
Best Mir4 Beginner Leveling Guide 2022 (Legendary 4 Brick Moving Project)

Best Mir4 Beginner Leveling Guide 2022 (Legendary 4 Brick Moving Project)

You can think of this article as a continuation of the previous Mir4 guide. In this article, you will learn how to quickly upgrade in mir4, many players aim to reach level 40 as soon as possible, the purpose is to "mine black steel", since mining black steel can only be unlocked after reaching level 40, so there is no further expiration, let's continue.

Created an ultimate guide to Mir4 for beginners

Increase your expitation in Mir4

Best Mir4 Beginner Leveling Guide 2022 (Legendary 4 Brick Moving Project)

One way to increase the EXPI you get is to use spirits, these creatures have many uses, once deployed spirits will immediately increase your strength points, and spirits have different attributes, some can increase your damage, another can increase your defense and other spirits can increase your hunting experience and item drops.

I recommend that you create different spirit decks depending on the situation, some spirits can increase your PVP damage but not give you more hunting experience, while other spirits can give you hunting experience but not give you PVP buffs, so I recommend you create different types of spirit decks, one for PVP, one for gathering (including mining), one for hunting or doing quests, and switching between decks depending on your activity.

Use the Philosopher's Stone to increase EXPI

Best Mir4 Beginner Leveling Guide 2022 (Legendary 4 Brick Moving Project)

In addition to spirit, kindness, and vitality, you can also increase your experience buffs by using the Philosopher's Stone, just like spirits - the Philosopher's Stone has different attributes, some of which increase your damage, critical strike chance, mana, and some can increase your EXPI, those Philosopher's Stones are called "Growth Magic Stones" whose buffs are based on their rarity, and the higher the level, the more EXPI you can get.

I also recommend that you also create different Philosopher's Stone decks, one for PvP, one for gathering, and one for hunting monsters or quests to increase your EXPI buffs each time you kill a monster.

Use Codex to increase your Mir4 level

Another way to increase expi gain is to complete the code, what is codex? Codex is a manuscript or textbook, in mir4 codex is also a must-complete manuscript for the player, completing codex your character will get some special attributes, such as increasing the hunting EXPI boost, which can help us quickly upgrade in mir4, as well as attributes like hunting Cooper buff boost, improved accuracy, physical attack increase, etc.

By completing the manuscripts associated with Hunting EXPI, your character will gain a permanent buff to increase EXPI, which will help boost your mir4 level.

The main task that increases the Level of Mir4

I've already mentioned the importance of main quests in our mir4 guide, and it's also an important way to quickly upgrade mir4, earning a lot of EXPI as you progress in the game, but as I said before, only complete a certain part of the main mission, and if it gets harder, you can not invest too much in it.

Wild exploration

Best Mir4 Beginner Leveling Guide 2022 (Legendary 4 Brick Moving Project)

As I've said before, wild quests are important and need to be completed as the main quest progresses, not only will you need to unlock some levels in conquest, but it will also give you some useful items to make your character more powerful and some EXPI.

By completing field missions in mir4 as your main mission progression, you'll get more EXPI, and you'll find that you upgrade faster than you would if you only completed the main mission.

Mir4 appointed

Best Mir4 Beginner Leveling Guide 2022 (Legendary 4 Brick Moving Project)

You can also maximize your expi by completing requests as well as your main quests and wild quests, which are also requirements for you to unlock a certain level when conquering, and you can also get a lot of EXPI when dealing with some MOBs.

Complete 30 Dailies

Best Mir4 Beginner Leveling Guide 2022 (Legendary 4 Brick Moving Project)

There are 30 repeatable Daily Missions in the game, and one of the rewards for completing these Daily Missions is EXPI, in order to get the maximum EXPI in one day, I suggest that you have to complete daily repeatable tasks according to your level.

Why look at your level? Because there are a lot of repeatable missions every day that are about killing monsters, the greater the gap between your character's level and monsters in this game, the lower the EXPI you get, except for the valley monsters.

Replenish your vitality at all times

Best Mir4 Beginner Leveling Guide 2022 (Legendary 4 Brick Moving Project)

One way to quickly upgrade in mir4 is to make sure you always replenish your vitality, how can you do that? Collect by using Vitality Pills or in a map.

Doing some tasks when energy is empty will lose the opportunity to get extra EXPI, how does it work? Let me explain further.

When you do a quest and your task is to kill monsters or MOBs, every time you kill one you will notice that there is an EXPI counter at the bottom left of the screen, which is usually written with a white number with a plus sign, these are the EXPI you get each time you kill a monster, and the number in parentheses is the extra EXPI you get from vitality.

