
Rural teachers' winter holiday memories | Zheng Jianfeng: The seeds of hope have long sprouted and taken root in the heart

author:Qilu one point
Editor's note: "The day is not everywhere, youth comes from just now; moss flowers are as small as rice, and peonies are also learned." "This is a true portrayal of the vast majority of small-scale rural schools. In the past 2021, the reporter went from Yinan to Yuncheng, and then from Zhuanhua to Yiyuan squatting, witnessing many educators with feelings taking root in the countryside, and they are working hard to make up for the gap with glimmer and help rural children grow better. The family sits idly and the lights are amiable, which is the ideal state for the Spring Festival reunion. In small-scale rural schools in many parts of Shandong, countless rural principals and teachers are rushing to the homes of students in remote rural areas that lead to the middle of the mountain, and they want to use their precious winter vacation time to go to their children's homes and enter their children's hearts. From now on, the Qilu Evening News Qilu One-Point "Youth Talk" column will successively launch the "Winter Holiday Memories of Rural Principals/Teachers", focusing on what rural teachers see, hear and feel during home visits, light up the dreams of rural children, and inject strength into rural revitalization. The following is the winter holiday record of Zheng Jianfeng, a teacher at Yinan County No. 3 Middle School:

Tuesday, February 8, 2022 Sunny

I am Zheng Jianfeng, a math teacher at Yinan County No. 3 Middle School.

Cherish the time, cherish Shaohua, in the blink of an eye is a new year, the plan of the year lies in the spring, the work of the new year begins with a home visit. Early in the morning, communicate with the parents of the students by phone to agree on the time of home visits to avoid interfering with the normal work and life of the parents.

The road from my home to the student's home is not too far, all the way to expectation, all the way to the anxiety. Looking forward to seeing their own students and parents, looking forward to today's home visit can be effective, looking forward to students can change, looking forward to. Behind this expectation there is a nervous heart, what kind of family is this, how the wife relationship is, how the student's learning status is, how the precautions for holiday arrangements are implemented...

Wang has always been a classmate that I pay attention to and try to change, she is introverted, not good at talking, poor learning foundation, no self-confidence in doing things, lack of passion in her heart, no hope in her eyes, see the teacher take a detour, meet classmates and quickly slip away. Children at this age should be energetic and energetic. But there was no trace of sunshine in her, what tortured him into this?

With this question, I tried to get to know her, and after many times of communication, she finally opened her heart: Teacher, a person like me who has counted down to the bottom of the grades and has no merits, does not deserve friends, does not deserve the teacher's likes, does not deserve to smile... What a heartfelt word, in her heart to evaluate herself in this way, can't help but sigh, the energy of external quantitative evaluation is so great. In her heart, evaluation is so important, I start with the exam, combined with the subjects I teach, and make a special plan based on what I have learned.

In the final exam, Wang Yu's math score improved from about 30 points to a pass. I think for her, this is not only an improvement of 40 points, but also an affirmation of her own two months of hard work, as a teacher, I very much hope that she can use this as a fulcrum to pry the inner rock, let the seeds of self-confidence and sunshine germinate and take root in the heart, grow freely in the body, ignite the fire of passion in the eyes, burn out the inferiority, burn out the self-shame, and return to be a full of vigor and vitality.

Rural teachers' winter holiday memories | Zheng Jianfeng: The seeds of hope have long sprouted and taken root in the heart

After a while, when I arrived at Wang's house, the father and daughter were waiting for me downstairs early, and the moment I saw them, I was relieved. The father is kind, the daughter is well-behaved, sweeping away the previous lonely look, this teenager is no longer so inferior, all the anxiety in his heart has dissipated, and his heart is very happy, isn't this exactly what I was looking forward to!

After a simple greeting, Wang's father introduced the child's performance since the holiday in detail, and the words revealed his worries and guilt about his daughter's learning. Yes, which parent is not hoping for Jackie Chan, hoping that the daughter will become a phoenix, which parent hopes that their children will experience their own hardships and helplessness again, and the unwillingness and helplessness in their hearts will turn into ardent expectations for their children.

For the next ten days, I put forward several requirements for Wang: first try to stay away from electronic products, secondly complete the holiday homework with high quality according to the plan, and finally pay attention to physical exercise.

On the way home, I have been thinking about a question, education has always been there, the future will not disappear, what are the evaluation criteria for good education? From the perspective of examination alone, the child's current education is a failure, and the child is aware of this, forced by the traditional evaluation system, and the child is step by step towards the abyss of self-denial.

The meaning of education should be to make excellent people better, let people who are struggling in the quagmire get out of trouble, and let people who have lost confidence experience the joy of success again. I want to experience this kind of well-educated children, the seeds of hope have long been sprouted in the heart, even if they encounter the biggest dissatisfaction, as long as there is sunshine, tenacious will grow strongly.

To create a process of struggle for children and the joy of success, is not it our responsibility and responsibility to educate people?

The spark of a spark can ignite the plains. Pass on the torch and live forever!