
May the reunion be fulfilled!

May the reunion be fulfilled!
May the reunion be fulfilled!

Spring is warm to the world

Festivals come and go

Quit the old firecrackers to promote the spring tide

Welcome to the new gong and drum lantern festival

The first full moon night of the year

It is also a small reunion after the Spring Festival

On the night of the earth's rejuvenation

Sit around with your family

It's the happiest thing

Lantern Festival, also known as the Upper Yuan Festival, small New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve or Lantern Festival, the ancients called "night" as "supper", the fifteenth day of the first month is the first full moon night of the year, so the fifteenth day of the first month is called "Lantern Festival".

Surprisingly, the Lantern Moon of the Year of the Tiger is not "fifteen circles" or "sixteen circles", but "seventeen circles", and the roundest moment appears at 0:56 on February 17. This year's Lantern Moon, the biggest feature of all parts of the mainland is the early moonrise, the earliest in 28 years. The full moon is late, the latest in 9 years.

May the reunion be fulfilled!

The fifteenth day of the first month is the Lantern Festival

The full moon is round and everything is round

A "noisy" word,

It accurately points out the carnival nature of the Lantern Festival

The geographical location of the north and south is different

It also makes the customs of the Lantern Festival more colorful

Remember what the Lantern Festival was like as a child?

Eat lanterns, guess lantern riddles, and set off fireworks

Same happiness, different hilarity

There are also folk customs such as the Community Fire Parade

Playing with social fires, dancing dragon lights, stepping on stilts,

Activities such as running dry boats and twisting straw songs

Formed a grand parade

Super "tiger" your imagination

In fact

The so-called new year's taste

It's just a longing to wait

It is the laughter that has been frozen in the years

It is the smell of fireworks in the cold air

It is also the sweetness of the Lantern that remains between the lips and teeth

The fireworks of the Chinese New Year's Eve have disappeared

Lantern lanterns will open

We will also embark on a new journey with the spring breeze

Where the moon moored

Illuminate the hopeful way home

May a bowl of warm rice balls

Brilliant lights overnight

Give you the strength to move forward in the New Year

May the reunion be fulfilled!
May the reunion be fulfilled!

Gannan Daily reporter Zhongge Cao Tashiji

Gannan Daily official micro statement

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Editor 丨 Zhonggecao Responsible editor 丨Hou Jingjing

Audit 丨Zhang Shuyu Final Review 丨 Zhang Dayong

May the reunion be fulfilled!

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