
Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

author:Fun in the pantry

"You are my eyes, taking me through the changes of the seasons; you are my eyes, letting me through the crowds..."

When it comes to the song "You Are My Eyes", many people think of the singer Lin Youjia, who became popular with this.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

Just like Yu Ke's only second time singing "Itch" with a fiery yellow age, this song is also widely circulated because of Yoga's influence and has been covered by many people.

In fact, many people do not know that the original singer and creator of "You Are My Eyes" is the blind singer Xiao Huangqi, who wrote his real experience into this song in 2002, which has touched many people.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

Xiao Huangqi is a legendary singer, blind but not blind in heart, and has more skills than many able-bodied people.

He can write lyrics, compose music, he can saxophone, he can play guitar.

He has written songs for singers such as Liang Jingru, Li Yijun, Guang Liang, Zhang Xinzhe and so on.

He is also a judo champion.

Not only that, Xiao Huangqi has also won the Taiwan Top Ten Outstanding Youth Award, 10 times for the Golden Melody Award with his musical talent, 4 times the Best Taiwanese Male Singer Award, 3 times the Best Taiwanese Album, and several times won the Golden Melody Singer King.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

In addition to his musical achievements, he has represented Taipei in international judo competitions many times, winning a bronze medal in the Far East Para Games and a seventh place in the Atlanta Paralympic Games.

What kind of legendary life does such a multi-type visually impaired singer have? Over the years, what has he experienced since seemingly disappeared?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="23" >1, two blindness, forge ahead</h1>

Xiao Huangqi, born in 1976, is completely blind due to congenital cataracts, and the whole world is dark for him. Fortunately, when he was 4 years old, after 2 surgeries, although he still could not see clearly, he could finally see the hazy world.

When he was in elementary school, his parents sent him to an ordinary primary school, because of the lack of vision, he was often ridiculed by his classmates, so he often fought with his classmates, and because he could not see his opponents clearly, he always beat his classmates with blue noses and swollen faces.

Eventually, at the suggestion of his teacher, his parents transferred him to a school for the blind. Since then, in order to let her son learn brailling for the blind as soon as possible, the mother has first learned it herself, and then went home to teach it to her son.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

Young Xiao Huangqi did not want to learn Braille because he felt that he was not blind and he could see the blurry world, but his mother told him: "If you don't learn Braille, how do you face your future life?" ”

Although Xiao Huangqi was born with a disability, he was very talented in music, and although his parents as cement workers were financially strapped, they still did their best to support their son's musical dreams.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

Once, Xiao Huangqi, who was alone at home, heard that a karaoke track record player was being sold on the radio, and he loved singing without hesitation called and ordered a 7,000 Taiwan dollar backing record player.

He didn't know how much 7,000 Taiwan dollars was a big expense for his parents 30 years ago.

When the delivery staff delivered the machine home, the parents learned that their son had bought such an expensive machine without the family. Shocked, they did not blame their son, and after thinking about it again, they gritted their teeth and bought the machine.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

When Xiao Huangqi's singing level improved day by day, his mother began to take him to participate in singing competitions.

In a competition, Xiao Huangqi wanted to sing a song called "Why", but the organizers did not have the score of this song.

The mother asked her son to wait for her at the race site, and she rode her motorcycle all over the streets, looking for the score of the song in bookstore after bookstore.

Her mother didn't know the scores, so she bought all the sheet music she could find and asked the organizers to help find the song locally. In the end, Xiao Huangqi won the first place in the competition.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

In that hot summer, the mother supported her son's dream with practical actions.

Xiao Huangqi said: "As long as I want to do music, she will help me to complete."

For Xiao Huangqi, her mother is a noble person in her life, and without her support, he could not have become today's legendary singer.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

Just as Xiao Huangqi was moving all the way towards his musical dream, fate once again made a joke with him.

One afternoon in high school, he and his classmates were playing basketball on a special basketball court, and when he picked up the ball from his classmates, he suddenly found that the originally large basketball had become a small black dot, and the world became dark, and he held out his hand, but he could no longer receive any ball.

