
The tragedy caused by the peace and relatives - the young man who counterattacked too much - Gao Yang

author:Metasequoia tt

And pro-caused tragedy

(3) Seventeen, the young man who has overtaken the attack - Gao Yang

If we had a time shuttle set in Vienna, Austria, at the end of the 19th century, in the early 20th century, we might have met the greatest psychologist of the 20th century: Sigmund ▪ Freud.

His "Analysis of Dreams" ushered in an era that was complex, and if I had to summarize it simply, it would be a sentence: "Everything has to do with sex."

For example, if you dream of a banana, he will smile: "Brother, how long have you not been sleeping with your daughter-in-law?" ”

Dreaming of a glass of milk, he would smile again: "How hungry and thirsty is it, is there so much?" ”

Then you dreamed of blue sky and white clouds, thinking that this is all right, right? At least I have high ambitions?

He was very nervous: "Brother, you are sick, you have to be cured."

"Master Fu, the blue sky and white clouds are also wrong?"

"Brother, you want to do it day by day!"

So often embarrassing men, theoretically, no man wants to be called a pornographer.

But his naturally cute nature, combined with a serious gossip spirit, aroused the strong interest of the ladies. Every day, a large number of ladies and ladies lined up at his door to wait for him to interpret his dreams.

Then the fee is not cheap, about twenty gold coins to solve a dream, so this dude is quite rich.

The dream interpretation is nothing more than: "Big sister, it's not me saying you, you have two big waves in your life."

Or: "Sister Zhang, come, bump some melon seeds, I ask you, is your husband Barabala recently?"

On this, you can talk about it for half a day. It is said that I have also had non-work affairs with many customers.

But here we need only remember one of his words: "The misfortunes of personal life can usually be traced back to the experience of childhood."

Well, now we will turn the time and space machine and come to our China's Wei and Jin Dynasties to take a look.

Celebrities here advocate taking medicine, drinking alcohol, talking, and indulging in landscapes. This period is called in cultural history: "Wei Jin demeanor", which is very "immortal" in today's words.

We focus on the first word: taking medication. It is precisely because of taking the drug that it causes a series of chain reactions in the future.

What is this medicine? The famous five stones are scattered.

WushiShan, also known as "cold food scatter", was invented by Zhang Zhongjing, a great physician of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Later, after Cao Cao's son and son-in-law, the improvement of the handsome brother He Yan became an aphrodisiac.

What kind of reactions will occur after taking this drug?

First, the skin is particularly good, white and tender, and the big masters can reach the realm of blowing bullets (which contain arsenic, one of which is very famous: arsenic. Gossip says that a big whitening cream contains arsenic, and the whitening effect is obvious).

After taking more, the skin is so tender that you can't wear new clothes, because it will wear out the skin (life experience, if it is broken, it will feel more comfortable to take some baby powder).

Therefore, most of the Wei and Jin celebrities wore old clothes, two pieces all year round, tattered, personal hygiene, not to mention, full of lice, and lice became fashionable.

Catch up with the fans to meet, quickly let the assistant buy a few pounds of lice to put on the body, while taking photos with the fans, while touching a lice on the body and chewing in the mouth, crunchy, unique Fan.

When young men and women in literature and art press the road, it is also I who feed you to eat my lice, you feed me to eat one of your lice, and then talk about the past and the present, poetry and song. If you don't have some lice on your body, you are embarrassed to say that you are a cultural person.

Second, eat cold food, the colder the better. But it is possible and necessary to drink warm wine, to drink a lot of alcohol, not to drink the body can not stand. Then people who drink too much wine will go crazy, and people who drink martial arts are called wine madmen.

Third, the body is hot and dry, cold days only need to wear thin clothes can be, summer is more eager to run naked.

At that time, several cultural celebrities, the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest, basically did not wear clothes in the summer, and bragged naked under the bamboo forest (the cultural point is called indulging in landscapes), and others looked at them and thought they were collectively engaged in G.

Happy, with a cigarette in his mouth, a wine jug in his left hand, and a big bird in his right hand, he sang: "The man who sets the horse, you are mighty and majestic."

