
The first half of the life of the Ming Emperor, the second half of the life of the tyrant: Northern Qi Wenxuan Emperor Gao Yang

author:say history

Turning over Chinese history, there are about three highly praised officials and gao Yang, and Gao Yang is undoubtedly one of them.

The second generation of officials who have won high praise from their opponents, the first rank is naturally Sun Quan. Cao Cao can be called a hero of the first life, and Cao Cao's comment to Sun Quan is: "When you have a son, you should be like Sun Zhongmou."

[Note]: Quan Xing five or six miles, back to the preaching. Gong saw that the boats and ships were cleaned up and the army was rectified, and he sighed: 'Give birth to a son like Sun Zhongmou!' If Liu Jingsheng son, guinea pig ears! ’ ”

The reason why I put "having children as sun Zhongmou" in the first place is because I don't know the Chinese of this comment, I am afraid that I can really be called blind in history.

The second generation of officials who received high praise from their opponents was about Li Cunxun in second place.

In the final stage, Zhu Wen once beat Li Keyong to the limit; but after Li Keyong's death, Zhu Wen faced Li Cunxun and gave the comment: "When a son is born, he should be like Li Yazi."

[Note]: Emperor Wen did not keep the village, was shocked, and sighed: "When a son is born, it should be like Li Yazi, and it should be used for immortality!" To my son, guinea pig ears! ”

The second generation of officials who received the evaluation of the opponent degree, the third rank is about Gao Yang.

I think that in that year, Gao Huan and Yuwen Tai were both famous in the world; after Gao Huan's death, Yu Wentai faced Gao Yang and gave a comment that "Gao Huan is not dead".

[Note 1] Wei Cheng Xiang Qin from Hongnong as a bridge, Jihe, to Jianzhou. Bing Yin, Lord Qi will go out of The East City. Tai Wen's military appearance was solemn, and he sighed: "Gao Huan is not dead!" ”

The first half of the life of the Ming Emperor, the second half of the life of the tyrant: Northern Qi Wenxuan Emperor Gao Yang

Looking at this fact alone, I believe that no one can admit that Gao Yang is one of the best emperors in history.

I rank "Gao Huan immortal" after "having children like Li Yazi" because in Li Cunxun's last years, although he lost his country because of absurdity, in general, in people's eyes, Li Cunxun is still a normal person; although Gao Yang is definitely an invincible image of a hero from a positive point of view, in the minds of ordinary people, Gao Yang's absurdity and madness are no longer like normal people.

Turning to the history books, if we only look at Gao Yang's positive description, no one can admit that Gao Yang is a heroic image of a wise god and a hero who is invincible.

Let's look at the positive description of Gao Yang in the history books:

When Gao Yang was young, he had a magnanimous mind, was intelligent and intelligent without revealing it, was gentle on the outside and strong on the inside, and had the courage to make decisions. Ping Su likes to deal with political affairs, observes and begins to deduce the ending, deals with complex and complicated affairs, and does not feel tired all day.

Begin to ascend to the throne of God, pay attention to the method of governing, use the method of controlling subordinates, and put justice first. Some people violate the law, even if they are close relatives and people who have made meritorious achievements in the past, they must not tolerate and let go, and there is peace and quiet inside and outside the imperial court, and there is no disrespect and seriousness. As for the secret strategy of the army and the state, it is decided alone in the heart, and it is magnificent and ambitious, and has the far-reaching strategy of the emperor.

