
Penny_Horoscope for February 14-20, 2022


The Venus-Mars conjunction in terms of career and life goals will accelerate your progress, whether it's related to your work or your plans for the future. However, both planets will be connected to Pluto in a two-week period, so caution is advised when accepting or rejecting a proposal. The impact of the decision could be felt in early March. Before you make a mess of it on the road, you need to think about all the consequences. The new field may not be as attractive as it seems now. Wednesday's full moon heralds the end of a chapter. Think carefully about everything.


Wednesday's full moon brings long-simmering questions, with the end and completion set to follow. The transaction is complete. A plan confirmation. It's your own idea. Staying open is just how happy you are with the things that have already been proven. Mercury, Venus, and Mars are all connected to Saturn in your tenth house, and they will be connected to Saturn in the next two months, so there is room for modification in the decision made at this point, but it is certain that the situation cannot return to its past state.


Gemini people have enthusiasm and commitment, but it's not always advantageous. Anger at a question often affects the clarity of the question. Of course, if your heart is pounding like a big drum, you don't necessarily need clarity – you just need to follow your passion – you need distance and perspective. This week you are on the go, both in the actual trip and in your feelings and experiences. Have the courage to make or break a promise, sign or tear up a contract on a dotted line. Success or failure is here.


Venus and Mars side-by-side in the relevant region. (Maybe it should be heart-to-heart.) The climate here is hot and heavy, and you're either happy or disgusted. It depends on the current state of your relationship. Of course, if passion is a thing of the past, it could make a comeback. On the other hand, people may pursue you for other reasons. Wednesday's full moon highlights the fiscal axis, so you may reach an agreement or accept a settlement, or you may face a financial crisis. The ending and the beginning are part of life and love. Straight.


This Wednesday's full moon is the only full moon of the year in your sign. Aside from the closing and finishing themes, which are common to all full moons, the events during this mid-to-late February period may take you back to the beginning of August last year. Those things that started then are showing their potential, whether they're not delivering on their promises or you're ready to put more time, effort, and commitment into them. February has been a rather difficult time for many Leos, but now you have the opportunity to regroup and leave your worries and challenges behind. End a chapter.


On Friday, the sun enters the relationship palace, so an extended period begins, with others playing a greater role in your life. In addition to the fact that you may join an organization or enter a partnership, other people's actions are more likely to influence your plans and decisions. In order to maintain alliances, it is necessary to listen to opinions and, in many cases, make compromises. Jupiter will continue to inspire growth in the relationship field, and if you need support, start sending signals.


Wednesday's full moon put an end to this undulating journey, whether you've written down dates in your journal, identified one or more future plans, or the way you can see yourself in the coming weeks. However, if you're not happy with the status quo, don't try to correct your mistakes until you get more distance and vision. Some things take longer to combine.


The rhythm is changing as the Sun and Mercury change their constellations, and the full moon ends a cycle of uneasiness and uncertainty. It may be too early to say that all the difficulties are over, but the second half of February can give you a respite from the storm. When the sun passes through the water sign Pisces, carrying its energy and warmth to bear life and love, your optimism and positivity will be restored. Through creative efforts, focusing on those who bring joy and pursuits within you can partially help you get back healthy. It's time to be creative.


The full moon inspires travel on the communication axis. Specifically, the end of the journey, and the events that tell you a certain path, no longer take you where you want to go. On the bright side, you may be ready to sign a contract, or make a decision about your future, which is something to celebrate, but it also means that a small or most of your previous existence is over. On the negative side, a contract may have ended and the decision reached is not a reason to bring a bubble at all. Passing Saturn through your third house will not only teach you many valuable lessons, but it may motivate you to acquire knowledge and skills. Is it time to start this journey?


Venus and Mars inspire the passion of the Capricorn soul. You can be passionate about anything, but sometimes passion can turn into anger. Add a full moon and you can celebrate a victory and bring a happy end to a chapter in your life. On the other hand, if a transaction fails, or if the money you were counting on doesn't materialize, while you may feel disappointed or even angry, these negative reactions can be short-lived.


So far, February has presented one challenge after another, but by this weekend, it will become less stressful and more conducive to recovery and reflection. Of course, Wednesday's full moon ends a one- to six-month cycle, and as Mercury enters your sign, you should be able to come up with a plan or two. This time the full moon falls on the axis of relationships, so many Aquarius will make decisions about commitment to work or love. In some cases, you can act on conclusions, but in other cases, you may need more evidence to prove that you did the right thing.


In the middle of the week, Wednesday's full moon symbolizes the end of things, of course, this can cover a lot of scenes, although Monday is Valentine's Day, for many Pisces, love is the focus of the decision. Jupiter has just begun its transit to your sign, and over the next five months (and later in the year) there will be benefits to coming and growing up for. So if the recent event doesn't warm your heart, it could just be a temporary state of affairs.

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