
Freestyle Skiing Men's Aerial Skills Final Round 1 Qi Guangpu advanced to Jia Zongyang missed the second round

Freestyle Skiing Men's Aerial Skills Final Round 1 Qi Guangpu advanced to Jia Zongyang missed the second round

Live bar On February 16, the first round of the Winter Olympics freestyle skiing men's aerial skills final, China's Jia Zongyang and Qi Guangpu competed. In the first round of the final, the contestants will complete two jumps and take the best of them to rank. The top 6 advance to the second round of the final.

In the first jump, Jia Zongyang started with the 11th pick, chose the action with a difficulty coefficient of 4.425, landed steadily, and scored 123.45 points!

Qi Guangpu started with the 12th pick, and also chose the action with a difficulty coefficient of 4.425, which was also a solid landing, scoring 125.22 points!

After the first jump, Qi Guangpu was temporarily ranked third, and Jia Zongyang was temporarily ranked fifth!

In the second jump, after the Noe-Roth jump, Qi Guangpu locked up the qualification!

Jia Zongyang chose the action with a difficulty coefficient of 4.525, and there was a major mistake in the second jump, scoring only 88.69 points, ranking seventh, and missed the second round of the final.

Qi Guangpu scored 114.48 points in the second jump and advanced to the second round of the final with 4th place.

Freestyle Skiing Men's Aerial Skills Final Round 1 Qi Guangpu advanced to Jia Zongyang missed the second round


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