And because the three parties stood together, the remote tribes did not belong, repaired mirror armor weapons, selected and trained soldiers, and set up hundred guards on duty around them. Whenever he personally commanded the deployment, he personally faced the arrows and stones, and the swords fought each other, and he was worried that there were not many enemies in front of him, and repeatedly risked hardships and dangers, often leading to victory. ........。

[Note]: The emperor is rarely generous, has a deep and sensitive mind, is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, and can be decisive. Ya is a good official, measuring the beginning and knowing the end, rationalizing the drama, and being tireless all the time. At the beginning of practicing the great position, pay attention to political skills, take the law to control, and justice first. Or if they violate the Charter, although they are secretly related to the old order, they will have no room for shelter, and they will be quiet inside and outside, and they will not be purged. As for the several policies of the military and the state, they are determined to embrace, the scale is grand, and some people are ambitious. He also used the three sides to repair the armored soldiers, the concise soldiers, and the left and right guards to place hundreds of guards. Every time they are on the verge of marching, they are personally struck by arrows and blades, lest there be few enemies in front of them, and they will repeatedly commit hardships and dangers, and often lead to Kejie.

Looking at this kind of content alone, I believe that no one can admit that Gao Yang is one of the best emperors in history; because it is difficult to open the history books and find an emperor with a better image than Gao Yang.

Even looking at Gao Yang's performance before his official debut, no one has to admit that he is an absolutely excellent second generation official.

Gao Huan has tested the ability of several sons, and Gao Yang always uses his outstanding performance to make Gao Huan's eyes shine. Gao Huan's evaluation of Gao Yang was: This son is smarter than me.

[Note]: If the yang is clear and determined, but the outside is not wise, the brothers and everyone despises it; the one who is happy and different is called the long Shi Xue Yue: "This child has worried about me." ”

There is a famous idiom called "quick knife to cut the mess", which means that when Gao Yang was young, Gao Huan asked gao Yang brothers to sort out the mess to see who sorted out the mess quickly. Gao Yang took the knife and divided the hemp by two in three strokes. Gao Yang said, "The chaos will behead them!" ”

[Note]: Gao Zu tried to look at the consciousness of the sons, each of them to cure the chaos, and the emperor drew his sword and cut it, saying: "The chaos must be cut." Gao Zu is.

When Gao Yang was twelve, Gao Huan wanted to test the resilience of his sons, so he let a group of soldiers and horses suddenly attack his sons. Several other brothers (including Gao Cheng) were terrified and panicked in the face of this sudden change. However, Gao Yang led his men to rush over to fight the "enemy".

[Note 5]: Each of them sent out four troops, and the armored horse attacked it falsely. Sejong and others were terrified, and The emperors and Peng Le were enemies, and they were happy to spare their words and sacrifice them.

After the assassination of Gao Cheng (Gao Yang's eldest brother), the entire Eastern Wei Empire was in a panic, and the 21-year-old Gao Yang suddenly stood up to preside over the overall situation, calmly and calmly, handled it properly, and quickly stabilized the overall situation and became a new generation of consuls of Eastern Wei.

[Note]: The time change starts suddenly, and the inside and outside are shocking. Taiyuan Gongyang in the east of the city shuangtang, smell, the color does not change, the command part, into the group of thieves, beheaded and humiliated, Xu out, said: "Slave rebellion, the great general was injured, there is no great suffering." "Inside and out, I was amazed.

More importantly, after Gao Yang became the new consul of Eastern Wei, Yuwen Tai, who was equally dominant with Gao Huan, said that Gao Huan would not die. Moreover, Gao Yang is definitely worthy of Yuwen Tai's comment, because in the Gao Yang era, Eastern Wei (Northern Qi) entered its heyday; and after Gao Yang's death, Northern Qi began to decline from prosperity.

When Gao Yang was alive, every winter, Yuwen Tai sent people to constantly cut the ice of the Yellow River, afraid that Gao Yang would suddenly lead his army across the Yellow River. After Gao Yang's death, every winter, Northern Qi sent people to constantly cut the ice of the Yellow River, fearing that the Western Wei army would suddenly cross the Yellow River.

[Note]: In the early days, in the life of Qi Xianzu, the Zhou people were often afraid of Qi soldiers crossing the west, and every winter month, they guarded the river ice. And the ancestors of the world took the throne, and the government was gradually disordered, and the Qi people were bingbing to prepare for the persecution of the Zhou soldiers.

