
Fiction: A Changing World

A changing world


In the village, there is only a potholed dirt road that leads to the world outside the ravine. However, the villagers, except for some people, have walked out of the village, most of them have not gone out of the village, and occasionally, there are ravines with foreign cars, buzzing noises, breaking the calm of the village, so that the people in the village, who have never seen the car, see something new, and also know the sky, not the village is so big, outside the village, there is a vast world.

The people in the village, except for the wind and rain, or the ice and snow weather, only idle, in the ordinary days, the daily life content, get up early, eat casually, carry a hoe, and go to the fields to work. Near, came back for a meal at noon, far away, until twilight, dragged his tired legs back to the village home.

People in the village, in order to solve the problem of eating, planted a large field, their own people, can not plant, they will work with each other, work together, while giggling and laughing, although they work, do not feel tired. In the process of talking and laughing, people understand each other in their hearts, and they have that kind of warm friendship. With happiness, sharing together, having difficulties, helping each other.

Although the people in the village know that there is a wider sky outside the village, the people in the village work at sunrise and rest at sunset, laboring in the land of the village with their hands, and working hard in order to eat a full meal. Dreaming that on the land, I can grow crops that cannot be eaten, have rice noodles to eat in the future, feed pigs, feed chickens, have meat to eat, and look forward to the future and a beautiful life.

It was at this time that Li Linzi walked out of the village and toward the vast area outside the ravine to the city.

Li Linzi, not in the same way as those people in the village, went out of the village, went to work, and came back in some days. Li Linzi walked out of the village, read well, was admitted to school, and went to a city to study. When I come back in the future, I will have a job and am a person who eats the national meal.

Li Linzi is the first person in the village to go to school, and he is also the only person in the village who has a job and eats state meals in the future.

At that time, in the village, this caused a sensation, making the people in the village envious, admiring, and praising Li Linzi's usefulness and greatness, and there would be a big appearance in the future, and it would be able to honor the ancestors.

People in the village praised Li Linzi every time, saying that Li Linzi was useful and remarkable. Educating his own children, he also took Li Linzi as an example, saying how useful Li Linzi was, that he was admitted to school, went to the city to study, and would eat the country's meal in the future, and the future was immeasurable.

Li Linzi's father and mother are very proud of this. Li Linzi is also proud, happy, and looking forward to his beautiful future.


Li Linzi's home, right in the middle of the village, father and mother, are also ordinary, hardworking, and kind people in the village. The only difference is that my father is a bit of culture, so when he feels the hardships of life, he vows to provide Li Linzi with reading, and as long as Li Linzi reads, he will provide for it.

Although Li Linzi initially went to school, he felt that people were restrained in the school, studied hard, and skipped school. After being beaten up by his father, he did not dare to skip school.

Li Linzi's people are smart, after reading books for some days, they are used to school life, books are also read, often praise from teachers, and they like to study, and they do not skip school.

After listening to his father's words and seeing the hard work of his father and mother, he became more and more diligent in reading.

This made the father feel hopeful, glorious.

There are many village partners who study with Li Linzi, including Wang Weizi.

However, in the end, I was able to insist on reading it, from the village to the township, from the township to the town, only Li Linzi was alone.

Wang Weizi was in the village, and when he finished reading, he stopped reading. Some other partners, at most, read until they graduated in the township, did not study and went home.

Studying in the township, you have to live in the dormitory, the hot days stink, the winter is cold. Eat mushy soup and be hungry.

Go to town to study, stay the same, eat mushy soup, hungry. And the most important thing is that every week, to come and go to school, to walk dozens of miles, but also to climb over a mountain beam, it is very difficult, those classmates, can not stand the suffering, do not read, go home.

Li Linzi studies well, likes to read, and is full of hope for reading. Father also insisted on providing Li Linzi with reading, saying that wherever Li Linzi read, he would provide for him, and there was no money left, and he could borrow it.

Li Linzi also gradually understood things, saw the hardships of his parents, and also thought that returning home, he would be as hard as his parents, and his life for a lifetime was a day when he was facing the loess and facing the sky, and there was no hope. So, no matter how much hard work you endure, living in the dormitory in the winter is cold and the summer is smelly. Hungry a lot of stomachs. Come and go to school, the wind goes, the rain comes. In the winter, the ice and snow rushed and fell a lot, li Linzi did not retreat, insisting on reading the book.

