob's discernment in Nikita's characteristics (Bole), and cultivate it with heart, giving her a second chance to give her a new life.

Luc Besson's action film "Nikita" 30 years ago, so classic, it is a pity not to watch it

In the face of the fierce temperament of Nikita, Bob wants to love (appreciate) but dare not (can) love, Bob to Nikita, with multiple identities such as teacher/boss/father, such a special relationship, so that Bob can only occasionally show concern and love for Nikita, but most of the time have to keep a distance, and at key moments become a cruel pusher to "force" Nikita to move forward.

Luc Besson's action film "Nikita" 30 years ago, so classic, it is a pity not to watch it

And as clever as Nikita, she naturally knows that her love with Bob has no possibility of blossoming, so she can only use a deep kiss to tell her concern for him; Director Lubison's later works rarely reach the height of perfect balance between entertainment and emotion like "Nikita" or "This Killer Is Not Too Cold".

Luc Besson's action film "Nikita" 30 years ago, so classic, it is a pity not to watch it

The first 2/3 of "Nikita" are wonderful, but unfortunately the last 20 minutes are a failure, I don't remember Jean Renault participating in this film, he played the role of "cleaner" (responsible for the aftermath), it was very surprising when he first appeared, but unfortunately this role disrupted the original rhythm of "Nikita", "Cleaner" lacked planning, reckless and casual attitude, how to look like a character that the Intelligence Bureau would rely on.

Luc Besson's action film "Nikita" 30 years ago, so classic, it is a pity not to watch it

Coupled with the last 20 minutes of the plot suddenly rushed up, it was the frequent situation of the task, and it was Marco's showdown with Nikita, and it was Nikita's rapid exit and ending, etc., I can't help but think, is the last 20 minutes of "Nikita" looking for someone else to shoot? How is it so different from the violent and elegant atmosphere before?

Luc Besson's action film "Nikita" 30 years ago, so classic, it is a pity not to watch it

Fortunately, the ending of "Nikita" has been pulled back a little, whether it is a good man (Marco), a man without a chance (Bob) or a bad man (a big man in the government office), no man can have Nikita, she is a beast that cannot be tamed, she is also a duckweed who cannot survive, and the killer has no family/ordinary life.

Luc Besson's action film "Nikita" 30 years ago, so classic, it is a pity not to watch it

A similar theme is intended to be reinterpreted by The Killer Leon in the film "This Killer Is Not Too Cold"; whether it is Nikita or Leon, they both have a "beautiful dream" (having love and family), but at the end of the film, they always have to face the cruel reality of waking up from the dream.

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