Once, Gao Yang was so happy that he announced that in a few days he would make a major conquest of Western Wei. Because Yuwen Tai had just died at that time, he frightened Western Wei with the intention of moving the capital to avoid.

[Note]: Taste the feast of the Eastern Mountains, take Guan Long Weiping, throw a cup of anger, summon Wei to the front of the palace, set up an edict, declare the distance and proximity, and cut things to the west. It was the age of the Zhou Wen Emperor, and the Westerners were terrified, often for the sake of Dulong.

In the face of the Rouran, Turkic, and Khitan in the north, Gao Yang has always chased after the poor and fought fiercely, and will never give up until they are subdued.

[Note]: Qi Hai, the lord of Qi attacked the Turks from Jinyang to the north, welcomed Na Ruoran, deposed his khan Kuti, established Anazi Anluochen as a khan, placed Ita Yichuan, and gave him a feast; personally pursued the Turks in Shuozhou, the Turks asked to surrender, and Xu Zhi returned. Self-contributions follow in succession.

[Note]: Khitan Koqibian. At noon, Qi Lord toured the north to Ji, Ding, You, and An, and then cut down the Khitans. ...... Lord Qi, who is full of flesh and flesh, travels more than a thousand miles day and night, overstees mountains, is the first for soldiers, eats only meat and drinks water, and is full of strength. Jiachen, encountering the Khitans, fought hard, broke it, captured more than 100,000 mouths, and millions of miscellaneous animals. Pan Xiangle broke the Khitan branch in Qingshan. Ding Wei and Qi Lord also went to Yingzhou.

If the history books' accounts and evaluations of Gao Yang only have these contents, then Gao Yang can definitely be compared with any excellent emperor. Because the history books pile almost all the praise on his head.

The problem is that there is another side to Gao Yang in history, and when people talk about Gao Yang, they often only talk about this side. More importantly, if we only look at this side, no one can admit that Gao Yang is the most famous tyrant in history, and the absurd and crazy is no longer a normal person.

Gao Yang once asked the crown prince Gao Yin to personally kill a death row prisoner. But Prince Gao Yin just didn't dare to kill. Finally, under the persecution of Gao Yang, the prince finally went to kill the death row prisoner, but because of fear, he took the knife and cut it two or three times in a row, that is, he could not kill the prisoner, and Gao Yang was very angry about it, so he took the whip and smoked the prince. The prince was even more frightened and frightened by this, so he was sick for a long time.

[Note]: Emperor Dengjin Fengtai summoned the prince, made the hand blade prisoner, the prince was embarrassed, repeatedly, and constantly his head. The emperor was furious and bumped into him with a horse whip, and the prince was eaten by the breath throbbing, and his spirit was disturbed.

When traditional history books talk about this history, they always think that Gao Yang is too advocating blood and violence. The problem is, we have to know the historical context in which this happened.

Before Gao Yang died, he said to his brother, if you want to be an emperor, you can be an emperor, but please don't kill my son.

[Note]: Qi Xianzu became ill with alcoholism, could no longer eat, and knew that he could not ,..... It is also said that the King of Changshan yan said: "Take it from Ren Ru, be careful not to kill it!" ”

But the result? Gao Yang's younger brother not only seized the throne, but also killed Gao Yang's son.

[Note]: Qi Suzong was out of bed, there were rabbits that frightened horses, and fell to the ground. Empress Lou looked at the disease and asked jinan where the third person was, lord Qi was wrong. The empress dowager was furious: "The evil of killing? Needless to say, it is better to die! "Go away, disregard."

As long as we know this historical background, we will probably know what kind of mood Gao Yang had when he whipped his son at that time. Because in the crisis servo environment, his son did not even dare to kill a person, if he lost his protection, could he survive?