Xiao Huangqi, 15, was once again completely blind.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

Gaining and losing is more unacceptable than never having.

He began to be afraid, helpless, anxious, afraid to go out, afraid to walk, and could only hide in the dormitory.

After a long time, the teacher noticed that something was wrong with him, handed him a cane, and said to him, "This is your other pair of eyes." It's not terrible not to see, it's terrible not to admit that you're blind. As long as you find the unseen faith and strength, the eyes will be everywhere. ”

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

Xiao Huangqi knew that all this was a foregone conclusion, and he began to accept the arrangement of fate and learn everything that blind people should learn.

But this is not easy, even if it is simply to pour a glass of water, it took him half a year to do it without burning when pouring water.

Fortunately, at the darkest time of his life, he met the second noble man in his life.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="213" >2, the all-round singer who has lost his light</h1>

Xiao Huangqi's father once renovated the house of Taiwanese singer Huang Xiaohu, so he recommended his son to Huang Xiaohu.

Huang Xiaohu was deeply moved by Xiao Huangqi's performance, so he recommended him to be a resident singer, introduced him to many job opportunities, and even helped him get some clothes out of his own pocket.

It can be said that Huang Xiaohu is another noble person in Xiao Huangqi's life.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

In the year he lost his light, he won the 8th Golden Tripod Singing Competition for People with Disabilities.

In 1995, at the age of 19, Xiao Huangqi formed a band called The All-Round Visually Impaired Orchestra, which consists of two people with low vision, two total blindness and a healthy person.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

In the course of 8 years, the all-round orchestra has traveled to every corner of Taiwan, including schools for blind children and prisons, sending warm and bright hope to those who have lost their sunshine and hope.

God kissed me with pain, but I sang in return. Xiao Huangqi, who lost his light, used his talent to bring light to others.

In 1999, Xiao Huangqi won one of the most memorable awards of his life: the Taiwan Top Ten Outstanding Youth Award.

In 2002, he wrote his feelings and experiences in a song called "You Are My Eyes", which won the Golden Melody Chart and became the number one on the KTV chart, and Xiao Huangqi, who had just debuted, was shortlisted for the Golden Melody Awards "Best Male Singer" and "Best Lyricist Award".

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

In 2007, he released his solo album "True Love Song", the entire album of 12 songs were completely composed by himself, with this album, he won two awards at the Golden Melody Awards: "Best Taiwanese Male Singer" and "Best Taiwanese Singing Album".

With his own efforts and talents, Xiao Huangqi has made great progress in the music career.

While writing songs for himself, he has also written songs for many singers.

In 2010, in order to repay Huang Xiaohu's kindness, his tailor-made "Not So Simple" for Huang Xiaohu touched many people in KTV, and it truly wrote the mood of a mature woman.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

Although Huang Jie once complained, "Dead boy, Key is so high, tell me how to sing!" ”

But in the end, this song was still under the true interpretation of Huang Xiaohu and swept the Chinese music scene.

In addition, he also created "Change Room" for Zhang Xinzhe.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

Created "Older Woman" for Peng Jiahui.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

For Liang Jingru, he created "As Love Wishes" and so on.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

These songs, written for other singers, are paid royalties every six months, allowing him to make money without having to go out.

In addition, Lin Youjia also brought fortune to Xiao Huangqi.

"It's really exaggerated, since Yu Jia sang this song and scored high marks, there are constantly invitations to come to the door, hoping to invite the original singer to perform." I can't run each week, sometimes two or three times a day."

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="214" >3, career love double harvest</h1>

In addition to being able to create, Xiao Huangqi also likes cross-border crossings. Perhaps he was born with a defect, which made him optimistic about everything.

In 2015, he transferred from Taiwan to the mainland and participated in the variety show "I Am a Singer".

