
Life is alive, living is a state of mind

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Life is alive, living is a state of mind

Life is alive, living is a state of mind

Author:Mumu · Anchor: Shi Jing

Source: Chinese Intensive Reading

Ending song: Perfect Life - Cheng Xiang

Our lives have always been on the way home. Therefore, every day must be serious about life.

This long life is a process of self-cultivation. Some so-called rule principles are only a guide to themselves, right and wrong, they need to be proved and completed by themselves.

The world is big, and the soul of the rain and the wind is always clean. A thousand words in the heart, how gentle and firm!

Look at the scenery on the road with a subtle heart, and you will find many small beauties. Leave a little tenderness to the world! After all, not every day is sunny.

Life is alive, living is a state of mind

People have an innate nature, or they all carry a pedantic mission.

As children, as parents, as wives, as husbands, as confidants, with reverence and compassion, to live as naturally as possible, to try not to be materialized, emotions and thoughts are balanced, so that all understanding is the truth.

In this lifetime, a person can only travel alone. People on the journey, the mountain a journey, the water a journey, all the way to meet, all the way lost. From birth to departure, no one will accompany them from beginning to end.

Parents, siblings, lovers, children, friends... All important relationships, no matter how much you care, are time-bound. We end up facing a world on our own, mostly without peers.

Life is alive, living is a state of mind

In the years of love, do not ask the way, do not ask the place of return, this trip to the human world, no matter how many times you pass, cherish every person who has the opportunity to meet.

I believe that those who love each other with their hearts and souls will never part, nor will they ever go out of time. Also include yourself.

There are too many people in this world, most of whom have nothing to do with themselves. Sometimes, the crowd is an illusion, the hustle and bustle is like a tide back to the horizon, and the reunion of the long goodbye never happens. Some moving moments, only your own heartbeat and breathing are left.

The four seasons of life, through thousands of landscapes, the road is always confusing, but warm and bright.

The years change silently, and some people stay forever in yesterday. Like all, have made efforts and sincerity, is no regrets, how to use the search or farewell, exhausted the rest of life.

Life is alive, living is a state of mind

People always grow up in setbacks and tribulations, and the ups and downs of life, each stage, are different selves.

People who experience darkness yearn for the light the most. The unfinished life is full of miscellaneous tastes, the story of defeat is always staged, how much love is there in the world, why not become a fairy tale?

Destined fate always comes without a contract. Unexpected reunions, mostly thousands of turns. On the day of the encounter, the sky was full of stars, the moonlight was as clean as water, the mood was inward, and the water flowed long.

Life is alive, living is a state of mind

When people reach a certain age, they will miss the past. I miss those days of righteousness, that desperate love, that young and lonely self.

All people may forget that all memories are only related to themselves. The road to growth, if you can be the love of the heart so once, it is enough!

Being born as a human being is a state of mind. Cultivate a normal mind and look down on human affairs.

Get away from the hustle and bustle of the inner world and be a quiet and peaceful version of yourself. In the time and space before midnight, allow you, the night is gentle; the quiet and indisputable day, raise your eyes, cook smoke.

Life is alive, living is a state of mind

Through the storms of the world, the rest of the time, maintain the love of life and life, wait or work hard for those who deserve it, but don't forget, enjoy the good scenery along the way. Because, people will fail you, but the scenery will never.

Life in the world is a practice. Zeng was a teenager, exerting his youth, working hard in middle age, and remembering with his twilight years; when life is no longer flying, the tide of desire gradually returns to calm, but I hope for the rest of my life: my heart is hot, but there is no sigh!

- END -

Shu Lan painted a micro-journal

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