In fact, after Gao Yang's death, Gao Yang's mother (Empress Lou) and two younger brothers (Gao Yan and Gao Zhan) dared to openly launch a coup d'état because Gao Yang's son was too weak. If Gao Yang's sons were also as fierce as Gao Yang's, would they really dare to launch a coup d'état at will?

At the last moment, Gao Yang's concubine generals and guards still hoped that Gao Yang's son could give an order and make a final bo, but Gao Yang's son finally did not dare to give the order. In this context, Gao Yang's concubine generals, although they were eager to move, could only retreat in tears in the face of the empress dowager's reprimand.

Later, Gao Yang became crazy probably because gao Yang's cleverness had already clearly foreseen this ending, and playing cards according to the card theory could not change this fact, so he could only make evil moves.

In the later period, Gao Yang, like the top master in martial arts novels, fused the two schools of kung fu of good and evil, and fused the two schools of kung fu of zhigang and zhi rou together. In a sense, Gao Yang has become the most terrible master, but Gao Yang finally can't break out of the predicament.

Gao Yang's later behavior was crazy and unreasonable on the surface, but in fact, all of his actions were rational and contained deep meaning.

In fact, as long as we know one of the most basic historical facts, we will know that Gao Yang in the later period is also very rational. In the later period, although Gao Yang was very crazy on the outside, the politics of Northern Qi had always been very clear. The history books comment on northern Qi at that time were: the monarch above was faint, but the politics below was clear.

[Note]: It may be cut or pardoned, and it cannot be measured. Inside and outside, each with a grudge. And Su Neng silently remembered, severely judged, and trembled in the crowd, not daring to do anything wrong. He was also able to entrust Yang Yan to the government, the chief camera of The Inspector General, and the Baidu Revision, so everyone said that the Lord was faint on the top and the government was clean at the bottom.

In this sense, Gao Yang's madness is only to put himself in a more advantageous position in the political struggle, and it is definitely not that he is really crazy. Because a crazy and powerful monarch cannot make the imperial politics clear.

Empress Lou (Gao Yang's mother) saw that Gao Yang was drunk and mad, so she raised a crutches and beat him. He said, A heroic father like you gave birth to such an son! Gao Yang said, "It seems that this old mother should be married to a Hu person." ”

The first half of the life of the Ming Emperor, the second half of the life of the tyrant: Northern Qi Wenxuan Emperor Gao Yang

Empress Lou was very angry about this, and in order to make Empress Lou happy, Gao Yang crouched on the ground and used his body to support Empress Lou's bed, which resulted in Empress Lou falling to the ground and injuring her.

Gao Yang saw that he had hurt Empress Lou, so he shouted that he wanted to commit suicide to atone for his sins, and Empress Lou was shocked and afraid, and stopped him from committing suicide, so Gao Yang let Gao Guiyan beat himself with fifty rods, and then he looked like he had changed his former wrongs, but later he still did so.

[Note]: Empress Lou was mad with imperial wine, and raised her staff to strike: "Such a father was born such a child!" The emperor said: "That is, to marry this old mother and Hu." The empress dowager was furious and did not laugh. The emperor wanted the empress dowager to laugh, and he crawled to lift the bed and fell to the ground, quite hurt. Awakened, greatly ashamed, so that the wood is blazing, and wants to enter it. The empress dowager was frightened, and personally held the bracelet, forcing her to laugh, saying: "Ru drunken ear! The emperor set up a mat on the ground, and ordered Guiyan, the king of Pingqin, to hold the staff, to blame himself for counting, and to punish him if he took off his back, saying: "The staff does not bleed, but should be cut off." "Before the empress dowager embraced herself, the emperor wept bitterly, but flogged his feet fifty, and then dressed in a crown and thanked him, and he was overwhelmed with sorrow. For it is abstinence from alcohol, and it is the same as before.

When traditional history talks about this history, it always seems that there is something wrong with Gao Yang's spirit.