The API you get from Vitality is more than half of the EXPI you get every time you kill a monster, and if I were you, I couldn't lose those extra EXPI because it would help increase our level.

Use Buff to increase your Expi

Some item buffs can increase the EXPI you get in Mir4, those items are desserts and supplements, desserts and tonics have different levels, and the higher the level, the higher the EXPI percentage that can be provided.

Cordial and tonic can not only increase your main EXPI, but also the extra EXPI you get from Vigor, so keep in mind that always use gains like cordial and tonic before doing some quests or hunting.

Quickly increase the Mir4 level in the Cube

Best Mir4 Beginner Leveling Guide 2022 (Legendary 4 Brick Moving Project)

Another thing to quickly level up in mir4 is to enter portals like the Rubik's Cube, keep in mind that you will have two free daily tickets in the Rubik's Cube, be sure to use it as it will reset every day, but it is better if you have spare tickets for Magic Square.

The rooms in the Rubik's Cube are randomly selected, and since our goal is to upgrade quickly, the room we are looking for is called the "Training Room", but be careful because there are two kinds of rooms in the Rubik's Cube, PK disabled or safe zone, and PK enabled, if you don't know what PK means, it is short for Player Kill.

I recommend choosing PK to close the training room so that even if you AFK you can swipe EXPI freely, because if you choose PK enabled a lot of players will try to kill you, which will affect your EXPI gain.

As a bonus, you'll also get some very useful Coins in the Cube, as they can be used to buy rare items in the Space Shop. By the way, a ticket in the Rubik's Cube gives you 30 minutes, and when your timer runs out, your character will be automatically taken out of the Rubik's Cube.

Avoid being killed in the game

Best Mir4 Beginner Leveling Guide 2022 (Legendary 4 Brick Moving Project)

If you want to level up quickly in mir4, try to avoid being killed in the game, because your character will lose 5% of your current EXPI every time you die, imagine if you die multiple times and your EXPI is a lot of it, which is not good, especially if your goal is to level up quickly in the game.

Hunt monsters in the Bichuan River Valley

Best Mir4 Beginner Leveling Guide 2022 (Legendary 4 Brick Moving Project)

If you've completed daily repeatable quests, requests, wild quests, rubik's cubes have run out of tickets, and the main quest is now too difficult to continue, what should we do to increase our EXPI? I recommend hunting the monsters of the Bichuan Valley, why? Because you'll notice that expi gain is higher than Kawatani than some parts of the map.

You just need to find a place in the Hikawa Valley that is not crowded, but you should also be careful in this area, as many hostile players go to Hikawa to kill other players for fun.

Hunt monsters in the Maze of Magic Cows

Best Mir4 Beginner Leveling Guide 2022 (Legendary 4 Brick Moving Project)

The Hikawa Valley is always crowded, because there are a lot of players going there to hunt, and some people are digging black steel, if there are more than Kawa people, our next option is the Magic Bull Maze.

In the Magic Cow Maze you can choose a room that suits your level, and one of the added benefits we can get in the Magic Cow Maze is an item called "Unicorn Slice", which is a bit difficult to obtain, but unicorn slices are common in Magic Cow If you try to find some EXPI in this place, the maze is a bonus.

If you don't know what the unicorn in Mir4 is for, it's an important material for strengthening your physique.

Hunt monsters in the Bikawa Labyrinth

Best Mir4 Beginner Leveling Guide 2022 (Legendary 4 Brick Moving Project)

Another place to improve your mir4 level is through the Hikawa Maze, especially if you're looking for items called "Flower Oil" like Unicorn Slices, which are hard to get, and it can also be used to enhance your personality, it's hard to get on anywhere other than mazes and valleys, so if you want to increase EXPI while getting flower oil, the Hikawa Maze is one of the must-see places for mir4.

Hunt monsters in hidden passages

Best Mir4 Beginner Leveling Guide 2022 (Legendary 4 Brick Moving Project)

Our next quick upgrade place in mir4 is called Hidden Passage, which is the safest place to brush experiences, because hidden channels do not have PK enabled, even if the player chooses to attack your character they will not hurt you, the only drawback of this place is that item drops can only be obtained expi in hidden channels, but no items are dropped except for the demon badge, which is a craft that can be registered with the Codex.

Bottom line

That's it, buddies, I hope you can learn from this article, if you follow all the things I mentioned in this article, you will reach level 40 in a day or two, but it still depends on the time you are willing to spend good luck in the game and have a good day.

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