
DNF: Hanbok update level 95 epic weapon, sharpshooter this weapon data is very characteristic revolver automatic pistol rifleman crossbow gun

author:A snail riding a turtle

The experience suit has updated a new version of the epic, so the epic of the sharpshooter should also be shared with everyone, to see how big the attribute gap is compared with the 90 epic weapons.


DNF: Hanbok update level 95 epic weapon, sharpshooter this weapon data is very characteristic revolver automatic pistol rifleman crossbow gun

Golden Flash requires 6 Epics to provide 54% white character bonus damage, and the attributes are not very prominent, especially if the trumpet does not have epics. The level 95 revolver epic attribute is stronger, 40% of the high amount of additional yellow damage, 25% of the final damage, so that there is no need for the whole body epic, especially the 95 version of the legend can also go to brush Luke (95 legend equipment attribute is very strong), but this 2 seconds after a sleep + 30% feel very chicken rib attribute, dispensable.

<h1>Automatic pistols</h1>

DNF: Hanbok update level 95 epic weapon, sharpshooter this weapon data is very characteristic revolver automatic pistol rifleman crossbow gun

The Ion Destroyer is a very strong epic, 40% skill attack power, slightly worse than Saint Yao, but not everyone has Aragami, and all have upgraded Saint Yao. The level 95 automatic pistol increases the additional yellow character by 38% and the skill attack power by 12%, which is better than the ion destroyer in general, but I don't play mechanical, strong is useless, and the abyss is always flashing this ion destroyer, it is very uncomfortable, I hope this 95 automatic pistol does not become an abyss tumor.


DNF: Hanbok update level 95 epic weapon, sharpshooter this weapon data is very characteristic revolver automatic pistol rifleman crossbow gun

Ammo Graduation Weapon, 30% Skill Attack Power and 20% White Character Bonus, increased Ammo Dual Sense Passive Level 2, opened 4 Lament Towers did not open this. Then the 95 epic rifle attributes I saw at first glance I had to wonder if this was a bit of an exaggeration, 42% of the intelligence bonus, 26% of the additional critical hit damage, but my general is a percentage class, if you change to 42% of the three attacks it is comfortable (manual funny). However, the next two properties look more and more like to laugh~

<h1>Hand crossbow</h1>

DNF: Hanbok update level 95 epic weapon, sharpshooter this weapon data is very characteristic revolver automatic pistol rifleman crossbow gun

Hell Havoc is the worst epic crossbow by the player, perhaps because of this piercing power +100% reason, in fact, after the revision of the 35% additional critical damage and 15% of the final damage is still a good addition, and the 95 hand crossbow attribute is similar to the rifle, 44% of the intelligence, but only 4% of the white damage, 44 points of full attribute enhancement is not bad, but this weapon is because the planner likes the number 4?

<h1>Hand cannon</h1>

DNF: Hanbok update level 95 epic weapon, sharpshooter this weapon data is very characteristic revolver automatic pistol rifleman crossbow gun

Siege Cannon Big Gun class most want to come out of a weapon, but now the big gun has become a percentage, siege gun attributes increased by 20% of the strength and 40% of the white word additional damage, the attribute is still very good, and the attributes of the 95 hand gun I personally think there is no big gap, 42% of the final damage and 18% of the white word, the overall value does not change much, but there are 16 points of the genus forced bonus and some skill range upgrades, so it is better to choose 95 epic.

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