
The Winter Olympics touched 1 scene: China's 31-year-old veteran realized his dream, and his teammates were more excited than him, and they were in tears

Beijing time on February 16, Beijing Winter Olympics, freestyle ski men's aerial skills final, the second round ended, the Chinese team added another gold, 31-year-old veteran Qi Guangpu realized the dream, this is the 7th gold of the Chinese team, it is gratifying. It is worth mentioning that after Qi Guangpu won the gold, teammate Jia Zongyang was even more excited than him, and he was in tears.

The Winter Olympics touched 1 scene: China's 31-year-old veteran realized his dream, and his teammates were more excited than him, and they were in tears

In the final, the Chinese team had two members of the team, Namely Qi Guangpu and Jia Zongyang. Divided into two rounds, each team member in the first round has to jump two moves, and the better result is counted as a valid ranking. In the final first round, Qi Guangpu scored 125.22 points, ranking fourth, while Jia Zongyang scored 123.45 points, ranking seventh.

The promotion rule is that only the top six can advance to the second round, and the rest are eliminated. Therefore, it is a pity that Jia Zongyang failed to advance on the threshold, and Qi Guangpu carried the final hope of the Chinese team to win the card.

The Winter Olympics touched 1 scene: China's 31-year-old veteran realized his dream, and his teammates were more excited than him, and they were in tears

In the second round, there was only one jump, and there was no room for error. Almost all six players, all chose the difficulty of 5.0, to let go. Qi Guangpu was the first to successfully do this difficulty coefficient of action, and then two players appeared, forced by pressure, the difficulty was lowered on the spot, to make a guarantee for the podium, so that the pressure of Qi Guangpu to win the gold will be reduced.

The Winter Olympics touched 1 scene: China's 31-year-old veteran realized his dream, and his teammates were more excited than him, and they were in tears

Sure enough, after the final result was determined, Qi Guangpu won the first place with a high score of 129.00 points and successfully fulfilled his dream of gold medal. Just like Xu Mengtao, Qi Guangpu is already a 31-year-old veteran, a four-time Olympic veteran, how exciting it is to win the gold medal. Qi Guangpu draped in the national flag to thank the scene, the overall mood compared to the previous Xu Mengtao, or much calmer, more calm.

The Winter Olympics touched 1 scene: China's 31-year-old veteran realized his dream, and his teammates were more excited than him, and they were in tears

What is touching is that Jia Zongyang, a teammate who failed to advance to the second round of the final, seems to be more excited than Qi Guangpu, tearful, and happy for his teammates. They are not only opponents, but also teammates, belong to the big family of the Chinese team, can win the gold medal, the whole team is honored.

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