After graduating in the town, I was admitted to school. Admitted to a school in the city.


In the envy of the villagers, in the incomparable glory of his parents, in his pride and vision for the future, Li Linzi went to the school in the city to study.

At this time, Wang Weizi had returned home from the school in the village for many years.

Wang Weizi's home was in a worse condition than Li Linzi's home. Wang Weizi did not study well, nor could he bear the suffering and the restraints of school. Fathers and mothers are honest, dutiful, hands-on, laboring people on the land. Wang Weizi didn't want to read it, so they relied on Wang Weizi. They knew that Wang Weizi did not want to read, and they also knew the conditions at home, and they could not read much for Wang Weizi. Can know a few words, can write their own names, distinguish between men and women's toilets, know money, can calculate accounts, do not be mixed, just do.

The father and mother, very distressed about Wang Weizi, returned home, and did not let Wang Weizi do anything. Wang Weizi ate every day, just playing.

Staying at home and wandering around the village.

Wang Weizi soon played with the people in the village who were older than him, ate the same food, did not do anything, and were idle.

These people, smoking, drinking, playing cards. At the beginning, they led Wang Weizi to play, and Wang Weizi was watching from the sidelines, what they needed, and instructed Wang Weizi to go, and Wang Weizi's legs were diligent and fast, so he went quickly. Buy a pack of cigarettes, buy a bottle of wine, pour a glass of water. As long as someone lets it be done, Wang Weizi is very willing to do it, and after doing it, he gets the likes of these people, and he says that Wang Weizi is good.

Wang Weizi has been with them for a long time, and when they buy cigarettes and drink wine for them, they will give Wang Weizi cigarettes and drinks. Wang Weizi took it, and when he took the first sip of his cigarette, he felt a little choked, and when he drank the first sip of wine, it was a little spicy. Those who smoke and drink wine teach him, smoke gently, drink slowly. Wang Weizi smoked and drank according to what they said, and gradually, he no longer felt the smoke choking, the wine was spicy, he could smoke and drink.

Father knew, and did not care about Wang Weizi, but felt in his heart that if he stopped reading and went out of society, he should learn to smoke and drink.

Wang Weizi let go of smoking and drinking.

When those people played cards, Wang Weizi also watched from the sidelines, and gradually, he knew the cards and could play cards. It's just that he doesn't have the money and doesn't dare to fight.

However, those who play cards, some want to go to the toilet, some have something, some have bad luck, let Wang Weizi play instead, Wang Weizi is very excited, and gradually, Wang Weizi also learned to play cards.

However, Wang Weizi is playing for others instead, he has no money, and he does not dare to play cards.

Wang Weizi could only follow those people like a dog, play together, listen to their instructions, run errands, and then end up taking a sip of wine and eating a cigarette, instead of playing cards.


Li Linzi went to the school in the city to study, and every few days, he would write a letter to his father, and his father would also write to him.

In the letter, Li Linzi told him about the life of reading in the city school, and also introduced the situation of the school, the teachers, and the situation of the classmates. Also speaking of that city. Sometimes, in the letter, there are pictures he took in the city, in the school. The photo card is very good, Li Linzi people are very spirited, full of youth, vitality. The background of the photo is sometimes a landscape of the city, a famous building. Sometimes, it's a beautiful landscape in the school, some sculpture.

Receiving Li Linzi's letter was the time when my father was most happy and proud. After reading the letter, he went to the village to explain the content of the letter, and also showed Li Linzi's photo to the people in the village. The people in the village, seeing Li Linzi's vigorous and youthful appearance, and the beautiful background of the photos, praised and envied, saying that Li Linzi would have a great future in the future. Li Linzi's father and mother happily closed their mouths, feeling special pride and glory in their hearts.

His father wrote a letter to Li Linzi, introducing some situations in the family, the situation of life, and the situation in the village. Although his father's words were written like vines entangled in a piece, some of the words were wrong, but the sentences were basically smooth, Li Linzi could guess the contents of them, knew that the family was good, some things in the village, and the heart was warm.

At this time, Wang Weizi has been out of society for many years, and he is already a veteran of smoking, drinking, and playing cards. However, he ate one day and did nothing, relying on what his father and mother did to feed him.

Wang Weizi could only follow the village, those who were older than him, mixed well, like dogs listening to the instructions, mixing cigarettes, drinking, playing cards.

