
Su Yiming: My winning the championship will inspire more young people

Su Yiming: My winning the championship will inspire more young people

On February 15, in the men's big jump final of snowboarding at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China's Su Yiming won the gold medal. It was his second medal at the Winter Olympics after winning silver in slope obstacle course. This is also the sixth gold medal of the Chinese delegation at the Winter Olympics.

Since the ancient heroes came out of the teenagers, a total of 12 players participated in the final on the 15th, with an average age of about 19 years old. In this high-level competition of youth duels, 17-year-old Su Yiming was the youngest of the 12 participants and ranked first with 182.50 points, winning the first gold medal in the men's big jump event for the Chinese sports delegation. It was a perfect competition, and the gold medal was the most beautiful gift for adults, and on the day of the traditional Chinese Lantern Festival, the gold medal was also the most beautiful gift for the Chinese audience.

In the final, there were three rounds of jumping, and each player took the best result of two rounds of different movements and ranked them. The order of appearances in the first two rounds is determined according to the ranking of the qualifiers, and Su Yiming is ranked eighth. In the first round of jumping, almost all the players who appeared in the previous sequence "sacrificed" high-difficulty moves, and the success rate was quite high. Su Yiming also cleanly completed the outward 1800 action. Su Yiming scored 89.50 points in this jump, ranking second after the first round.

In the second round of jumping, Su Yiming unsurprisingly chose the best internal rotation 1800 action, which also perfectly completed the aerial action and landed steadily. He scored as high as 93.00 points in this jump, rising to number one with a total score of 182.50.

Su Yiming: My winning the championship will inspire more young people

China's Su Yiming (left) receives congratulations from Canada's Max Parrott after the match.

In the third round, the top 10 players chose to give it a go in order to impact a better ranking, choosing difficult moves, but few succeeded. The player who chose to "seek stability" and succeeded, due to the low difficulty of the action, the total score did not exceed Su Yiming. Norway's Mons Reiswellan, who came in second from the bottom, scored 82.50 points but came in second overall. In this way, Su Yiming, the last to appear, locked the gold medal in advance. In the final jump, he did not choose to impact more difficulty, but made a display action in the air.

Few people noticed that Su Yiming almost hit the "protective wall" of the scene in the taxiing stage after the third jump. He explained after the game that his parents had been here watching him train since the morning, "I almost hit that 'wall' because my eyes were always on them and never out of sight. "Without them, without me, there would be no me today." To all those who care about and support him, Su Yiming is grateful, "I have achieved such results today, and I cannot do without everyone's care and help for me." Everyone is especially important to me. ”

After the game, Su Yiming actively hugged the runners-up and runners-up, including Su Yiming's idol. Su Yiming said, "My idol is more than one person, many of today's players are my idols when I was learning veneerboarding since I was a child, these masters have always become my goal and motivation to move forward, and have been pushing me forward, the reason why I hugged them deeply after the game is to be grateful to them for the goals they set for me." ”

In response to a reporter's question: "Is there more young snowboarders in China?" Su Yiming affirmed: "Now China's snowboarding is in a rapidly rising stage of development, and many young players like me can complete a lot of good moves." Our same love for veneers forms the impetus for us to move forward. I believe that my victory will inspire more young people to join in. I look forward to meeting more like-minded friends who will represent China in more competitions in the world and win better results. ”

For more information, please pay attention to the Winter Olympics.

Photo courtesy of Xinhua News Agency

Source Client The Winter Olympics | Reporter Li Ge Wang smiled and smiled At Li Songlin

Edited by: Kandian

Process Editor Tai Shaofeng

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