
Gu Xinyu: Inherit and carry forward good traditions and good practices, keep the right and innovate, and work hard

author:Information News
Gu Xinyu: Inherit and carry forward good traditions and good practices, keep the right and innovate, and work hard
Gu Xinyu: Inherit and carry forward good traditions and good practices, keep the right and innovate, and work hard

On the afternoon of February 13, the third plenary meeting of the first meeting of the 15th CPPCC Jiashan County was held, and Gu Xinyu was elected as the chairman of the 15th CPPCC Jiashan County. Gu Xinyu said that he sincerely thanked the organization for its great trust and the trust of all cppcc committee members, and at the same time felt that the responsibility was heavy and the mission was glorious, and it was necessary to inherit and carry forward the good traditions and good practices of the cppcc committees of the previous sessions, abide by the principles and innovations, work hard, and live up to the expectations of the organizations and cppcc committee members.

Gu Xinyu: Inherit and carry forward good traditions and good practices, keep the right and innovate, and work hard

Firm political direction

Gu Xinyu said that taking office is to catch the exam, and the relay will run. The next five years will be an important period for Jiashan to continue to struggle for the "first stop" and forge ahead into the "double demonstration", and the CPPCC should bear in mind the entrustment expectations and shoulder the mission. It is necessary to strengthen the political direction, unswervingly be loyal supporters of the "two establishments" and "two safeguards" demonstration leaders, consciously carry out work under the leadership of the county party committee, ensure that the decision-making and deployment of the county party committee are implemented in a down-to-earth manner in the CPPCC, and lead all CPPCC members to actively devote themselves to the construction of the "double demonstration."

Improve the effectiveness of performing duties

Gu Xinyu said that it is necessary to improve the efficiency of performing duties, center on the central tasks of the party and government, perform well the functions of political consultation, democratic supervision, and participation in and discussion of state affairs, and earnestly ensure that wherever the work of the county party committee and county government is deployed, the CPPCC will follow up on the performance of its duties, and the positive energy will gather wherever it is. At the same time, we must abide by the heart of the people, listen to the voices of the people, relieve the people's worries, reflect the voices of all sectors of society, promote the solution of major people's livelihood problems, and further draw the largest concentric circles for joint construction, sharing and common prosperity.

Gather the ranks of committee members

Gu Xinyu said that it is necessary to unite the contingent of CPPCC members, focus on the requirements of "understanding the CPPCC, holding consultations, discussing government affairs well, observing discipline, stressing rules, and emphasizing moral conduct," actively create conditions and provide services for cppcc members to perform their duties and fulfill their duties, stimulate the role of the main body of cppcc members, show the new appearance of the CPPCC on the new road of catching up with the examination, and jointly make new and greater contributions to the overall development of Jiashan County.

Strengthen self-construction

Gu Xinyu said that the leading body of the new CPPCC should earnestly strengthen its own construction, be realistic and first, be good at doing good deeds, be honest and self-disciplined, be strict with self-discipline, and be able to serve the public and serve the people with one heart, and live up to the heavy trust and mission.

(Source: Jiashan County People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】