Fourth, after eating, you can't lie down, you have to walk around, called "scattering", otherwise your life will not be guaranteed.

Fifth, the original meaning of the aphrodisiac, of course, is dry firewood, and the wind is majestic.

Well, let's remember that the improved version of the five-stone scatter is an aphrodisiac, and the reaction after taking the medicine at five points, quickly start the time-space machine, this time it is still the Wei and Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties, but the time and place are accurate to the Eastern Wei in 549.

It is said that Gao Yang got the news that his brother had been cut off, and immediately brought someone to the scene.

Lan Jing was explaining the technical points to several of his colleagues (all of whom had already been caught): "You see, when using a knife, you should pay attention to using wrist strength, and the same is true when you flip the spoon, not brute force with your arms." When cutting, the strength should be balanced, and when cutting, it should be fast, accurate, and fierce. ”

After Gao Yang's little soldier looked at the scene, he all cocked his thumb: "In the end, it is a professional chef, you see how good this knife is, how evenly it is cut."

Gao Yang burst into tears: "It's a pity that such a good cooking skill, brothers, send a few of them on the road, go to the bottom to cook for my brother."

After dealing with the assassins, Gao Yang made several big moves in a row to stabilize the political situation. Later, with almost no comrades-in-arms, he forced the emperor to abdicate and establish Northern Qi.

The process is very tortuous, too long, we will not talk about it. Let's just talk about what happened after he became emperor.

After he became emperor, he carried out military reforms and created special operations units similar to Wei Wupao. Select a hundred warriors from the Xianbei army to form the Hundred Baoxianbei Legion. Then select warriors from the Han army who can fight well and form a legion of warriors.

Then with this special force, quickly subdued, harassed the nomadic tribes on the northern border. He also defeated the Turks and gave it to his cousin grandpa (is that what it's called?). Father-in-law, but not his maternal grandfather), the lord of the creepy country, the head soldier Khan took revenge.

The story is a little bit longer, so let's describe it briefly.

The Turks are said to be the descendants of wolves, marked by the head of the wolf, and around the middle of the fifth century they were attached to the worm country, making iron for the worm country, known as "forging slaves". Squirm paid, they worked, but they were all right.

One day, the Shuler tribe was going to attack the worms. The Turkic bearer, the chief Tumen, took the initiative to ask for help, and the chief soldier Khan approved.

The Turks fought iron well, and the war was also very good. Under the sniper attack of the coalition forces, the Shule tribe collapsed and returned with a big defeat.

After the battle, Tumen relied on his battle achievements to ask for affection from the lord of the creepy country.

The First Soldier Khan was a national idol of the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the old man of the two emperors, and the absolute big man. Hearing that the slave wanted to marry his daughter, he was very angry and sent someone to the door to scold Tumen.

Roughly meaning: "Everyone has their own historical positioning, hit your iron well, don't think about JB all day." Do you look at your own name and act like a serious person? Also Tumen, if it weren't for Lao Tzu's good cultivation, really TM would like to spit on your face."

The scolding is very cheerful, and the consequences are very serious.

Tumen was ashamed and angry: born involuntarily, life can be chosen. Cao Xueqin and Nian Qianyao are both slaves, people can go to the peak of life, why can't I? You are more corrupt than the Qing government! Lao Tzu is gone!

Then the emissaries of the head soldier Khan were killed, and the creep was no longer given iron, the contract was annulled, and the two sides broke off diplomatic relations.

Instead of proposing to Western Wei, Yuwen Tai just needed allies to suppress the creep, so he happily married Princess Changle to Tumen (princess of Wei Changle' wife).

With the help of Western Wei, the Turks developed rapidly, and after six years of Taoguang cultivation, they finally launched a general attack on the fortunes of the country.

In this battle, the creep was defeated, and the first soldier Khan committed suicide. His son An Luochen defected to Northern Qi, and the remaining remnants were split into two parts, east and west.

Gao Yang heard that his cousin's soldiers had committed suicide, so he personally led a large army to attack the Turks, and the two sides fought a vicious battle in Shuozhou, the specific battle history books do not describe, it is said that the Turks surrendered, and every year after that, they paid tribute to Northern Qi (the Turks please surrender, Xu Zhi returned. Since the contribution is successive).