But when analyzing this matter, we must know the status of Empress Lou in the Northern Qi Empire; Empress Lou has always appeared as the number two person in the history of Northern Qi.

In fact, Gao Huan started with lou.

[Note]: Mi Sun Huan, Shen Shen has great ambitions, the family is poor, serving in Pingcheng, the rich Lou's daughter saw it and was surprised, so she married Yan. Horses from the beginning, must be given to the town as messengers....

[Note]: Empress Dowager Lou of the Shenwu Ming Dynasty, Zhaojun Zhaojun, daughter of Situ Neigan. Less enlightened, strong clans hire more, and will not do it. Seeing Shen Wu in service in the city, he was shocked: "This Zhen Wu Fu also." "But to make the maid understand his will, and to count his own wealth, so that he may employ himself, and his parents will not be able to do so." Shen Wu has the ambition to clarify, pours out his production to marry heroes, conspires for secret strategies, and then constantly participates in the pre-approval.

Later, Gao Huan had a conflict with Lou Shi, and Sima Ziru persuaded Gao Huan in this way. "Concubine Lou is the wife of the Great King, and has long used her parents' money to support you", "Moreover, Princess Lou's younger brother Lou has made great achievements in leading the army and controls the forbidden army, how can he easily turn his face?" ”

Sima Ziru's words obviously meant that from the point of view of friendship, Gao Huan should not attack Lou. In terms of stakes, Gao Huan should not attack Lou, because the power that Lou has must not be underestimated.

[Note]: Zi Ru Yue: "..... The concubine was a married woman of the king, who often served the king with the wealth of her parents' family; the king was staffed in Huaishuo, and the back was unfinished, and the concubines served day and night; after avoiding the thieves, they walked together and joined the state, and the poor concubines made their own boots; and the grace and righteousness could not be killed! ..... And Lou leading the army, how to shake! ....."Rejoice in the making of the Son as more as infestation.

More importantly, after Gao Yang's death, Gao Yang's younger brother Gao Yan was able to usurp imperial power because of the support of Empress Lou.

[Note]: The Emperor said, "If such a rebellious person wants to kill my second son, and the second general and me, what is the indulgence?" "Di Yu can't speak. The empress dowager was angry and sad, and said, "How can I make my mother and son be considered by the old concubine of Han!" "The Empress dowager thanks." The empress dowager also vowed for the empress: "Acting is no different, but it is only to force it." "The acting kowtows. The empress dowager said to the emperor: "Why not comfort Uncle Er!" Emperor Naiyue: "The Son of Heaven does not dare to pity his uncle, but this Han dynasty!" But the son was ordered to go from the lower temple, which belonged to the punishment of the uncle. "So they all cut it off."

As long as we know this background, we will naturally know that the relationship between Gao Yang and Empress Lou is a mother and son on the one hand, and a political enemy on the other hand.

Gao Yang's rudeness to Empress Lou and filial piety to Empress Lou. On the one hand, he wanted to make his mother submit to him, but on the other hand, he was afraid to push his mother into a hurry. Driven by this ambivalent psychology, Gao Yang sometimes showed extreme rudeness to Empress Lou, and sometimes showed extreme filial piety.

On the whole, Gao Yang was rational from beginning to end. On this point, we only need to look at the Northern Qi in the Gaoyang era to know.

Although Gao Yang was crazy, the politics of Northern Qi had always been very clear.

Because Gao Yang has always entrusted political affairs to Yang Yan, the key is that under Yang Yan's governance, people say that during Gao Yang's reign, it was the emperor who was above, but the politics below was very clear.

Most rulers in history will find some high-sounding reasons for their unreasonable behavior. But Gao Yang likes to make his own reasonable things unreasonable. Because Gao Yang just hopes that everyone believes that he can do strange things in many times.

Many times, one pretends to be crazy, just to protect oneself, or for the benefit of expansion.

In real life, some people go crazy with alcohol, which is a similar way of playing.