The people in the village talk about Wang Weizi, who is gradually growing up, but he does not do any work, nor does he find a way to earn money, so if he goes on, he is a bastard, how to live his life, and I am afraid that I will not even find my daughter-in-law in the future.

The people in the village compare Li Linzi, praise, envy Li Linzi, talk, and belittle Wang Weizi, who is as lazy as Wang Weizi, and there are people who do not work, smoke, drink, and play cards. In the face of Li Linzi's spirit and scenery in the city school, Wang Weizi also knew that it was not as good as it was, silently endured the talk of others, denigrated, and hated himself for not reading the book and not having Li Linzi's scenery. In his heart, he was confused about the future, gloomy, and full of envy for Li Linzi.


A few years later, Li Linzi graduated from the city school and had a job. Work in a village not far from your hometown. Because I went to a normal school, the assigned work was also in the school.

When Li Linzi went to the school of his work unit, he had to walk dozens of miles along the potholed dirt road, and in the meantime, he had to climb over a mountain beam. In the school, it is very dilapidated, all of which are black tile houses with earthen walls, and the yard is full of weeds. The potholed dirt road, which leads to the school village, comes to an end. Usually, there are only potholes, white light roads, no one, only a few businessmen's three-wheeled bungee, or trucks stealing wood, to come to the village, in the buzzing sound, to bring a little life to the village, and something new. In the unit, there is no electricity, and the oil lamp is lit at night. The postman came once a week to read an expired newspaper.

Nevertheless, Li Linzi has a job, Li Linzi is the first person in the village to eat the national meal, unlike the people in the village, who relies on the land to survive, and lives with his back to the sky facing the loess for a lifetime, still making the people in the village praise and envy. Speaking of Li Linzi's future life, the wind can't blow, the rain can't rain, how beautiful this kind of life is.

Although there is a huge gap between the dream of studying in the city and the reality of falling on the ground, Li Linzi's heart is a little disappointed, but looking at the praise and envy of the people in the village, looking at the people in the village, in order to eat a mouthful of food, hunched over every day on the land to work, Li Linzi's heart, got comfort and satisfaction. I also think that it is not easy for me to study, it is not easy for my parents to provide for myself to study, my father and mother are looking forward to him coming out to work, there is no burden, I can count on him to support the family, so that the family will have a good life in the future. Li Linzi settled down and began to work in the nearby village, in that remote place, in the dilapidated school.

Every week, Li Linzi leaves his work unit and returns home to the village. Carrying a bag, wearing clean clothes and leather shoes on his feet. Back in the village, I saw the people in the village, wearing worn-out clothes, wearing leather shoes on their feet, covered in mud, and I felt satisfied and proud in my heart. And the people in the village were full of envy for him.

Wang Weizi, still like a dog, followed the village, behind those who were older than him, idle, listening to people's dispatches, instructing, doing some things, and then, mixing with alcohol, smoking, smoking and playing cards.

Wang Weizi did not brush his teeth, and his teeth were smoked black.

Although Wang Weizi was lazy and did not work, the clothes on his body were the same worn, and he wore liberation rubber shoes on his feet. An ugly, dirty, broken look.

When Li Linzi went back, the people of the village greeted him and spoke to people with a smile, but when he met Wang Weizi to speak to him, Li Linzi was full of contempt for Wang Weizi and ignored him. I feel that Wang Weizi is a broken settlement and a jerk.

The people in the village still praised Li Linzi for his ability to eat the country's food. Still envious of Li Linzi's life, educating his children, to learn From Li Linzi, to study in the future, to go to school, to eat the country's meals, and to be a person with a good reputation.

In the face of Li Linzi's contemptuous gaze, although Wang Weizi felt some loss and some resentment in his heart, in the face of the envy and praise of the people in the village, and then looked at his own life, there was no resentment in his heart, only hatred for not reading books, no job, and no way to eat the state's food.

Looking at Li Linzi's clean and neat appearance, looking at Li Linzi's full of spirit and vitality, thinking of Li Linzi's life without fear of wind and rain, and having no worries about food and clothing, Wang Weizi's heart suddenly filled his life with fear, disappointment, and a dark future.


After working for a year or two, Li Linzi found a daughter-in-law and got married.

The daughter-in-law Li Linzi is looking for is a girl from a family in her hometown village. The girl's name is Jane, and she looks very pretty. Dark and bright eyes, very energetic. The straight bridge of the nose, the small mouth, and the melon-shaped face match so perfectly. The figure is also slender, with soft curves. Her hair was jet black, and she was braided and draped over her shoulders. In the village, everywhere you go is a view.

