
Media people: International footballers with high salaries and low salaries can reduce their salaries deservedly, but they do not agree with the introduction of the strictest salary restriction order

Media people: International footballers with high salaries and low salaries can reduce their salaries deservedly, but they do not agree with the introduction of the strictest salary restriction order

Live bar February 13 news According to the "Football News" news, the Football Association will once again impose a salary restriction order, the maximum salary of Chinese players is 3 million yuan before tax, and the salary of foreign aid cannot exceed 2 million euros before tax. The total annual investment of Chinese Super League clubs is capped at 300 million yuan.

Media person Ran Xiongfei commented that this strictest salary restriction order in history is particularly stupid, and the international football team's high salary and low salary can reduce the salary deservedly, but he does not agree with the introduction of the strictest salary restriction order!

The following is the view of media person Ran Xiongfei:

The FA's strictest salary cut is particularly silly! Especially special silly! International footballers with high salaries and low salaries can reduce salaries deservedly, but they do not agree with the introduction of the strictest salary restriction order!

First, from the introduction of the maximum salary of 10 million annual salary + international float in 2019, to the pre-tax income of 5 million in 2021 to another highest pre-tax three million this year! Three years of international football income reduction in three years, the salary reduction rate is as high as 70%, you Chinese Football Association is using what standards and standards, to develop a new standard, according to the national regulations or laws and regulations, not disagree with the salary cut for players, but angry at the arbitrariness of the Chinese Football Association!

Second, the most stringent salary restriction order of the Chinese Football Association is the product of the Football Association's "one word", which not only completely disrespects any opinion of more than forty professional football clubs, but also makes rough decisions, completely disrespects the personal interests of more than a thousand professional players, and how can the competent authorities that despise and disregard the interests of industry groups serve the public? What authority is there?

Third, the strictest salary restriction order from the short term can drink and quench thirst, from a long-term point of view is the bottom of the salary, the Football Association unilaterally announced that the salary cut seems to be considered for the healthy development of the club, but in fact, it deprived the club of the free development, rapid growth of the space, but also with the so-called industry investment standard of 300 million yuan, locked the hands and feet of club investors or sponsors, such an approach, not only will not help the club to maintain stable growth, but for more high-quality brands to find the best reason to leave Chinese football! From the above point of view, the FOOTBALL Association's strictest salary restriction order will once again be unanimously opposed by professional clubs and players, and will be greatly reduced in the implementation process.

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