
Euler's version of "Paramela" is coming, sneaking back to the body of nearly 2.9 meters of wheelbase, 200,000 yuan of your coupe dream

Although it is only six or seven years away from the "first year of the new forces", the booming new energy industry has covered the A00-class mini-vehicles down to tens of thousands of yuan and the medium- and large-sized SUV markets up to the million-level; in the face of limited market purchasing power, the competitive pressure of the new energy market is not lost to the fuel market. Of course, similar products can easily make consumers entangled, and whether they can have the advantage of differentiation has become the key to their standout.

Euler's version of "Paramela" is coming, sneaking back to the body of nearly 2.9 meters of wheelbase, 200,000 yuan of your coupe dream

To this end, Euler Automobile aims at "female users", and its joyful pursuit of new things and gradually grasp the attributes of family consumption power have become a new breakthrough in the new energy era. In addition to euler black cat, white cat and good cat, the declaration information of the new model Euler lightning cat was also recently exposed, which brought more surprises.

Euler's version of "Paramela" is coming, sneaking back to the body of nearly 2.9 meters of wheelbase, 200,000 yuan of your coupe dream

In terms of appearance alone, the Euler Lightning Cat gives a "unaffordable" feel. The new car adopts a design language similar to Euler's good cat, the closed front face is matched with the family-style oval headlights, giving people an elegant and atmospheric feeling; and the tail of the new car is the best angle to appreciate the car, the sneaky body, the muscular curve, creating a sense of luxury similar to "Paramela", with a strong visual impact, and even by many netizens called "a standard with Porsche".

Euler's version of "Paramela" is coming, sneaking back to the body of nearly 2.9 meters of wheelbase, 200,000 yuan of your coupe dream

The benefits of this design are self-evident. First of all, Euler Lightning Cat can capture the favor of consumers, especially female users, with its high appearance; secondly, such a shape has a high degree of recognition, and can also create a high degree of topic, becoming an innate "net red model". Whether it is for the Euler Lightning Cat or the Euler brand, high exposure is a necessary factor for selling well.

Euler's version of "Paramela" is coming, sneaking back to the body of nearly 2.9 meters of wheelbase, 200,000 yuan of your coupe dream

As for the size, the Euler Lightning Cat has a length, width and height of 4871/1862/1500 (mm), a wheelbase of 2870mm, or will be positioned as a medium-sized sedan; and a wheelbase close to 2.9m will not only provide more sufficient passenger space, but also become the first "test" of the impact on the high-end market. In addition, the new car also offers personalized leading configurations such as panoramic canopy and electric rear wing, which can provide a more enjoyable driving experience.

Euler's version of "Paramela" is coming, sneaking back to the body of nearly 2.9 meters of wheelbase, 200,000 yuan of your coupe dream

In addition to having a personalized appearance, the power performance of the new car is also good. It is understood that the new car will be equipped with a 150kW single motor, and will also provide a dual-motor four-wheel drive system, and its performance in acceleration is also very worth looking forward to.

Conclusion: It is worth mentioning that Euler Lightning Cat will be listed as soon as May this year, and the price is expected to be around 200,000 yuan. Obviously, compared with the same level of Tesla Model 3 and Xiaopeng P7, Euler Lightning Cat has a greater advantage in terms of entry threshold, and can easily fulfill a "coupe dream" of young people, and how the sales performance of new cars after listing is worth waiting and seeing.

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