Zhen'er is the most beautiful girl in the village, attracting the attention of the young men in the village, and also attracting the attention of Wang Weizi. Wang Weizi always secretly looks at Zhen'er, and then, he dreams of wrongdoing. However, Li Linzi knew that his downfall, like a bastard, the family conditions were not good, and he had always buried this beautiful imagination of Zhen'er in his heart.

Later, knowing that Li Linzi and Zhen'er were well, Wang Weizi's heart surged with an inexplicable taste. It is envy, it is blessing, and it is even more jealousy.

However, just as his beautiful imagination of Zhen'er did not dare to show it, Wang Weizi did not dare to express this complicated feeling for Li Linzi.

Wang Weizi knows that Li Linzi is now the envy and praise of the villagers, and Li Linzi is a model. In the hearts of the villagers, he is a lazy man, a jerk, a person who eats, drinks, gambles and gambles, and any emotional words he says about Li Linzi and Zhen'er will attract ridicule, contempt, or insults from the villagers.

Therefore, for Li Linzi and Zhen'er to be good, Wang Weizi can only bury complex emotions in his heart. After the complicated feelings passed, looking at Li Linzi and Zhen'er, so intimate together, his heart, there was only envy, and then, hatred for himself, hate for not reading well, hate for not showing up, and then, feel his future, a dark. Sometimes, in my dreams, I think that if I am Li Linzi, how good it should be!

Zhen'er's family is a very ordinary family in the village, and her parents are the same dutiful, honest and diligent people. Zhen'er didn't read much, and when she graduated in the township, she went home. However, people are human, diligent, cooking at home, washing clothes, feeding pigs, feeding chickens, doing anything, and are praised by the people in the village.

For the marriage between Li Linzi and Zhen'er, Li Linzi's parents knew about it and agreed with it. The people in the village also praised it, saying that this is really a talented woman, and in the future, they will live a sweet and happy life.

Because each other's parents are willing, and the people in the village are also praised, Li Linzi and Zhen'er, from love to marriage, did not take much time, all the way, extra smooth. Finally, according to the customs of his hometown, he got married.

On the day of the wedding, there were many people who went, and the people in the village went, and the people from many villages near the village came. On the door of Li Linzi's house, there are red couplets pasted, and lanterns hang under the eaves. In the hall, tables and stools are neatly arranged. In the stove room, people are busy. Li Linzi and Zhen'er's new house was also cleaned up, the top was pasted with newspaper, and the walls were pasted with white paper, pasted with red and red happy characters. Many homes are neatly arranged, full of warmth.

At the beginning of the banquet, the guests sat around the table, eating and drinking, and saying compliments. Li Linzi and Zhen'er, dressed in new clothes, went to give people a toast.

Looking at the liveliness and festivities of Li Linzi's family, Wang Weizi's heart was full of envy, and he also felt that he was inferior and felt that his future was dark.


Li Linzi and Zhen'er got married, and it wasn't long before Li Linzi was transferred from the village near his hometown back to his hometown ravine to teach in a village not far from his family's village.

Li Linzi went to school in the morning and returned in the afternoon. Jane is at home, cooking, doing laundry, feeding chickens, feeding pigs. The days were calm, smooth, and carefree, full of the sweet happiness that the villagers yearn for.

It is because of the age of the parents, day by day, some work can not be done. Still from Li Linzi's body, people are envious, people are inferior, so as to arouse a kind of diligent strength in their hearts, one day after eating, like a dog to follow wang Weizi behind others, suddenly, no longer follow others, listen to people's dispatches, mix a sip of wine, a cigarette, a card play, but suddenly began to become diligent, took a hoe, went to the ground to work.

Gradually, Wang Weizi would do all kinds of work, work free time, and find a way to earn money. Some days later, the days of Wang Weizi's family, because Wang Weizi suddenly became diligent, changed, planted a lot of grain, and did not worry about eating. I also have some money in my hands, I don't lack money to spend, I can eat enough and wear warm clothes. Wang Weizi also no longer follows others, listens to people's instructions like a dog, ends up smoking, drinking, playing cards, he has his own money, he can buy cigarettes, buy alcohol to drink. Card King Weizi also plays, in his free, lonely time, someone calls him to play, he will go to play. However, Wang Weizi and people play cards, do not play big cards, only play small cards, win or lose a little on the line, play until the end of the fun, and disperse.