After defeating the Turks, Gao Yang set his sights on the Khitan (the tribe that qiao gang was the leader of). In the name of inspection, he followed the ancient road of the great god Cao Cao on his expedition to Wuheng and traveled thousands of miles to conquer the Khitans.

The cold wind is like a knife, using the earth as a cutting board and treating sentient beings as fish and meat.

Thousands of miles of snow will be used as an oven to dissolve all things into silver.

The snow is coming, the wind is undecided, a group of horses come from the south, and the hooves of the horses that rise up crush the wind and snow on the ground, but they cannot break the loneliness between heaven and earth.

It was the cold winter of October (in the north), but Gao Yang was bare-chested, his head was scattered (Qi Lord's hair was full of flesh), he ate some jerky when he was hungry, drank some water when he was thirsty (only eating meat and drinking water), and marched day and night.

He was a pioneer, and the morale of the soldiers was naturally high (strong).

When they suddenly appeared like flying immortals outside the sky, the Khitans were all confused, rushed to battle, beaten to the ground, collapsed into an army, and 100,000 people were captured.

The remnants managed to break out of the encirclement and were once again abused by Gao Yang's men. From then on, the Khitan Yuan qi was seriously injured, and it was not until about the first thousand years AD that it was brilliant again (subsequently, the great hero Qiao Feng appeared on the scene).

When The Master returned to the Dynasty, he deliberately followed the footsteps of Cao Dashen, came to Jieshi Mountain (today Changli, Hebei), and recited the famous passage of the ages that must be memorized in the nine years of compulsory education: "East of Jieshi, to view the sea..."

Let's talk about it here, Cao Dashen was 53 years old when he was on an expedition to Liaodong, and Gao Yang was only 24 years old at this time.

In terms of age, it is entirely possible for Gao Yang to create a legend that is more brilliant than Cao Dashen. If Cao Dashen is still there, I think he may also say: "When you give birth to a child, you should be like Gao Zi Jin (Gao Yang Zi Jin)"

By the way, Gao Yang also built the Great Wall of more than three thousand miles, and he was working hard to move towards the Emperor of the Ages.

Yuwen Tai of Western Wei heard that Gao Huan had died of illness, changed the dynasty, and set up a young emperor, who wanted to take advantage of the fire and robbery, and Gao Yang immediately led his troops to meet the battle.

Yuwen Tai looked at it from a distance, Gao Yang's army was neatly lined up, and the battle flag was hunting. I couldn't help but sigh: Gao Huan was not dead, so The class master returned to the dynasty.

Then, throughout his life, he never attacked Northern Qi again. He also formulated a strict family rule and national policy for his descendants: every winter, let the small soldiers cut the ice of the Yellow River to prevent northern Qi from attacking (the Zhou people were often afraid of qi soldiers crossing the west, and every winter month, they guarded the ice of the river).

Foreign enemies did not dare to harass, and with the help of Yang Yan, the internal affairs were also very good, creating a short period of peace and prosperity, where the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and there was peace inside and outside.

From the plot point of view, it is a perfect inspirational story of di si counterattack, but later it was too fierce, and it was against an HWE (Nanjing dialect: blister).

In this regard, the later Sui Dynasty Emperor Yang Guang was very similar to him.

When Yang Guanggang took the throne, he also exerted great efforts to govern, and there was a sign of an emperor throughout the ages.

After three failed expeditions to Goguryeo (GOU LI), he suddenly found that instead of being bullish, he was actually very stupid, suddenly had no direction in life, became absurd, and had a very obvious watershed.

Gao Yang is also! Let's talk later.

We went to Austria before, and then crisscrossed the north and south dynasties, and delayed for too long, this article simply talked about the fact that he called the emperor six years later. Rest assured, all hit the mosaic.

After the watershed, Gao Yang's behavior became very strange.

Drink a lot of alcohol every day, often take off your clothes and go on a rampage, no matter the cold winter and heat, say go away (hot summer, mid-winter cold, or mid-day violence, go to the clothes gallop), while walking and singing: "Go, go, go, go, go

Then he likes to be naked, painted with powder, and his cape is ostentatious (or exposed, painted with fu powder).

