
7 gold 4 silver 2 bronze! Beijing Winter Olympics China ranked among the top four gold medals, approaching the United States, wildly dumping Japan and South Korea

On February 16, 2022, China's Qi Guangpu successfully won the men's aerial skills final, which was the seventh gold medal won by the Chinese team at the Beijing Winter Olympics, continuing to create the best record in history. So far, the Chinese team has won 7 gold, 4 silver and 2 bronze, ranking among the top four in the gold medal list, approaching the United States team, and frantically dumping Japan and South Korea in Asia.

7 gold 4 silver 2 bronze! Beijing Winter Olympics China ranked among the top four gold medals, approaching the United States, wildly dumping Japan and South Korea

At the Beijing Winter Olympics, Chinese athletes fought at home, always followed the principle of fair competition, and constantly created good results. Following Xu Mengtao's victory, another veteran Qi Guangpu also fulfilled his dream, and in the case of Jia Zongyang's unexpected exit, Qi Guangpu withstood the pressure and won the championship with a perfect score of 129 points, achieving a grand slam.

7 gold 4 silver 2 bronze! Beijing Winter Olympics China ranked among the top four gold medals, approaching the United States, wildly dumping Japan and South Korea

Qi Guangpu won the 7th gold medal for the Chinese delegation, continuing to set a new record of the best in history. After this matchday, the Chinese team won 7 gold, 4 silver and 2 bronze, and the number of gold medals and the total number of medals were the best in history. With this gold medal, the Chinese team ranked in the top four of the gold medal list, behind Norway, Germany and the United States.

7 gold 4 silver 2 bronze! Beijing Winter Olympics China ranked among the top four gold medals, approaching the United States, wildly dumping Japan and South Korea

The Chinese team is only one gold medal behind the United States, and still has a chance to surpass the United States, because we still have two gold points, the first is Gu Ailing's freestyle skiing women's U-shaped track skill, which is her best sport, and normal play should be able to win this gold medal. Followed by figure skating for the pair, Sui Wenjing/Han Cong went all out to attack the gold medal. In addition, Ning Zhongyan will also play in the men's 1000m final of speed skating, which may also bring surprises.

7 gold 4 silver 2 bronze! Beijing Winter Olympics China ranked among the top four gold medals, approaching the United States, wildly dumping Japan and South Korea

In the Asian context, seven gold medals put the Chinese team at the top of Asia, dumping Japan and South Korea. At present, Japan has won 2 gold medals, 5 silver medals and 7 bronze medals, South Korea has won 2 gold medals, 4 silver medals and 1 bronze medal, and the number of gold medals in Japan and South Korea is not as good as that of the Chinese team.

The Beijing Winter Olympics have the last four match days left, from the competition of various sports, the Chinese team still has the opportunity to impact two gold medals, there is a possibility of continuing to improve the ranking, Japan and South Korea want to surpass us is basically impossible.

7 gold 4 silver 2 bronze! Beijing Winter Olympics China ranked among the top four gold medals, approaching the United States, wildly dumping Japan and South Korea

In the past, short track speed skating has shouldered the responsibility of winning gold, and this year's competition won two gold medals better than the previous one. In addition, we have made breakthroughs in snow projects one after another, and China's ice and snow projects have gone hand in hand, and the development momentum is good. I believe that the future China Ice and Snow Games will make greater breakthroughs, and more outstanding athletes like Gu Ailing and Su Yiming will emerge, cheering china!

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