
Natur drogeriet was named Matas Most Beautiful Green Partner of the Year 2021


On Tuesday, February 1, 2022, Matas A/S, the largest cosmetics and cosmeceutical chain in Northern Europe, announced at the Partner Conference that natur drogeriet, Ecooking A/S and LAVINDE COPENHAGEN ApS were nominated for the "Most Beautiful Green Partner of the Year" category.


Natur drogeriet was named Matas Most Beautiful Green Partner of the Year 2021


"The award is presented to partners in the past year who have contributed to green and sustainable development by providing certified, clean, organic, natural, vegan or particularly sustainable products or by placing special emphasis on promoting green and sustainable development in their production and processes"


Natur drogeriet was named Matas Most Beautiful Green Partner of the Year 2021

Natur drogeriet will fully adopt environmentally friendly, recyclable or degradable packaging materials in 2021, such as corn filler instead of traditional foam filler.

Natur drogeriet was named Matas Most Beautiful Green Partner of the Year 2021


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