The common people looked at the comments: "The emperor is wearing the new model of Paris Fashion Week, right?" Great."

"Yeah, yeah, look at this style, this fabric, it's so fairy"

Only one child shouted, "The emperor is not dressed, bare and slippery."

But Gao Yang did not think so: "I am what I am, a different fireworks"

In addition to wandering on the street, Gao Yang also went to the minister's house every day to visit the door, see the beautiful, no matter what identity, press down.

Frightened that the minister's family did not dare to marry a beautiful wife or concubine, there were beautiful ones who were also sent to the palace; and then a notice was posted on the door of the house: "There are evil dogs inside, please do not enter."

It wasn't enough to go to the minister's house, he didn't even spare his own relatives.

The wife of Wang Yuan'ang of Le'an was his eldest sister-in-law, and after he was fortunate several times, he felt great and wanted to marry home (Emperor Shu Xingzhi, who wanted to accept Zhaoyi), but he was hindered by the face of Lian Yi and was inconvenient to move.

One day Takasumi thought of a brilliant idea, so he called Yuan'aang to the palace, asked him to lie on the ground to play a Japanese ninja, and then pretended not to see Yuan'ang, blindly shooting more than a hundred arrows.

Poor Yuan Ang was shot like a hedgehog and shed more than a hundred pounds of blood to death (should be fatter).

(Summoning Ang Lingfu, shooting more than a hundred times with a sound, the blood clotted and fell to a stone, and even died)

At Yuan Ang's memorial service, Gao Yang wept bitterly, and while crying, he raped his eldest sister-in-law again on the spot (The Later Emperor wept from himself and forced his wife to support him at the funeral).

Once, when he played with a mallet, he stabbed Du Du Wei Zi Yao to death at once; then he sawed off Du Du Mu Song alive in the main hall; And Dasi Nong Mu Zi Rong was stabbed to death by him with a wooden stick in the anus.

Another time when I went out to play, I suddenly shouted out the governor Han Wei from the crowd, and did not say anything about the crime, directly said to my subordinates: "Take a knife to cut him, see how your knife skill is", I don't know if the knife skill is good or not, people are really hacked to death.

Such things are full of things, and the evil deeds are really difficult to read (we will list a separate article later).

In the interlude, after Gao Yang became emperor, he ordered the formulation of the Qi Law (for the sake of differentiation, known in history as the Northern Qi Law), which had a great influence on later generations. The ten evils in the idiom "Ten Evils Are Unforgivable" originate from the Ten Grave Sins in the Northern Qi Law.

If we look at it according to the provisions of the law, these ten felonies are basically committed except for collaborating with the enemy and rebelling.

Without talking about this, let's go through the time and space machine to see him when he was a child.

Gao Yang was not very good-looking at birth: the skin is very dark, the wide cheeks are pointed to the chin, there is fish scale disease, the heels of the feet (black, large cheeks are matched, the scales are heavy ankles), and the last point is more troublesome, because it is not easy to buy shoes.

Then he didn't talk much, he looked stupid, he often had a snot all over his face, and his mother was a little disgusted with him. But his older brother, Setsuko Takasumi, has always suspected that his brother is pretending to be crazy and stupid, for probably the following reasons:

First, the famous xiangshi said that Gao Yang was very good. The ancients believed in this very much, and the words spoken by the famous xiangshi were certified by authoritative institutions.

Second, Gao Yang often does things that others can't think of. Once, in order to test the ability of several children, his father Gao Huan let his men tie a lot of knots in the hemp rope and let him untie it.

The children picked up the rope and looked at it, the knots were one after the other, intertwined with each other, and couldn't help but complain: "Where is the knot, is it the Internet?" ”

Just when everyone was still struggling to untie the rope, Gao Yang took a knife and cut the rope into several pieces, muttering: If it is chaotic, it will be cut (the chaotic one must be chopped).

Gao Huan was amazed, this is the origin of the quick knife to cut the mess.

