
The Warriors need a center, but why not try to bring in a base-paid center?

On the trade deadline, the Warriors spent the day quietly.

Unlike the Lakers, which have various types of trade scandals, the Warriors' no-move seems to be expected. The attitude of the Warriors management is actually very clear:

First, the Warriors will not easily shoot talented young people Second, only make trades that can help the Warriors win the championship

The Warriors need a center, but why not try to bring in a base-paid center?

The attitude of the brave management is a clear card, and the problem with the Warriors is also a clear card: the lack of a big center, the lack of a shield that can guard the basket and resist the big men in the league.

This problem has become the first stumbling block on the road to the Warriors' championship, and the game against the Jazz, even if Gobert is on the sidelines, they are taken advantage of by Whiteside to take 17 rebounds and send 7 big hats, which is a solid lesson for the Warriors.

And on the playoff journey, they are likely to encounter Anthony Davis, Jokic in the West End, and if they play the Finals, they may also encounter the defending champions here, Antetokounmpo and his Bucks iron hoof, and the disadvantages on the inside are likely to cost them a great chance to win the championship.

The Warriors need a center, but why not try to bring in a base-paid center?

The core team cannot move, and the brave management plan leads to the first round of signing discounts

In two seasons, the Warriors have found several high-quality rookies with good potential, but the space is still firmly limited by the meritorious contracts given in the previous triple crown period, the Warriors have to consider trades, the core team of Splash Brothers and Green cannot move, and the Warriors want to attract star levels, only wiggins as the main body.

Wiggins, a rare star on the Warriors front, was also selected for the All-Star starting list this season. Far from it, the Warriors are counting on him to act as an outside defensive gate in the playoffs to create a little trouble for the star forward.

The Warriors need a center, but why not try to bring in a base-paid center?

Taking a step back, with Wiggins and Wiseman as the main body, the Warriors can still find some tradable players who can be matched, such as Sabonis Jr. and Turner jr. of the rebuilt Pacers, who have been in contact with the Warriors before the trade deadline, but have not returned.

If you want to make a trade that is obviously reinforcing, then the Warriors will most likely give the price of the first round. But Colab has made the Warriors' 10-year plan, and the Warriors boss is the biggest boss in the league and dares to resist the huge luxury tax, other teams can't help but mutter: If the Warriors have remained at the forefront of the West, their first-round choice is not of great value.

The Warriors' demand for centers is high, and the base salary center is difficult to do

The Warriors need a center, but why not try to bring in a base-paid center?

At present, the Warriors' No. 5 position is all relying on Looney to carry the flag, but as the only resident center that the Warriors can play for a period of time, the hardships are needless to say, and if they get into foul trouble, they will take the Warriors one less tactical point, and the opposite center will come up again, and the game will be very passive.

Green is recuperating from an injury, why don't the Warriors consider a base-paid center to save the field?

In most teams, a base-paid center is a simple job, as long as there is size and a positive defensive attitude, you can get a certain amount of playing time. Defenders in their own teams attract defense, looking for opportunities to pass the ball into the air before the pinch is formed, and the base salary center is only responsible for eating cake. Technically more testing of the passer, it is not difficult for the center of the ball. For example, the Suns, with a super point guard like Chris Paul, came to Biyongbo to activate immediately.

The Warriors need a center, but why not try to bring in a base-paid center?

But in the Warriors, the use of centers is more complicated.

The Warriors' 5 years and 3 crowns are based on Kerr's passing system, even if Curry himself has a strong ability to hold the ball, but Curry's play style of holding the ball has never been the mainstream. In the starting lineup, there was Green passing at the top of the arc. Even in the second team, players have to learn how to block the right opportunities for their teammates in complex rotations, blocking and running positions.

Teams with such skills and understanding of the game are worth far more than the base salary. Warriors are hard to find in the free market or buyout market, and trading comes at a huge cost.

What you want to get is not available, and the center that you can get is not necessarily suitable for the lineup. The Warriors didn't operate before the trade deadline, especially the no. 5 position that didn't choose to reinforce the weak No. 5 position for good reason.

But next, the Warriors will face a buyout exam. Wiseman may return near the playoffs, but the level is unknown; Green's health is not clear, in this case, even if the root problem cannot be solved, the Warriors are looking for talent in the buyout market, and the insurance is necessary.

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