Although Wang Weizi still smoked, drank, and played cards, because people were diligent and fast, everything depended on themselves, the cards did not play nonsense, they lost indiscriminately, and gradually, they were praised by the villagers, and no one laughed at him and despised him anymore. The father and mother, who are getting old day by day, look at the change of their son, and their hearts are also happy and hopeful.

Although Wang Weizi's change is somewhat estranged from the people who have played with him before, in his free time, Wang Weizi still plays with them. Wang Weizi can work, he can earn money, he can buy cigarettes, buy wine, drink, play cards, no one will treat him like a dog, command, and gradually treat him as a person, ask him to smoke, drink. And Wang Weizi also bought them cigarettes, bought wine to drink, drank these people in one piece, the relationship was good, it was very intimate, and it was hilarious to play in a piece.

Wang Weizi gradually has a good reputation in the village, and there are many people who like and can play together. With happiness in one piece, with difficulties, with things to do, there are also people to help.

Unlike Wang Weizi, although Li Linzi is still envied by the villagers, his initial fame in the village has gradually faded, and the number of people who praise him has gradually decreased.

After Wang Weizi found Zhen'er, outside of work, he was focused on the family, and Zhen'er, her parents were together, living this peaceful and happy life.

Because there is a fixed income, the family does not have many fields, the father and mother are heavy, the family's life, living in peace and happiness, Li Linzi's family does not have much to do, need the help of people in the village, the people in the village, some have things, he can't help. Sometimes, when I meet the villagers, I just smile and symbolically say hello. Li Linzi's family is in the village, and the people in the village usually do not have much contact, but if they are left, they gradually have little relationship. Dressed only politely, with Jane'er, living their peaceful, happy lives.

Although the people in the village envied Li Linzi's life, they began to talk about Li Linzi, and some said that Li Linzi people dressed well, looked down on the people in the village, and did not stay with the people in the village. Some people say that Li Linzi is arrogant and does not interact with the people in the village. It is also said that Li Linzi only lives his own peaceful and happy life, and does not care whether the people in the village are good or bad.

And Wang Weizi was in the village, and there was a group of people who played with him, playing cards, drinking, and smoking in the same area. It is also because people are gradually not lazy, doing all kinds of work, finding all kinds of doorways to earn money, and people in the village, every day together, because of work, earning money, changing jobs with each other, helping, they often have contacts and get along. Wang Weizi worked for others and did a good job. When making money with others, you are not greedy, and when you have benefits, you always give more to others. In the village's homes, with the red and white happy events, Wang Weizi always went to help, and when he drank, he always made efforts to accompany people to drink. Although there are no bright spots on Wang Weizi, there is no envy and pride like Li Linzi, but Wang Weizi does things, but let the villagers like, and he has been praised by the villagers.


Wang Weizi found the woman and got married.

The woman's name is Fengzi. Long and pretty, slightly fat body, fat face, dark hair, very rich look. However, I don't know how, I was made to have a big belly, although I secretly went to the hospital to beat up the child, but the matter was passed out, the reputation was not good, and no one wanted it anymore. Fengzi's parents, feeling very faceless, told people that as long as anyone was willing to ask for it, there was no need for a bride price, and there was no need to handle it, and they would take Fengzi away and go through the formalities, and they would marry whomever they wanted.

There were well-meaning people in the village who said to Wang Weizi, let Wang Weizi go and find Fengzi.

Wang Weizi began, but also some mind, worried. However, thinking of the general conditions in his family, his own reputation, and his own reputation, people who eat, drink, gamble, and have all five poisons, they agreed.

Wang Weizi still symbolically gave Fengzi's parents some bride price, bought a table of wine, invited people with prestige in the village, Fengzi's parents, some relatives, ate a meal, went through the formalities, and Fengzi even married.

After getting married, I did not expect that Fengzi people had become responsible, and they were also very diligent and capable. The work at home and in the field will be done. For Wang Weizi, he is also very considerate, cooking and washing clothes. At night, give Wang Weizi the ultimate tenderness, let Wang Weizi feel happiness in the ethereal. This makes Wang Weizi full of hope for life, more and more diligent work, farming, looking for a way to earn money everywhere, and the life at home is getting better day by day.