Another time, in order to test the on-the-spot reaction of his sons, Gao Huan asked the fierce general Peng Le to pretend to be an enemy to attack several children, and the other children were frightened and pale, and their whole bodies trembled. Only Gao Yang was not afraid and wanted to confront Peng Le.

Peng Le laughed, took off his armor, and said it was a joke; the other children were relieved and ready to forget it. Only Gao Yang did not spare, and must seize Peng Le and give it to Gao Huan to decide (Le is free of affection, and he is still captured and sacrificed).

Three: Gao Yang and his father Gao Huan can see visions that others can't see, such as dragons or something. These are all good omens that only those who have Hong Fu can see.

Fourth, the most important thing is that the head of the family, the ultimate boss Gao Huan, has a high opinion of Gao Yang (only Gao Zuzhi is different, called Xue Juyue: this child is too conscious).

Gao Huan is a deeply humble Han Chinese, and the Xianbei people have a tradition of brotherhood and brotherhood. Therefore, Gao Cheng was very jealous of Gao Yang (the emperor guessed that the second eldest was suspicious), and could not figure out whether his younger brother was really stupid or pretending to be stupid. If you're acting stupid, that's a big problem.

Therefore, Gao Cheng used different ways to stimulate Gao Yang on different occasions, hoping that he would be angry with the crown and reveal the true face of Lushan. If he's pretending to be stupid, then let's make him really stupid.

For example, Gao Cheng often said in public: such a sloppy thing can also get rich, and the photo book is better than burning. (Sejong sneers, cloud: this person is also rich, and the reason for the law can be understood)

However, Gao Yang has always shown respect for his brother and behaved in a low-key manner (while Emperor Shan is obscure, does not speak, is self-deprecating, and obedient), and no matter how much Gao Cheng humiliates him in public, he does not respond.

Then Gao Yang prepared gadgets for his daughter-in-law, and Gao Cheng would often grab them (from this point of view, Gao Huan's family affairs should be taken care of by Gao Cheng and belong to deliberate cultivation).

Sometimes his daughter-in-law was not happy, and Gao Yang also advised her: These small things are not limited edition two pot heads, and the brother needs to let him take them (this thing should be asked, brother, he Rong is stingy).

Especially after Gao Cheng grew up, Gao Huan instructed him to carry out an anti-corruption campaign in order to give him a liwei (his son was immersed in the long distance, and it was advisable for the public to avoid it).

Many of the powerful in this campaign were punished, including his brother-in-law Wei Jing and Sima Ziru, who had saved his life, and the two were almost killed in prison.

From then on, the entire imperial court knew that Gao Cheng was the Lord of the Fewer Gangs (Hundred Officers Bearing the Wind, Not To Be Afraid).

Since everyone knows that Gao Cheng is jealous of Gao Yang, of course, not many people dare to be close to Gao Yang, and it often happens that some people bully Gao Yang in order to please Gao Cheng.

His younger brother Gao Jun, the King of Yong'an, often made fun of Gao Yang in public and reprimanded his subordinates for not wiping Gao Yang's nose.

At that time, Gao Yang did not dare to speak at home, for fear of being listened to and reported to his brother. Once, when he was sleeping, his wife Li Zu'e found a red light (Xiangrui) in the bedroom, and Gao Yang was so frightened that he slept in the back room with his wife from then on, and did not let the servants come forward to serve.

After countless tests, Gao Yang still looked stupid. Gao Cheng was very depressed, so he called a meeting of his subordinates: "You said to him, what things are not tolerated by men, take out a little fierce, I have to try him out."

"Pray to the great king, the revenge of killing his father is not shared by heaven, shall we kill his father?"

"You TM brain shell into the water, I and he are brothers, you let me kill his father, I have to ask my father to agree or disagree." Rip the calves, is there anything else? ”

"And the hate for wife-snatching"

"Oh, this is not good, according to the rules of the road, the adulterous brother and wife have to chop one hand and one foot."

"Great King, when your mother was pregnant with you, she dreamed of a broken dragon that you forgot (pregnant Wenxiang dreamed of a broken dragon)?" What are you afraid of? ”

"That too, act now!"

