
No suspense! Wu Dajing was promoted to the first place in the group, Sun Longren Ziwei was eliminated miserably, and Huang Daxian was promoted

The short track men's 500m quarterfinals began, the chinese team Ren Ziwei, Wu Dajing, Sun Long played, a total of four groups, Ren Ziwei in group 3, Sun Long in group 1 5, Wu Dajing in group 2 1, the top 2 in each group directly advanced, the two best group third promotion.

No suspense! Wu Dajing was promoted to the first place in the group, Sun Longren Ziwei was eliminated miserably, and Huang Daxian was promoted

In the preliminary round of yesterday's competition, South Korea's Lee Junrui himself fell down and was also sentenced to be fouled, Ren Ziwei was promoted to the first place in the second group, Sun Long was in the seventh group, Sun Long was fouled by the Dutch players, directly judged, in the last group of the game, Wu Dajing did not have any suspense to complete the promotion with the first place in the group.

No suspense! Wu Dajing was promoted to the first place in the group, Sun Longren Ziwei was eliminated miserably, and Huang Daxian was promoted

The quarter-final competition began, the first group of players, Chinese players Ren Ziwei, Sun Long, Russian and Austrian team Sitnikov, two Kazakhstan players, after the start of the game, Kazakhstan players ranked first, Ren Ziwei was ranked third, the curve Ren Ziwei did not find the opportunity to cross, and finally Ren Ziwei third, Sun Long fourth, Ren Ziwei's score was 40.72, Sun Long's score of 40.79 was directly out, Kazakhstan's Nikisha was promoted first, and Russia's Austrian player Sitnikov was promoted second.

No suspense! Wu Dajing was promoted to the first place in the group, Sun Longren Ziwei was eliminated miserably, and Huang Daxian was promoted

The second group began, Latvian runners rushed to run, the race restarted, Wu Dajing was in the first position, and finally Wu Dajing was promoted to the first place in the group, Liu Shaolin was promoted to the second, Wu Dajing's performance was 40.53 seconds, Italy's Sigil advanced, Latvia's 40.694 third, Liu Shaolin's fourth missed the final, latvia's promotion.

The players in the third group, the Russian and Austrian players advanced first, Huang Daxian's group second promotion, Kazakhstan's Azh galiyev 40.643 seconds group third, Ren Ziwei out, the fourth group Liu Shaoang group first promotion, Duboys group second promotion.

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