Wang Weizi got married, had a family, and his heart became solid and warm. However, while Wang Weizi was worried about his home and enjoying the warmth of home, his personality still did not change. To the people in the village, still enthusiastic, whoever has something to do, go with Fengzi to help. I kept in touch with my former friends who smoked, drank, and played cards, and I kept getting to know some friends, sometimes, going to their house to play, sometimes, inviting them to play at home. When they arrived at home, Wang Weizi accompanied them to talk, and Fengzi was busy making dishes and drinking to greet them. In the fragrance of wine and vegetables, let Wang Weizi's family, full of lively, festive, people who come to play, the heart is also warm and melting, saying that Wang Weizi is good, but also said that after Wang Weizi, if there is anything, look for them, they must help.

Because Wang Weizi and the people in the village have a good relationship, with the passage of time, the people in the village seem to have forgotten that Fengzi was made big belly, and Wang Weizi picked up the broken shoes, saying that Wang Weizi is good and Fengzi is good.

Seeing that Fengzi and Wang Weizi had a good life, Fengzi's father and mother were also very happy. Like the villagers, they forgot the stains on their daughters and gave them their lost faces. When Wang Weizi let Fengzi get wine and vegetables, and called them to play at home, he smiled and went happily.

After drinking and eating, praise is also praising Wang Weizi's goodness, asking Wang Weizi and Fengzi to live a good life.

Although Wang Weizi's house is dilapidated and the home is also very simple, there is nothing, but Wang Weizi's family is constantly full of guests, and the festive atmosphere and the lively momentum surpass Li Linzi.

In the mouths of the people in the village, it is Wang Weizi who often hangs on the lips, not Li Linzi. Although Li Linzi's family house is beautiful, there is also money, there is no shortage of food and clothing, and Zhen'er lives their sweet days, but gradually, it is forgotten by the people in the village.


After a year of Wang Weizi's marriage, Fengzi gave birth to a child, a son, which added joy to the family and gave Wang Weizi sweetness and happiness.

At the time of the full moon, many people came to congratulate. The people in the village all came, and the people who played well with Wang Weizi came, and outside the village, there were many people, and the hall house was full of banquets. Wang Weizi was busy greeting guests. Wang Weizi's mother, holding the child, Fengzi was busy cooking. The home is like a happy event, full of festivities and liveliness.

Li Linzi also went, sitting on the table, although he was dressed neatly and politely, but it was as if he had been forgotten, and no one paid attention to him.

Wang Weizi played at a table and a table to beat the officials, and listened to people say words of congratulations, and he also said words of thanks. Pick up the cup, very people drink boldly, full of red, giving people a festive, heroic feeling.

Fengzi also came, accompanied everyone, drank some wine, said words of thanks, and heard people say words of blessing.

Wang Weizi and Li Linzi also drank wine. However, the moment when the four eyes were facing each other, they didn't know what to say, so they silently picked up the wine glass and drank the wine.

After the child was full moon, Fengzi led the child at home and took care of the housework, and Wang Weizi still went to work in the mountains to find a doorway to earn money.

Because of having a child, Wang Weizi was particularly happy in his heart, full of hope for life, and full of strength.

Wang Weizi's father and mother were also happy, so they saw the hope of family life, and they also helped Wang Weizi, doing various jobs and taking care of their children.

The life of Wang Weizi's family is so smooth and sweet.

At this time, the life of Wang Weizi's family changed.

Wang Weizi met a man who had come to the village from a place outside the ravine to do business. This man, who had come to the village by car, was wearing brand-name clothes, smoking a good cigarette, and looking very rich.

The boss went to the village and wanted to eat, Wang Weizi was meeting, so he led him to the house and asked Fengzi to cook and eat.

The boss gave Wang Weizi a few hundred yuan and asked Wang Weizi to get the best dish and the best wine. Wang Weizi killed the chicken and took the bacon down and boiled it. Fengzi was busy doing it. Wang Weizi's mother helped to lead the child.

After Fengzi followed Wang Weizi and gave birth to a child, that slightly fat body and rich face had a kind of charm, especially those dark, deep eyes, full of tenderness, and it could catch people's souls when they saw it.

The boss did not know how, he was attracted by Fengzi, sitting in the courtyard, although drinking tea, but from time to time secretly looking at Fengzi, looking at Fengzi's full breasts, round ass, eyes straight, there is a fire-like light.