But we have to say that this matter is a lone testimony, which was told when Gao Yang raped his sister-in-law Yuan Zhonghua after he was crazy (i.e., my brother once raped my wife, and I must report it now. it may be an excuse, not entirely credible.

After the matter passed, Gao Yang still did not react. Gao Cheng was completely dumbfounded.

So I called my confidant Cui Xian (XIAN) and said, "Is my brother really stupid or fake stupid?" ”

Cui Xian patted his chest: "It's really stupid, I've never seen such a stupid one." Once, I hit him on the back with a handboard, and he was not only not angry, but also exchanged his rhinoceros handboard for my bamboo handboard, how could a normal person do this? ”

Gao Cheng was completely relieved, and Gao Yang was able to survive.

In general, this is probably the case: from the servants in the house to the ministers outside are all high-level people, and the slightest carelessness will lead to the disaster of killing.

So that after Gao Yang ascended the throne, there were no close ministers, not even the busy person Cui Jishu was not very familiar, of course, cui Jishu became very familiar with him later, because he often let Cui Jishu and Liu Taozhi go shopping behind his back (more Liu Taozhi and Cui Jishu were negative).

And his parents put the focus on cultivating their eldest son Gao Cheng, did not give him enough care (he was inferior, his mother also said something that damaged his self-esteem), it should be said that his childhood was very miserable.

Therefore, after his regime was consolidated and his achievements were established, especially after the watershed, he took drugs, drank alcohol, and killed his family and ministers indiscriminately. Perhaps because of his scarred childhood, he was left with too many painful memories.

This brother treats others as unworthy, but only he has great respect for his wife Li Zu'e (only hou is honored), and Gao Yang has been particularly kind to her in his life.

Here we take Li Zu'e: good moral character, very beautiful (Rong De is very beautiful).

In the Qing Dynasty, Ehu Yishi had a higher evaluation of her: Li Zu'e was brilliant and beautiful, and listed her as one of the five beauties in Chinese history (Xi Shi, Wang Zhaojun, Zhang Yan, Li Zu'e, zhang Baozhu).

Let's imagine this scene now: a di si who even has no life to protect, one day married Bai Fumei, who has a very good moral character and is better for him, and the two small mouths are dependent on each other, di si wants to be nice to his wife, and make some gadgets to send her often robbed by her brother.

And his bold and affectionate brother is very likely to have occupied or flirted with his wife (Empress Li Semei, every pre-banquet, her appearance is far more than empress Jingde, Wen Xiangmi is uneven + Gao Yang: My brother once raped my wife).

What can Di Si do? It seems that nothing can be done except sadness (sitting in the closed cabinet, although to his wife, he can not say anything).

But he did! Did one of the funniest things within his ability or cognition: bare-chested, barefoot learning to jump from the rabbit.

His wife watched him jump and sing: "The little rabbit is obedient, open the door, don't open it, don't open it, don't come back" And thought he was crazy, asked him what to do?

Gao Yang blushed with shame: "Perform for you, make you happy (for Er man play)"

There is also a sentence later in the history books, saying that he may be exercising for the sake of exercising (this cover is practiced and refuses to say anything), which I do not think so.

Here's a solemn apology to everyone! Although I talk nonsense and run trains with my mouth full, I feel that I still have great respect for historical facts in terms of skeleton. However, this article is an exception and is very misleading!

When I was in school, I read for the first time that he was dancing for his wife naked, and I was very sad.

After so many years, I still can't forget: "I want to give you the whole world, but unfortunately I can't do anything, and I have made you suffer a lot of grievances." 」 The most romantic thing I can think of is to dance you naked and laugh at you with an antics."

Therefore, I hope in my heart that Gao Yang's final madness and absurdity are caused by taking the wrong medicine or other accidents. I feel that if he can live a little longer and healthily, this pair of small two people who have gone through countless hardships should be bitter and happy.

However, in the relevant historical materials, there is no record of Gao Yang taking medicine! It's just that his symptoms were similar to the reaction after the popular Hi medicine, Wushishan, so I went around in a big circle and dug a pit to bring everyone into the ditch.

Apologies again!!!

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