
Grandma wants to come to see her game, and Gu Ailing wants to give a wonderful performance

"I did it, and I'm proud of myself." Gu Ailing was interviewed, still chewing in his mouth. However, unlike when waiting for the results in the preliminaries, this time she ate a meat bun instead of a leek box. When she heard that February 15 was the Lantern Festival, Gu Ailing exclaimed "Ah", "I hope to be able to eat the Lantern Festival, my favorite black sesame filling." I want everyone to be with their families, do what they love, and be happy. ”

Grandma wants to come to see her game, and Gu Ailing wants to give a wonderful performance

On February 15, Gu Ailing won the silver medal with a difference of 0.33 points in the final of the freestyle ski women's steeplechase at the Genting Ski Park in zhangjiakou area of the Beijing Winter Olympics. "Today was very difficult, I don't know why I put so much pressure on myself, today is the third jump." The reason why Gu Ailing emphasized the "third jump" is because in the big jumping competition that ended before, she won the championship through the third jump - the last jump reversal, and this time she was the last jump reversal to reach the podium, "But it is really interesting, my goal has always been to enjoy the process, I fell in the middle, I didn't feel good at the time, but in the end I adjusted myself and made a breakthrough, so I am very proud." ”

Grandma wants to come to see her game, and Gu Ailing wants to give a wonderful performance

In the second slide of the game, Gu Ailing fell by mistake, and after the fall, she took off her helmet, many people thought that there was some discomfort in her head, but after the game she solved the mystery herself: "I just wanted to see if the helmet was broken, I closed my eyes for a while, and my head didn't hurt." I still have to pay attention to safety, so every time there is a collision, I pay very attention, today is light, it is completely fine. ”

Grandma wants to come to see her game, and Gu Ailing wants to give a wonderful performance

In fact, that time sliding, Gu Ailing from the psychological construction, is to treat it as the last slide, because just before the second slide, her mother said to her on the phone, the next slide should be the last slide, so as to give yourself enough pressure. "Probably not enough pressure." Gu Ailing said, "But the third skate I really knew that this was my last chance, the last slide of my Olympic slope obstacle course, I let myself relax completely, and then I released myself completely." I'm happy with my performance. ”

Grandma wants to come to see her game, and Gu Ailing wants to give a wonderful performance

Although she did not win the championship, Gu Ailing said that she was still very happy, she said: "My biggest goal is to be on the podium in three events, I want to see if I can do it in the end." In Gu Ailing's three competitions at the Winter Olympics, the slope obstacle course is not what she is best at, and her best project is the U-shaped field skills that she will compete in the next. She is the world number one in this event in the FIS World Cup standings, winning the U-Shaped Track Skills Competition in four consecutive races this season. Moreover, after coming to Chongli, Gu Ailing also seized the time to train in U-shaped field skills during the participation in the slope obstacle course competition. "I feel good." Speaking about the U-shaped field skill competition, Gu Ailing said, "Yesterday I practiced because of the slope qualification, I lost some training time, today I may also miss the practice, but I hope I can get into the state during the competition. ”

Grandma wants to come to see her game, and Gu Ailing wants to give a wonderful performance

In addition, Gu Ailing also revealed that during the Beijing Winter Olympics freestyle ski U-shaped track skill competition on the 17th and 18th, her grandmother would come to the scene to watch her game. "For me, it means the whole world." She laughs and says, "She's never seen my game, so I hope to give her a great show." ”

Source Beijing Daily client | Reporters Li Yuanfei, Chen Jiakun, Deng Fangjia, and Pan Zhiwang

Edited by Xie Yongli

Process Editor Liu Weili

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