Because the shape is too similar to Eason Chan, many people also say that they bumped into the type.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

Then, the brother responded: "I don't know what Eason Chan looks like, can you tell me that he is handsome?" ”

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

In 2016, he tried to host the Taiwanese music program "The Most Beautiful Song", and it is reported that he can earn 3.25 million Taiwan dollars (about 750,000 yuan) in one episode.

Asked if he was afraid of poor ratings, he said rather humorously: "I can't see it anyway".

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

In addition to his acting career, Xiao Huangqi is also very good at investing in real estate, and his trick to seeing the house is actually to use "smell".

"I chose the house by smelling the smell, feeling the convection of the air, and asking the people next to me how the lighting was; I bought the house quickly, and I bought it twice."

Not only that, he also spent 20 million Taiwan dollars to build a recording studio.

Will make money, will invest, such a Xiao Huangqi always gives people too many surprises.

In recent years, Xiao Huangqi seems to have no movement, in fact, he has not only been actively creating songs, but also starring in stage plays, hosting music programs, and holding concerts.

In 2019, he played a blind musician in the stage play "Meet Yourself".

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

In 2020, he hosted a music program in Taiwan, "Shangyi Taiwan Song".

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

In April 2021, he held 3 new Taiwanese live concerts in Taiwan.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

On July 15, 2021, 44-year-old Xiao Huangqi generously announced a new relationship during the recording of the program, admitted that there was a "partner", and said that he hoped to share it with everyone soon.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

Speaking of which, this is the first time since he became an artist to take the initiative to open up his emotional life.

You know, as early as 2015, Xiao Huangqi went to the mainland to participate in the program "Open Talk", and was exposed by his friend Huang Xiaohu:

"He should be (with a girlfriend) still in a relationship, and I believe that if there is a result, he will let everyone know, because he also wants to get married and have a family quickly, especially to have children."

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

At that time, under the ridicule of the host Sabine, Xiao Huangqi himself did not admit to the relationship, but only vaguely said, "You will get more and more troublesome!" ”

It is reported that the two were still in the stage of considering each other at that time.

Interestingly, when the outside world was still unclear about who the object of his ambiguity was, at the end of this year, the Taiwan media broke the news that his former and agent Chen Lili forced the palace and drove away the current Lin Qiaoqiao.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection
Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

In the middle of July this year, Xiao Huangqi's girlfriend was revealed to be Chen Lili's girlfriend.

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

And Lin Qiaoqiao, who was Xiao Huangqi's assistant at that time, was once photographed visiting the Christmas Lantern Sea together, and had a period of inseparable work.

It is reported that these two female colleagues often fight each other, but in the end, "new love" is difficult to oppose "predecessor".

Blind twice, once deeply involved in the storm of two women fighting for a man, what happened to Xiao Huangqi, the king of the Golden Song Song, now? 1, two blind, forge ahead 2, lose the light of the all-round singer 3, career love double harvest past selection

However, whether it is for the identity of the two gossip girlfriends or the statement of "forcing the palace", Xiao Huangqi himself is a denial of attitude.

In 2018, another media broke the news that he had been in a relationship with a girl engaged in marketing for a year, and the parents of both sides had already met, only the wedding ceremony was almost complete.

This time, it was Chen Lili who came forward to deny, "The two are indeed very familiar, and the woman and the Xiao family also know each other, but they are not in contact." ”

Do you feel that this Chen Lili runs through Xiao Huangqi's life and blocks his peach blossom luck?

You don't say, there really isn't.

Sister Rice had to sigh like Huang Xiaohu: "Don't look at him blind, but talking about girls is not inferior at all." ”

Today's Xiao Huangqi can be described as a double harvest of career love.

While relying on three songs to get a huge royalty, I am busy with my career without any pressure, and I do yoga to maintain a healthy body in my spare time.

Occasionally tweet and interact with fans.

For him today, red or not red may not be so important.

Having money and leisure and having a lover around is equivalent to having a second pair of eyes and being able to fully feel the beauty of the world.

Author: Wan Ruo Qingfeng

Editor-in-Charge: CHEN

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