
#Nanjing Daily Dish Price #Nanjing's White Mushroom Ten Yuan One Pound Of Mushrooms Eating, my favorite is the cream mushroom soup with Western flavor. The method is slightly more complicated: first clean the white mushroom

author:Video Story 2021

#南京每日菜价 #

Nanjing's white mushrooms are ten yuan a pound

My favorite way to eat mushrooms is the creamy mushroom soup with a Western flavor.

The approach is slightly more complicated:

First wash the white mushrooms, you can soak in the rice water, add salt, stir clockwise, remove the sediment at the roots, wash and break into small pieces;

Secondly, heat the pot and add olive oil, onion, shallots, and mushrooms to stir-fry until fragrant;

Third, add chicken broth to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat and cook until the ingredients are crispy;

Fourth, beat the crispy ingredients into a delicate and thick soup with a food crusher;

Season with salt, pepper and cream.

A bowl of delicious mushroom creamy soup is out of the pot, so enjoy the meal.

#Winter Food Season # #馋嘴美食安利 #

#Nanjing Daily Dish Price #Nanjing's White Mushroom Ten Yuan One Pound Of Mushrooms Eating, my favorite is the cream mushroom soup with Western flavor. The method is slightly more complicated: first clean the white mushroom
#Nanjing Daily Dish Price #Nanjing's White Mushroom Ten Yuan One Pound Of Mushrooms Eating, my favorite is the cream mushroom soup with Western flavor. The method is slightly more complicated: first clean the white mushroom
#Nanjing Daily Dish Price #Nanjing's White Mushroom Ten Yuan One Pound Of Mushrooms Eating, my favorite is the cream mushroom soup with Western flavor. The method is slightly more complicated: first clean the white mushroom