
Did Jia Xiuquan see it? Shui Qingxia also set goals for the Chinese women's football team and tried her best to protect young players

When The Chinese women's football coach Shui Qingxia was interviewed by CCTV Sports, she once again set the goal of winning the championship for the Chinese women's football team, that is, to help the Chinese women's football team break the spell and win the East Asian Cup. In addition, when Shui Qingxia talks about young players in women's football, she is completely different from Jia Xiuquan's evaluation. This made the fans once again target Jia Xiuquan: he would only wear down the confidence of the women's football team.

Did Jia Xiuquan see it? Shui Qingxia also set goals for the Chinese women's football team and tried her best to protect young players

After Shui Qingxia took over Jia Xiuquan as the coach of the Chinese women's football team, it took only half a year for the Chinese women's football team to restore its self-confidence and climb to the top of Asia. In an exclusive interview with CCTV Sports, Shui Qingxia talked about another goal of women's football this year, that is, the East Asian Cup! As we all know, the Chinese women's football team has never won the championship of this event, which has always been a regret in the hearts of fans.

Did Jia Xiuquan see it? Shui Qingxia also set goals for the Chinese women's football team and tried her best to protect young players

As the women's football team shined in the Asian Cup, the women's football girls also gained a lot of self-confidence. At the same time, after the women's football team returned home, there was not much rest, but it was non-stop into training. After receiving a large number of fans' support, the women's football girls are also very happy, and they hope to repay the support of the fans with greater efforts, more championships, and better results.

Did Jia Xiuquan see it? Shui Qingxia also set goals for the Chinese women's football team and tried her best to protect young players

When it comes to the strength of women's football, Shui Qingxia did not blindly brag and praise the girls. She said that there is indeed a certain gap between our young players and Japanese players, but this gap can motivate us to train harder and improve ourselves. Obviously, while Shui Qingxia pointed out the problem of women's football, she was also trying to protect her players. Let the girls face the gap, but also do not have to be inferior, we can catch up with this gap through hard work.

Did Jia Xiuquan see it? Shui Qingxia also set goals for the Chinese women's football team and tried her best to protect young players

So, the same is the comment on the female footballer, how does Jia Xiuquan say it?

I believe that everyone vaguely remembers a sentence before Jia Xiuquan got on the bus: "I also want to win 3 ah, but the skills are not as good as people!" "What a blow, the girls are so hard to play football, you say "not as good as people" negates all their efforts. The same is not as good as people, why can Shui Qingxia step on Japan and South Korea to win the championship, you can't? Obviously, Jia Xiuquan still coaches the men's football thinking in his bones, and if his skills are not as good as people, he chooses to lie flat! Such a manager is not worthy of a scrappy Chinese women's football team at all.

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