
Su Yiming: Communicating with Gu Ailing almost every day, she told me a lot of tips

Just now, in the final of the men's snowboard big jump platform at the Beijing Winter Olympics, China's Su Yiming won the gold medal! This is also the sixth gold medal won by the Chinese legion, creating the best result of the Winter Olympics. This is also the first gold of the Winter Olympics for Snowboarding in China.

Today's Shougang Park is still sunny. After the young man reached the top of the "Snow Flying Sky", and after embracing the coach twice, Su Yiming set off to meet the daylight - smooth gliding, lifting, reversing, grasping... A series of actions in one go. Under the difficulty coefficient of 1800, Su Yiming scored a high score of 89.50 in the first jump, ranking second after the first round of competition. After landing on the ground, Su Yiming was also quite excited, constantly drawing out the first gesture with his hand, and he even hit the protective fence without slowing down because of excessive excitement, and almost fell out of the field. In the second jump, he still landed steadily, completed the difficulty of 1800, and scored a high score of 93 points, ranking first with a total score of 182.5. After two rounds, because no opponent surpassed him, Su Yiming won the championship before he jumped in the third jump.

Su Yiming: Communicating with Gu Ailing almost every day, she told me a lot of tips

The relatively difficult and high-quality completion of the first two jumps also laid the foundation for him to show the highest difficulty in the final jump - in the snowboard jump, the referee scored the athletes according to the difficulty, completion and innovation of the athletes in the three rounds of the competition. The best two rounds of points are added up to the player's final score.

Yesterday, after the qualifying round, Su Yiming promised that he would make the most difficult move in the final, that is, the internal rotation 1980 action. In fact, compared to the previous snowboard slope obstacle course that won the silver medal, the big jump is Su Yiming's advantage. Su Yiming made history in the project, becoming the first World Cup champion of China's snowboard jump. As the first athlete in the world to complete the 1980 movement of the Inner Turn, he also received the Guinness World Records certification for this difficult move. "I am fortunate to be born in this era, as long as I devote myself to my love, hard work will definitely be rewarded!" Su Yiming said.

Su Yiming: Communicating with Gu Ailing almost every day, she told me a lot of tips

Su Yiming, who will turn 18 on February 18, has made rapid progress in the past two snow seasons, constantly "unlocking" difficult actions. Hoping to take the excellent performance of the Olympic Games as his birthday gift, Su Yiming also admitted after the game that he did not take the specific ranking as a goal, but hoped to show the best of himself. For him to participate in the two olympics of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the harvest has been huge - several times mentioned "enjoy the game", he admitted that what he wants to show is the image of young people in the new era of China, he "deeply appreciates the strength of the motherland" and therefore, more eager to "brave the challenge, brave forward!" ”

The previous disturbances did not affect Su Yiming's big jumping platform preparations. From slope obstacles to big jumps, Su Yiming needs to adapt as soon as possible in a short period of time. "Slope obstacles test fluidity, putting together every difficult movement. But the big jump is really more difficult than the hardest move, everyone will try to complete their best move, so I need to have a good performance to strive for good results, but the most important thing for me is to enjoy the game. Su Yiming said.

Su Yiming: Communicating with Gu Ailing almost every day, she told me a lot of tips

It is worth mentioning that behind Su Yiming's achievements in the Shougang big jumping platform, there is also the blessing of another outstanding athlete, after yesterday's game, Su Yiming revealed that he and Gu Ailing will contact and communicate almost every day, "She won the first Olympic gold medal here, she told me a lot of skating (big jumping) know-how." ”

(SLQ Source: Xinmin Evening News)

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