
Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?

author:Hanamaki Liude Studio
Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?

Stepstone's recently released its 2022 German salary chart. This report analyzes by region, profession, industry, work experience, etc. how you can get a well-paid job in Germany! You can use it as a reference when it comes to the expected salary in the job interview.

Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?

First, let's look at the average annual salary in Germany. The average annual salary of the respondents was 51,009 euros, and the median was 44,074 euros.

Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?

In addition, the salary gap between men and women is still quite large. (Men: €47,320, Women: €40,533)

Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?

Finally, the more work experience there is, the higher the salary level in Germany.

Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?


Which state has the highest income?

Employees in southern Germany earn good incomes. Companies in Hesse pay the highest salaries, with a median of 47,840 euros. Baden-Württemberg is close behind (47,806 euros), Hamburg and Bavaria (46,800 euros each).

This division is also reflected in the top three major cities: Frankfurt (54,080 euros) in the first place, ahead of Munich (53,886 euros) and Stuttgart (53,592 euros).

Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?

The salary gap between the east and west of Germany is 22%, so in fact, the gap between the east and the west is still quite large.


What size of business has a high salary?

Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?

Large companies pay more wages than small companies.

Companies with more than 5,000 employees pay them a median of €59,280. Small and medium-sized employers with more than 50 people but up to 500 employees cost €44,163. Eur 37,440 for small businesses with up to 50 employees.


What industries have the highest salaries?

  • Consulting Consulting:

The median salary in the consulting industry is 56,379 euros, and the average salary is 60,667 euros.

Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?
Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?
  • Finanzen, Versicherung, Banking Finance, Insurance and Banking:

The median salary in the financial, insurance and banking sectors was 45,552 euros, and the average salary was 52,007 euros.

Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?
Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?
  • Gesundheit, Pflege, Soziale Dienste Health, Nursing, Social Services:

The median salary in the health, nursing, social services sector is 37,778 euros, and the average salary is 43,524 euros.

Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?
Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?
  • IT & Information Technology:

The median salary in the IT sector is 56,992 euros, and the average salary is 61,665 euros.

Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?
Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?
  • Einkauf, Logistik Logistics:

The median salary in the logistics industry is 37,670 euros, and the average salary is 43,572 euros.

Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?
Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?
  • Ingenieurwesen • Engineering:

The median salary for engineers is 59,280 euros, and the average salary is 64,328 euros.

Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?
Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?
  • Marketing, PR Marketing and Public Relations:

The median salary for marketing-related jobs is 45,760 euros, and the average salary is 52,555 euros.

Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?
Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?
  • Personalwesen Human Resources:

The median salary in the HR sector is 47,840 euros, and the average salary is 54,424 euros.

Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?
Studying in Germany | StepStone Salary Report: How to choose a job to become the strongest worker?

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