
Glory of Kings: Sun Ce's Doomsday Mech Hits Hard, Two Forms, Legend Quality, Online This Week

Time has passed, in the blink of an eye it is almost March, I have to say that time is passing quickly, and the little friends can only sigh helplessly, time passes quickly, and the king's skin is out of a lot.

Recently, the king is going to have a new skin. That is Sun Ce's doom mech, the original official plan sun ce's doom mech and Sun Shangxiang's general green style, but because it was accidentally exposed very early, so the official has changed the tone of Sun Ce's doom mech, directly replaced by a golden style.

Glory of Kings: Sun Ce's Doomsday Mech Hits Hard, Two Forms, Legend Quality, Online This Week

Moreover, at present, the official has also officially released the promotional animation display of Sun Ce's doomsday mech, which looks simply handsome, and the official has released two publicity at once, which shows that Sun Ce's doomsday mech is a heavy attack!

Glory of Kings: Sun Ce's Doomsday Mech Hits Hard, Two Forms, Legend Quality, Online This Week

Sun Ce's doomsday mech is coming hard, and it will be two forms, from the official announcement video and the official disclosure of the news can be determined, Sun Ce's doomsday mech has two forms, that is, human form and airship form, can be directly changed into airships, that is, mecha series, after all, Lü Bu and Sun Shangxiang's doomsday mechs can be deformed.

Glory of Kings: Sun Ce's Doomsday Mech Hits Hard, Two Forms, Legend Quality, Online This Week

However, sun ce's doomsday mech two forms are different from Lü Bu and Sun Shangxiang, because it is said that Sun Ce's doomsday mech two forms not only exist in the external display, but also in the special effects in the bureau, so it is very likely that Sun Ce's doomsday mech is a legendary quality skin, the legendary level quality is undoubted, coupled with the attention of the official announcement, it can be seen that at present, Sun Ce's doomsday mecha legend quality is determined.

Glory of Kings: Sun Ce's Doomsday Mech Hits Hard, Two Forms, Legend Quality, Online This Week

Secondly, since Sun Ce's doomsday mech has officially announced the publicity animation, it is likely that it will be launched within this week! The launch time is no later than this Tuesday and the tenth. The king's official recent skin is one after another, including high quality and low quality, but Sun Ce's doomsday mecha is likely to be of double high quality. Friends stay tuned to the launch of Sun Ce's Doomsday Mech this week! For more of Glory's latest game information: Please pay attention to Rego Games: Game Ray.

Glory of Kings: Sun Ce's Doomsday Mech Hits Hard, Two Forms, Legend Quality, Online This Week

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