
Feather Knot: Free Skating Competition Before the Serious Injury Hit Closed Forever Thanks to This Ice Deck

Feather Knot: Free Skating Competition Before the Serious Injury Hit Closed Forever Thanks to This Ice Deck

At 17:30 on February 14, a personal press conference of Japanese figure skater Yu Yusei was held in the press conference hall of the main media center of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Yusuke Yusuke challenged the 4A in the free skating competition on February 10. At the press conference, Yu Sheng said: "When I was practicing 4A before the game, my ankle was very seriously injured, if I had given up in an ordinary competition, my injury was very serious, my ankle was very painful, and then I also played closed, but when I warmed up before the game, I decided that I still had to jump 4A. I also tried a lot of times in the practice room, I kept trying to achieve high quality 4A, when I jumped I was thinking, the higher I jumped, the better, I want to jump out of high quality 4A, when I was free skating I jumped the best 4A I could do, I was very happy and satisfied. ”

After the Beijing Winter Olympics, Yusheng touched the ice as he left. What was his mood at that time? "I'm not very sad, I see a lot of people applauding me and I'm very grateful to everyone. I'll always be grateful for this ice, and I thought it might be my last game on this ice, so I wanted to thank this ice seriously. Yu Sheng said.

(Beijing Daily)

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