
"Lookout" published an article: Digital China's Guizhou computing power


Beijing, 25 Oct (Xinhua) -- The 43rd issue of the "Lookout" news weekly, published on October 25, published a report entitled "Guizhou Computing Power in Digital China" in the column "Chronicle of Governing the Country," comprehensively presenting Guizhou's vivid practice of implementing the central plan, planting "numbers" and "cultivating" clouds on new tracks, and deeply promoting the national big data strategy and the construction of digital China. The summary is as follows:

In the 21st century, digital productivity is rising rapidly, and big data is developing rapidly.

Guizhou, which is blocked by mountains, took the lead in taking the first step, taking big data as a strategic choice to keep the two bottom lines of development and ecology, drawing a blueprint to the end, one session after another, inserting a pair of invisible wings for future development.

One of the regions with the largest concentration of super-large data centers in the world, the growth rate of the digital economy has ranked first in the country for many years, and the government data openness and digital governance continue to be at the forefront of the country... Since being approved to build China's first big data comprehensive pilot zone in 2016, Guizhou has closely followed the positioning of the pilot zone and strived to plant "number" and cultivate "cloud". During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Guizhou received 45 national-level pilot demonstrations, which wrote a clear footnote for the construction of digital China.

—— Why Guizhou

The warm winter and cool summer climate allow the data center to run and save 10% to 30%; clean air effectively improves the server life and stability; the power structure and low electricity prices of water and fire can save costs; the geological structure is stable, and the karst landform of the cave is an ideal data disaster recovery center... The development of big data, Guizhou these days and places have unique advantages.

As a demonstration base for data centers in southern China, there are 23 data centers in operation and under construction in Guizhou Province, which is one of the regions with the largest concentration of super large data centers in China and even in the world.

Data centers don't just store data, they also count data. Wang Zhu, a member of the party group and deputy director of the Gui'an New Area Industrial Development Bureau, introduced that the "eastern number and western calculation" project currently being implemented by the state is to take the data of the eastern region to the western region to calculate. We must seize this new opportunity, go all out to build a key computing hub, and strive to provide high-quality real-time computing power for the Yangtze River Delta, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle.

What big data has changed

In 2017, Guizhou took the lead in introducing the first provincial-level digital economy development plan in the country, proposing to develop a "four-type" digital economy of resource-based, technology-based, integrated and service-oriented.

In terms of industrial digitalization, Guizhou has formulated and implemented the country's first indicator system for the deep integration of big data and the real economy, deeply implemented the "transformation of thousands of enterprises" and "integration of ten thousand enterprises", and promoted the transformation of the real economy to digitalization, networking and intelligence, with more than 20,000 cloud enterprises.

In terms of digital industrialization, Guizhou has vigorously cultivated the big data electronic information industry as one of the top ten industrial industries in the province and one of the top ten projects for the innovation and development of the service industry. Nowadays, the electronic information industry led by big data has developed rapidly into a 100-billion-level industry.

In recent years, the growth rate of Guizhou's digital economy has remained the first in the country for 6 consecutive years. This year, Guizhou will strive for the province's digital economy to account for 32% of the regional GDP, and the added value of the digital economy will exceed 600 billion yuan.


In order to reduce the "information island" and "data chimney", as one of the pilot application provinces for the integration and sharing of government information systems in the country, Guizhou released the government service "one cloud, one network and one platform" at the 2019 Digital Expo, which unifies the provincial government data through "one cloud", "one network" connects the five-level government services of provinces, cities, counties and rural areas, and "one platform" solves cross-level, cross-regional and cross-departmental data scheduling.

In the next step, Guizhou will continue to do a good job of "one cloud, one network and one platform", comprehensively form a public digital resource system, and focus on macro decision-making, market supervision, rural revitalization, ecological protection, urban management, etc., and strive to create a number of leading national big data typical demonstration applications, so that the people's lives are smarter, more convenient and happier.

——Continue to dig deep into the value of big data

Data is the "oil" of the 21st century, and how to extract, protect and use it requires a clear set of rules. If big data is allowed to grow barbarically, the small will infringe on the rights and interests of citizens, and the large will endanger national security and social stability. Guarding data security, Guizhou answered with practical combat, institutionalization and standardization.

Hundreds of boats compete for the flow, and those who strive are the first. Big data is becoming the green coordinate system for Guizhou's high-quality development. On the new journey towards the second centenary goal, and driven by the national big data strategy, Digital China is accelerating construction. Guizhou will plant "numbers" and cultivate "clouds" in a down-to-earth manner, from experiment to demonstration, and become the source, agglomeration area and dream field for the development of China's big data. (Reporters: Li Ziliang, Wang Xinming, Xiang Dingjie) (End)

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