
How much does THAI IVF cost to make a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses?

Many people are very concerned about whether thai test tubes can do dragon and phoenix fetuses, and now with the continuous development of test tube technology, three generations of test tubes have come into being, and this technology is still relatively common in Thailand, but its cost has become a concern for many people. Hengjian Overseas pointed out that unlike singletons, it takes a lot of money to give birth to dragon and phoenix fetuses.

In the process of doing IVF, the price of embryo transfer to transfer an embryo or transfer two embryos is the same, but it is necessary to take into account the cost of the entire IVF process, so if you want to transfer the dragon and phoenix fetus, then you have to go to various supervision in the later stage, the cost is relatively high, but the specific still depends on the actual situation of each person.

How much does THAI IVF cost to make a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses?

Factors affecting test tube costs in Thailand

1. Examination fee before IVF

Before doing IVF, various examinations should be carried out, the main purpose is to confirm whether the husband and wife have any diseases in the body that affect the success of the IVF, if there are gynecological or other diseases, such as whether there are symptoms such as thin endometrium and uterine cavity adhesions, but also to bear the corresponding treatment price.

2. The price of IVF ovulation induction

In the IVF process, the process of ovulation induction is more painful for many people, and some of them are directly injected, which looks scary. Because each woman's physical condition is different, the economic ability to bear the price is not the same, so the cost required is not the same, and the difference here is still relatively large.

3. The choice of treatment-treatment plan

IVF for different patients treatment - treatment plan is different, the hospital will be based on the physical condition and economic ability of both husband and wife to develop a suitable program, the early stage will be a comprehensive assessment of the patient, to determine which IVF technology is suitable for doing.

4. Hospital grade and nursing price

IVF hospitals in different regions will have different price standards, the price of different natural needs of the selected hospitals is also different, in addition, the level of each hospital and various nursing facilities and equipment are not the same, and the high-level nursing hospitals are naturally more expensive, so the price is also different.

How much does THAI IVF cost to make a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses?

5, some extra price

The health of women themselves, their age, and the quality of their sperm are all factors that affect the price of IVF. People who do test tubes hope that they can have a healthy baby, but for various reasons, they can only accept reality, so if you want children, you must also be prepared materially and spiritually.

How to save the cost of test tubes in Thailand?

1, take advantage of the young to do test tubes, success - high rate

Female fertility will grow with age, the aging of the body and aging decline, the older the age, the worse the ovarian function, the aging of egg quality, which will increase the difficulty of the test tube, in the process of doing test tubes, the older patients will generally take more drugs, it is also possible to carry out multiple ivy baby to succeed, the cost will naturally increase. Therefore, infertile people need to do IVF fertility, so they should be early and not late.

2. Choice of hospital

Choose only the right one, not the expensive one. There are many hospitals in today's hospitals, but there are specialties in the art industry, and every doctor-student has a field of expertise. The success rate of IVF is affected by the level of medical-biological technology, and hospitals with high success rate often have advantages in various aspects of medical-treatment technology, professionals and laboratories, with rich experience, skilled technology, advanced equipment, and for patients, fertility is more smooth and fast, less detours, and will save a lot of costs.

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