
Li Ning of Great Wall Motor: Automobile development has entered the era of intelligence, and data compliance is facing challenges

author:21st Century Business Herald

21st Century Business Herald reporter Li Yumin intern Zhao Yue reported from Beijing

On October 23, 2021, the "Fifth National Intelligent Technology Rule of Law Forum" hosted by the Law School of Beijing Institute of Technology was held in Beijing. Li Ning, head of the Data Compliance Office of Great Wall Motors, shared the system construction practices of automobile companies in the fields of data security and personal information protection.

In the face of market changes and the "cross-line" of Internet companies, Great Wall Motors needs to transform from a traditional manufacturing car company to an Internet company with manufacturing capabilities while meeting the personalized needs of users in the new era. Li Ning said that the three major changes that Great Wall Motors is promoting are: from the engineer culture to the user culture, that is, from "what I build, what you buy", to "what you want, what I build"; maintain a sense of crisis, that is, in the traditional advantages of SUVs, pickups, etc., explore more areas, and transform to a global technology travel company; create a new forest-style enterprise ecological model, compete, symbiosis, share and coexist with industry partners.

Li Ning said that Great Wall Motors' major transformations require the support of digital transformation work, and in the process of digital transformation, great wall motors have encountered three key challenges in compliance work in the fields of data security and personal information protection:

First, support the company's global operation and realize the refined management of global business by the Chinese headquarters. Great Wall Motors has been laying out overseas markets for many years, and how to achieve the refined management of China's headquarters and overseas business in Russia and Europe has become a problem that needs to be explored. The regulatory environment faced by multinational enterprises in the post-GDPR era has undergone major changes, domestic and foreign regulators have regulated the cross-border flow of data, how to achieve globalization of "one network" and "one cloud", how to quickly respond to changes in the markets of various countries, is the key topic that Great Wall Motors is studying.

Second, we need to pay attention to the user experience of IT products, so that users can change from "having to use" to "willing to use, willing to use". The traditional IT product concept does not fully meet the needs of modern offices, nor does it meet the experience needs of young consumers. Great Wall Motor is learning from Internet companies, realizing both waterfall mode and agile mode in areas such as internal IT products and consumer APP, and providing IT products that meet user needs to internal employees and external consumers through rapid iteration.

Third, embrace the intelligence of automobiles and provide intelligent services such as intelligent networking and assisted driving for automobile users. Intelligent services such as vehicle networking assistance require data support, and the regulatory authorities have begun to build a governance system and strengthen supervision for the data collection and data security of intelligent vehicles. In the process of digitalization, how to maintain good interaction with regulators, how to ensure business compliance in the dynamic development of policy environment, and how to maintain the competitiveness of enterprises under the premise of compliance are important challenges facing Great Wall Motors.

Li Ning said that Great Wall Motors will continue to promote digital transformation within the enterprise under the premise of ensuring global business compliance. The key direction of digital transformation includes three aspects: First, firm cloud and service. Continue to go to the cloud, and gradually go to the cloud. Public capabilities are deposited in the middle office to provide reusable services for internal services; second, to continue to exert the value of data. By quickly mining the value of data, make data an asset and achieve visible benefits; third, continue to promote digital employee capabilities. Empower employees to be collaborative, open and innovative technology all-rounders.

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