On the one hand, borrowing wine to spread madness is because wine is strong and courageous, and on the other hand, borrowing to spread madness can give yourself room for maneuver when doing things. Everything is obvious, if he is mad with wine and has achieved his goal, naturally there is no need to say anything; if it is self-defeating, he can also explain afterwards that he drank too much.

In this sense, Gao Yang made all kinds of stupid, crazy, and incomprehensible performances, just to stop his mother and brother from threatening him. In the face of someone like Gao Yang, no one dared to confront him head-on. Because this kind of crazy person, who knows what he will do if he is in a hurry?

There are many crazy things about Gao Yang, and here we are just analyzing one thing that is more classic.

Gao Yang liked Xue Shi. Once, when Gao Yang went to Xue's house to play, Xue's sister said to Gao Yang, "Let my father be a Situ!" When Gao Yang heard her say this, he was very angry, so he had people hang her up and saw her alive on the spot.

[Note]: Emperor Na advocated the wife Xue Shi in the harem, and Yue Xian tasted it because his sister welcomed her to the first. The emperor traveled to the Xue family at night, and his sister was his father, Beg Situ. The emperor was furious, hanged his sister, and sawed her.

Gao Yang's behavior is very cruel and crazy, but from the rational side, a woman who wants to interfere in the appointment of senior state personnel in this way is herself unjustly killed.

If Gao Yang killed Xue's sister, he would not be sawn alive on the spot, but would let people pull them out and kill them. Then he told the imperial literati that the woman's casual intervention in the affairs of the military state was a symbol of the subjugation of the country, and in order to warn future generations, I killed Xue Shi. And the imperial literati followed this line of thought, and then beautified Gao Yang, believing that this matter was not only not evidence of Gao Yang's madness, but also evidence of Gao Yang's rationality.

The problem is that Gao Yang wants to show his madness, so he will never play his cards on the right path.

Xue's sister was the woman of Gao Yue, the King of Qinghe, and after Gao Yang killed Xue's sister, he suddenly suspected that the relationship between Gao Yue, the King of Qinghe, and Xue was not innocent, so he forced Gao Yue, the King of Qinghe, to die.

[Note]: Let Yue be adulterous, Yue disobeyed, Emperor Yi was angry, Yi Hai, and Gui Yan Yue.

Gao Yue is Gao Yang's uncle and was one of the most important big men in Gao Huan's time. In this sense, Gao Yue was killed mainly because of his high power and threat to imperial power.

[Note]: Yue repeatedly made meritorious military achievements, had a prestige, and was sexually extravagant, good wine, starting in the south of the city, and opening the alley after listening to the incident. Gui Yan said to the emperor: "Qinghe is forbidden to the palace, and it is made into Yong Lane, but there is no ear." "The emperor is evil.

If Gao Yang killed Gao Yue for this reason, even if people thought that Gao Yang was jealous of the Elder Lord, he could not say that Gao Yang was crazy. The problem was that Gao Yang had killed Gao Yue for a very grotesque reason.

If Gao Yang killed Xue's sister and killed Gao Yue, through the appearance of madness. We can also see the rational inner. That Gao Yang killed Xue Shi, how to see, is also too crazy.

Later, Gao Yang remembered the unclear relationship between Xue Shi and Gao Yue, so he was very angry. So he killed Xue Shi and hid his head in his arms. When he went out to drink and feast, he suddenly threw Xue's head out. He also had Xue's body dismembered and held Xue's thigh bone as a lute bomb. This grotesque performance frightened everyone present.

[Note]: Concubine Xue favored the emperor, jiuzhi, the emperor thought about it and Yue Tong, beheaded for no reason, hid it in his arms, and went out to the Eastern Mountains to feast and drink. Persuasion began to coincide, suddenly protruded its head, threw it on it, dismembered its corpse, and made its hip a lute, a big surprise. The emperor collected it, and said to the stream: "It is difficult for a beautiful person to get it again!" ”

In this sense, Gao Yang has been very unsuccessful in expanding imperial power.

