
The Beijing Winter Olympics snowboarding | the Olympic Games of the "post-80s"

author:Bright Net

Chongli, Hebei, February 12 (Xinhua) -- Nick Baumgartner is 40 years old and Lindsay Jacobilis is 36 years old. The combined age of the two is an American group of 76 years old, which together interpret the Olympic spirit.

At the Beijing Winter Olympics, the "oldest" duo from the United States won the "youngest" minor championship of the Winter Olympics - their first-prize snowboard sled tracking mixed team event is a new event for the Beijing Winter Olympics.

The Beijing Winter Olympics snowboarding | the Olympic Games of the "post-80s"

U.S. Lindsay Jacobellis (left) and Nick Baumgartner celebrate after a snowboard slal track mixed team event at the Beijing Winter Olympics on Feb. 12. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Chang took the photo

"We're 'post-80s.'" Jacob Bliss laughed, "I've been teammates with Baum for more than 10 years, or even almost 20 years, and it's really incredible to achieve this together." ”

Snowboard slalom chases known for its dangerous sharp turns and obstacles. Most of the athletes who compete with them are "post-95s" or even "post-00s", which seems to be somewhat unfavorable to them. However, Baumgartner believes that experience is his greatest strength.

Baumgartner was the oldest athlete in the U.S. delegation, "When I started this journey, a lot of people said I couldn't do it, thought it was crazy. "But I didn't give up on this dream, and chasing your dream, it's never too late." ”

Born in a small town in Michigan, USA, Baumgartner usually builds his own pistes in the backyard behind the snow for training.

The Beijing Winter Olympics snowboarding | the Olympic Games of the "post-80s"

Champion U.S. Lindsay Jacobellis (left) and Nick Baumgartner present souvenirs. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Shiyao

Snowboarding is an expensive sport, and to keep every season on balance, he spends his summer months working on construction sites. "For me, manual labor is the only way to accomplish this dream." Baumgartner said.

After the game, Baumgartner and his son made a video connection. His son is only three days older than one of his teammates. "It's crazy." The 40-year-old father said.

"It's very important for him to see me struggling with adversity and doing the right thing before he's about to graduate from high school and find a path in life." Speaking of his son, Baumgartner said.

Jacob Bliss was the "Patriarch of the Five Dynasties" at the Winter Olympics. But for the 36-year-old veteran, she spent a full 16 years of waiting and perseverance to complete the "redemption" for one of the most "fatal" mistakes of her career.

At the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, jacob Bliss, the "supernova" of the time, made a "fatal" mistake. She led the way, but tried to "show off" in the last jump, a senseless fancy move that made her fall in front of the finish line and miss the champion.

"Outsiders can say whatever they want, but that made me who I am now, kept me hungry for victory, and kept fighting in the sport." Jacob Baylis said.

She missed the final at both the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics and the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. At the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, she finished only fourth. This time, Jacobelis finally got his wish, winning two gold medals, individual and team.

Falling again and again, standing up again and again, even in the face of ridicule, she never gave up. Isn't that the Olympic spirit?

Four years later, whether the "elderly" pair will still appear in the Winter Olympic games is still unknown. "If I don't quit, she won't quit either." Baumgartner said.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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