
surprise! The Winter Olympic gift bag contains the blessings of Lingshan children

surprise! The Winter Olympic gift bag contains the blessings of Lingshan children
surprise! The Winter Olympic gift bag contains the blessings of Lingshan children

News came from the Winter Olympics that athletes from various countries and regions who came to participate in the competition and accompanying officials stayed in Zhangjiakou Winter Olympic Village, they all received "gift bags" loaded with New Year gift boxes, which contained Lingshan blessings, which were a painting created by Lingshan children.

From September 1, 2021, the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee began to collect paintings from young people across the country with traditional culture and regional features such as Winter Olympic knowledge, sports, Spring Festival and the Great Wall, and more than 43,000 paintings from 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, as well as the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan region, were collected over a period of three months. After expert review, 7,500 paintings were selected as "special" New Year gifts, which were given to members of delegations from various countries and regions who came to participate in the competition, and sent New Year blessings to friends who came from afar. A total of five paintings from Guangxi were selected, one of which was written by Zhong Guorong, a child of class 6 (4) of Lingshan County Experimental Primary School.

surprise! The Winter Olympic gift bag contains the blessings of Lingshan children

Zhong Guorong's children's painting "Documentary • 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics" not only depicts the special history of Beijing, the "City of Two Olympics", from the Summer Olympic Games to the Winter Olympics, but also outlines the heroic posture of the Olympic athletes working hard, expressing the joy of welcoming the Beijing Winter Olympics and wishing the athletes to win good results. (Zhang Yiyun, Yang Hao)

Source: Lingshan County Rong Media Center

Editor: Huang Xinle

Proofreader: Huang Daiming

Review: Chen Tianyong

Propaganda Department of the CPC Lingshan County CPC Committee

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