
The combined Chinese-Russian fleet crossed the Tsugaru Strait, and Japan reacted fiercely, and this time it was the turn of the United States and Japan to protest


According to the Global Network, following the large-scale military exercise "Maritime Joint-2021" held by the Chinese and Russian naval formations near Peter the Great Bay in Russia, on October 18, 10 ships of the combined fleet of the two countries, led by the Nanchang warship of the Chinese Navy, crossed the Tsugaru Strait in Japan and sailed towards the North Pacific. Russian media believe that the cross-sea combat cruise operation of the combined fleets of the two sides has demonstrated the tacit cooperation and high degree of mutual trust between the Chinese and Russian militaries, and has also brought a lot of shock to Japan.

The combined Chinese-Russian fleet crossed the Tsugaru Strait, and Japan reacted fiercely, and this time it was the turn of the United States and Japan to protest

Some analysts believe that the combined fleets of China and Russia cross the Tsugaru Strait between Japan's Honshu Island and Hokkaido Island from the Sea of Japan to the east and quickly sail into the waters of the North Pacific Ocean; this is a joint combat patrol task that the Chinese and Russian warship formations continue to carry out after conducting joint exercises, and it is very likely that they will cruise around the Japanese island of Honshu for a week; on the one hand, they will exercise their ability to blockade the sea and the ability to coordinate with joint formations; on the other hand, they will also show their military mutual trust between China and Russia and send important signals to neighboring countries that are trying to provoke.

According to the news released by the Japanese Ministry of Defense on October 18, after the Sino-Russian Navy conducted a joint military exercise in Peter the Great Bay, five warships of the Chinese Navy formed a joint formation and sailed eastward to the Pacific Ocean through the Tsugaru Strait between Honshu and Hokkaido Island in Japan. The joint ship formation includes the Chinese type 055 large guided missile destroyer 101, the 052D guided missile destroyer 172 Kunming, the East China Sea Fleet's Type 054A guided missile frigate 515 Binzhou and the South China Sea Fleet's 573 Liuzhou ship, and a Type 903A large comprehensive supply ship 902 ship.

The combined Chinese-Russian fleet crossed the Tsugaru Strait, and Japan reacted fiercely, and this time it was the turn of the United States and Japan to protest

The Russian Navy ships include 5 warships, the Dreadnought-class large anti-submarine ships "Admiral Tributs" (564 ships) and "Admiral Panteleev" (548 ships), the type 20380 light missile frigates "Loud" and "Russian Federation Hero Ardar Tsikynzapov", and a large electronic reconnaissance ship.

The Tsugaru Strait is only 18 kilometers at its narrowest point, but the Japanese territorial waters here are 3 nautical miles (5.6 kilometers). The Tsugaru Strait is very narrow, from the northernmost point of Aomori Prefecture in Honshu, Cape Ryufei, hokkaido can be seen with the naked eye, originally belonged to Japan's inland sea (like China's Qiongzhou Strait), but in order to facilitate the warships of "American Dad", Japan has compressed the territorial sea line of the five straits such as the Tsugaru Strait to 3 nautical miles, so it is an international water. The Sino-Russian joint formation crossed the international waterway and conformed to international law.

The combined Chinese-Russian fleet crossed the Tsugaru Strait, and Japan reacted fiercely, and this time it was the turn of the United States and Japan to protest

Originally it was a strait for American dads, but now the two uncles next door have also come. It is interesting to see what new moves the joint formation will take next. Is it around the Japanese archipelago, or is it heading in the direction of Hawaii? Is it just a formation voyage, or is there something else to shoot live?

The combined Chinese-Russian fleet crossed the Tsugaru Strait, and Japan reacted fiercely, and this time it was the turn of the United States and Japan to protest

This is the first time that a Chinese-Russian warship has jointly cruised international waters near the US-Japan naval and air bases after two joint battle patrols by Chinese and Russian warplanes last year and the previous year, so there will be a lot of tactical content. The FOX News Network reported that the joint ship formations of the Chinese and Russian navies have crossed the Tsugaru Strait, a weak link in the US-Japanese defense, and may go to the ALEUTIAN Islands, Alaska and other places in the United States in the next step, or around the Japanese archipelago for war patrol, which has caused great concern and dissatisfaction in the United States.

The combined Chinese-Russian fleet crossed the Tsugaru Strait, and Japan reacted fiercely, and this time it was the turn of the United States and Japan to protest

Obviously, the United States protested, which also made the United States feel the taste of free navigation of Chinese and Russian warships in the sensitive waters of the United States and Japan. The U.S. military is very sensitive to the free navigation of Chinese warships. During the free navigation of Chinese and Russian warships, the United States dispatched P-8A anti-submarine aircraft, KC-135 tankers, and B-1B strategic bombers, and the Japanese Maritime and Air Self-Defense Forces also dispatched aircraft and ships to track and monitor the whole process.

The combined Chinese-Russian fleet crossed the Tsugaru Strait, and Japan reacted fiercely, and this time it was the turn of the United States and Japan to protest

The United States often adopts American-style "freedom of navigation" actions in the military field, and the "freedom of navigation" of the United States is completely hegemonic and full of provocative meaning, which can be described as lawless and overbearing, thus attracting the dissatisfaction and protests of many countries. The joint war patrol operation of the Chinese and Russian navies has made the Americans panic and tasted the bitter fruit brought about by "freedom of navigation."

The combined Chinese-Russian fleet crossed the Tsugaru Strait, and Japan reacted fiercely, and this time it was the turn of the United States and Japan to protest

This time, China and Russia took the initiative to make a move, and the joint ship formation directly crossed Japan, making the United States and Japan very uncomfortable. The United States is the least willing country to be reasonable and is a very domineering country. The only language americans can understand is the sword in the hands of China and Russia.

The combined Chinese-Russian fleet crossed the Tsugaru Strait, and Japan reacted fiercely, and this time it was the turn of the United States and Japan to protest

The United States and Japan are both countries that uphold the law of the forest and respect the strong and the weak, and only if they are strong enough can they win the respect of the United States and Japan, and can the United States and Japan bow their heads and reason. The Sino-Russian combined fleet sails freely to the pain points of the United States and Japan, and the free navigation of Chinese and Russian warships to the doorstep of the United States and Japan will be a norm, and the United States and Japan should get used to it.

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