Northern Qi's imperial power was very fragile, and a weak figure climbed to the throne, and there was only one way to die.

It is precisely because of this background that before Gao Yang died, he said to his brother, if you want to be emperor, but please don't kill my son.

The problem was that his brother not only usurped the imperial power, but also killed Gao Yang's son.

[Note]: In September, the emperor made people deposed, and the king of Jinan did not obey, but strangled him. Emperor Xun also repented.

And it was in this context that Gao Yang's younger brother (Gao Yan) said to his brother before he died, if you want to be emperor, you should be, but don't learn from me. In other words, I usurped the imperial power and killed my brother's son; you must not kill my son again.

[Note]: It is also said in the Book of Cham: "For a hundred years without guilt, Ru can dispose of it happily, and do not imitate the predecessors." "It is a day, and it is buried in Jinyang Palace."

The problem is that when his brother came to power, he still killed his son.

[Note]: In June, Lord Qi killed King Leling for a hundred years. When the white rainbow is twice, and it is transverse but not reached, the red star is seen, and the Lord qi wants to be disgusted with it for a hundred years.

The first half of the life of the Ming Emperor, the second half of the life of the tyrant: Northern Qi Wenxuan Emperor Gao Yang

In this cruel political environment, people like Gao Yang, who want to firmly grasp the imperial power, must also sacrifice their own personality and scare their opponents from competing with him by pretending to be crazy and stupid and irrational.

When Gao Yang whipped his mother-in-law, he said, I am drunk, even my mother does not know, what are you?

In real society, a person who says such things and does such things is equivalent to saying that I am a person who is inferior to animals, and you should not provoke me or provoke me, and I can do anything. In fact, in the real world, there are many people who flaunt themselves in this way.

People usually like to beautify themselves, so in a general sense, after people do evil and irrational things, they always like to use various reasons to justify themselves. The problem is that some people like to flaunt that their animals are inferior and crazy and inhuman, and Gao Yang is probably such a person.

For a rational person, even if he shouts every day that he does things at any cost, who dares to provoke him, he can do anything, and no one may believe it.

The problem is that if a person becomes Gao Yang's kind of virtue, he will not say anything, and people will definitely feel that this kind of person does things regardless of the cost and recklessness, and if you dare to provoke him, he will certainly be able to do anything, because he is a madman.

Gao Yang's madness is not simply to prevent others from competing with him for power, but to hope to expand enough space for his son. However, Gao Yang rushed left and right, and finally he was still in despair.

Gao Yang in the later period was the most feared opponent. Because of this kind of person, looking at the head roughly is like missing a string, and looking closely, it is shrewd and unimaginable. Since this is the case, naturally no one dares to fight.

In the game of interests, encountering such opponents is the most terrifying.

A truly shrewd man, you can intimidate him. The more shrewd a person is, the more he thinks, and it is easy to think about things, so he usually does not take risks easily, and he will not play with his life.

The person who really has a head missing a string, you can count him. If a person really does things recklessly and does not ask for costs, thinking about problems will not be very thorough, and it is easy to leave too many loopholes when things happen, and it is not difficult for you to calculate him.

The problem is that if one person is the best of both worlds, it is difficult to cope. In the face of this kind of opponent, you want to calculate him, but because he is too shrewd, you don't know where to start; you want to intimidate him, but because he is so crazy, you have no idea what he will do next.

Gao Yang's later personality was constantly strengthened in this process. All in all, he was shrewd and stupid, rational and crazy. This personality is, to a large extent, a product of the game of reality. And Gao Yang, who has been in the crisis servo, is probably just using this method to solve the dilemma and protect himself with this method.

But Gao Yang, in the end, still failed, so Gao Yang said to his brother before he died, if you want to be emperor, just be it. But I hope you don't kill my son, but his son finally died

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