
93 points! With a soaring height of 8 meters and 49 meters, Su Yiming made a perfect jump, one step away from the champion

On February 15, Beijing time, the Beijing Winter Olympics snowboarding men's big jump event ushered in the final competition, China's Su Yiming appeared, this game can be described as a fairy fight, Su Yiming's first 2 rounds of performance is very exciting, the second jump directly got 93 points!

93 points! With a soaring height of 8 meters and 49 meters, Su Yiming made a perfect jump, one step away from the champion

A total of 12 people competed in the snowboard jump final, each of whom jumped three times, and the scores of two different actions were selected to add up to rank. Su Yiming appeared in the 8th, basically every player was 1800 basic action appearances, the first jump Su Yiming got 89.50 points, ranking second!

In the second jump, Su Yiming's movements were more exciting, the soaring height reached 8 meters 49, won the first 90+ score in the whole field, scored 93 points, and the total score came to the first place, although the last two players Otsuka Ken 95 points, Parot 94 points, Su Yiming's performance has been perfect enough.

93 points! With a soaring height of 8 meters and 49 meters, Su Yiming made a perfect jump, one step away from the champion

Two rounds of competition, Su Yiming ranked first in 182.50, the first two rounds of the game is really a fairy fight, people are jaw-dropping, the last round of the game, Su Yiming can jump 1980 action, if he can complete, then he can get the championship of this event, at least can also be on the podium.

93 points! With a soaring height of 8 meters and 49 meters, Su Yiming made a perfect jump, one step away from the champion

After two rounds of competition, the order of the players appearing is changed again, and the last jump Su Yiming's last appearance can be completely changed according to the difficulty of the previous players, we also bless Su Yiming, I hope he can get the gold medal of this event!

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