
"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

author:Global Intellectual Woman

French Rose Sophie Marceau -

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

A fan once asked me, "Why do you always write about female stars in the 70s and 80s."

That's a good question!

How to say it, in fact, I personally like the beauty stars of that era, they are naturally beautiful, beautiful to their own advantages. As I've always emphasized, "Beautiful enough to be recognizable"!

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

It's hard to say how beautiful she is, but so far, I don't think anyone can replicate her beauty.

When she was young, Sophie Marceau was called the best in the world!

But recently, the French goddess Sophie Marceau, who has not been seen for a long time, finally has new news.

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

A new still of Sophie Marceau was posted online, with her short hair in a green sweater and a casual affinity. However, it can also be seen that the 55-year-old is indeed old.

However, it is also normal for beauty to be late, after all, everyone will not stay young forever, right?

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

Some people say that Sophie Marceau in "First Kiss" is the most beautiful, yes, 14-year-old she is beautiful and pure.

In fact, I have always thought that Sophie Marceau is the most beautiful woman in the West. But her beauty, her temperament, her elegance, and in line with the oriental charm.

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

Sophie Marceau is a feminist, which may have something to do with her upbringing.

Sophie Marceau grew up in a patriarchal family, and her parents raised her as a boy.

At a young age, she had a bold idea in her heart, she wanted to break people's disparity with women.

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

When she played the heroine of "First Kiss", Sophie Marceau was already a 14-year-old girl of one meter seven.

The appearance is magnificent, and the sense of purity is beautiful and moving.

In the later character development, Sophie Marceau's eyes are the kind of untamed, temperamental and charming type.

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

Sophie Marceau belongs to the small-faced beauty, and her favorite hairstyle is long bangs. No wonder at the 2016 film festival, Huang Xiaoming-Huang said that "the angelababy in the family recently cut her bangs because she saw a photo of Sophie Marceau's bangs and said that Sophie Marceau is the most beautiful woman in the world with bangs."

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

Yes, the goddess will always be the goddess, and the beautiful woman will never be forgotten by the world.

At the age of 14, he was beautiful and "upside down all beings", and was also known as: French Rose, French Kiss. The fresh, sweet and elegant image she creates is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

In addition, when she was a few years old, she was a beautiful embryo.

The facial features are very attractive, and she is a girl who is beautiful from childhood to adulthood. Say a joke "Female eldest eighteen changes, why don't I change it" haha ~

Below is a picture of twenty-something Sophie Marceau, a combination of many of a woman's favorite qualities: frank, cute, feminine, and somewhat childish, even with a touch of "little sexiness"!

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

Beautiful women are also very good at wearing, and they are even more beautiful to the extreme.

The picture below is a beautiful street photo of her youth, in which Sophie Marceau is wearing a trench coat with a short underwear and hip skirt, and boots on her feet, which is very fashionable even now!

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

In 1998, Sophie Marceau walked through the streets of Warsaw in a beautiful photo, she was gentle when she did not smile, and sunny when she laughed.

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

Sophie Marceau in her thirties was at her most charismatic time. Faded the sense of innocence and added a bit of femininity. Wearing a vintage top with bangs and shawl hair, this aura is excessively beautiful.

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

I remember that on January 30, 2008, when 42-year-old Sophie Marceau appeared in Shanghai to participate in the promotion campaign of the French jewelry brand "Chaumet", her temperament was even more beautiful than 10 years ago. Dressed in beautiful straight black hair, paired with a red dress, elegant and charming.

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

On February 11, 2009, Sophie Marceau appeared in Seoul, South Korea, for the press conference, and the 43-year-old wore a blue slim skirt and short hair that was casual, highlighting her intellectual beauty. When she sat on the podium and spoke, the feminine charm that emanated from it was really too elegant.

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is
"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is
"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

Unconsciously, the goddess's face also had subtle wrinkles, but this did not seem to affect her beauty.

On July 2 of the same year, the goddess appeared in Berlin to participate in the publicity campaign, and she was very affinity, and she also posed a cute shape to the photographer, and the goddess of humor was online.

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is
"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is
"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

On June 15, 2012, Sophie Marceau appeared at the Paris Cinema for the premiere of the film, wearing suit pants and a white T-shirt, her temperament is also praised. At this time, she was 46 years old, and the years had quietly left their mark on her face.

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

In 2014, Sophie Marceau appeared at the 28th Cabourg Romance Film Festival, and at the age of 48, she wore a smart black costume to the same frame as Zhang Ziyi. Although Zhang Ziyi is also very beautiful, Sophie Marceau, who is almost fifty years old, has no inferior aura.

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

On September 8, 2016, at the Venice Film Festival, 50-year-old Sophie Marceau was dressed up. Sophie Marceau, who was in her twilight years, had wrinkles on her face. However, her former beauty has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is
"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

The picture below is a beautiful photo of Sophie Marceau when filming the new drama, combing her short hair and wearing a casual outfit, even if she is more than half a hundred years old, the charm is still extraordinary.

It can also be said that Sophie Marceau has a different sense of beauty in every age group.

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best of the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is

"Kiss of France" Sophie Marceau is 55 years old: from the best in the world to the beauty of twilight, how beautiful she is!

To be sure, from a few years old to 55 years old, time has witnessed the beautiful transformation of Sophie Marceau.

To tell the truth, my state of mind is actually a little "sad", a woman so beautiful, just like this, she has become a grandmother's person.

It's like years of water, and it can't change the clarity of her eyes in your eyes!

Time has left a beautiful "first kiss" on the forehead of your youth, and it has begun the rose life of a French woman.

#Woman Charm#, #French Rose#, #苏菲 Marceau #

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