The dish was ready and put on the table, and the boss called Wang Weizi to accompany him to drink.

Wang Weizi is a person who loves to make friends and friends, so he did not resign, accompanied the boss, while drinking, smoking, and talking.

After a few glasses of wine, the stomach was hot, and the brain was dizzy, the boss said to Wang Weizi, your place is too remote and poor, in this place, if you don't think of a way, just by farming, and making money with death, you can only take a bite of rice to eat, and your life will never get better. You people are so spirited, why don't you use your brain, think of a way, and do some business as well!

Wang Weizi said, in business, I don't understand the doorway, and I don't have the capital.

The boss looked at Wang Weizi and said to Wang Weizi, I will not teach you, there is no capital, I will lend you as much as I want.

Wang Weizi's heart was hot, he stood up, took a glass of wine, saluted the boss, and the boss picked up the cup and drank it all.

At this time, Fengzi sent food, the boss's eyes, just look at Fengzi fiercely, Fengzi woman instinctive sensitivity, read the boss's eyes, Wang Weizi also saw, but also understood the meaning of the boss's heart.

Wang Weizi continued to drink with the boss, taking a cup by cup, drinking cleanly, very luxurious.

Wang Weizi also called out to Fengzi to drink with the boss, and the boss's eyes looked at Fengzi hotly, and when he touched the cup, his hand touched Fengzi's hand.

The wine was drunk until late at night, and Wang Weizi's parents went to sleep early, and the child also slept. After cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, after the table, Wang Weizi Chong Fengzi said, talk with the boss, I will come back when I go out for a little thing.

During the conversation, Wang Weizi's eyes looked directly at Fengzi, and Fengzi understood the meaning in Wang Weizi's gaze.

The boss was drunk, very excited, more and more bold, and looked at Fengzi hotly.

At night, Wang Weizi had been sitting in a hidden place in front of his own home, looking at his home, looking at the window that had extinguished the lights, and his heart was turning with all kinds of tastes, as if he was hurt by something. However, the words of the boss echoed in my ears, and I felt in my heart that it was my own thing, lent to others to use it, what does it matter!

The next day, the boss gave Fengzi a lot of money. He also took Wang Weizi with him and went out of the ravine to teach Wang Weizi to do business.


Since then, Wang Weizi has followed the boss, sometimes going out in a car, sometimes taking a car back to the ravine. The boss bought the valuable things in the ravine and trafficked them outside the ravine to sell. And the outside of the ravine is not worth much, but the things that the people in the ravine need, are trafficked back, and the two ends earn money.

Gradually, Wang Weizi saw the doorway and learned to do business.

Every time he came back to the ravine, Wang Weizi always bought many good dishes and let Fengzi cook and drink. At night, after drinking until late at night, he excused himself to have something to do, let Fengzi talk with the boss, and left.

Wang Weizi also bought Fengzi a lot of new clothes, cosmetics, and Fengzi dressed beautifully.

Wang Weizi also bought new clothes for his parents, good cigarettes, and good wine. Also bought new clothes for the children. The life at home is getting better and better.

After a few days, Wang Weizi bought a three-wheeled bungee and did such a business. No longer farming, the family's fields, let the father and mother plant, he was busy with business. When the child is older, he lets the mother lead the child and let Fengzi run the business with him.

After a few years, Wang Weizi made a lot of money, sold the three-wheeled bungee and bought a big truck. The family house was renovated, the roof was covered with new tiles, the interior and exterior of the house were painted, the floor was paved with cement, and many homes were bought.

Wang Weizi's family life is getting better and better, he is in front of people, more and more beautiful, but Wang Weizi has not changed, the enthusiasm for the people in the village, who meets, warm greeting, smoking. Whoever has a difficulty, go to help, and if someone borrows money, lend it to them. I have always maintained a close relationship with those who have played together before, going to their house for drinks and inviting them to drink at home. As long as someone comes to the house to play, let Fengzi cook and drink and entertain.

Wang Weizi's prestige in the village is getting higher and higher, he is praised by people, and the days when his family is becoming more and more prosperous are envied.

Wang Weizi's parents were very happy, and Fengzi's father and mother were also proud of this.

In the near future, Wang Wei's fate, like the days at home, has changed again.

In the town, some people came to the village, and after the busy work, Wang Weizi invited them to his home and made wine and dishes to entertain. Wang Weizi's good dishes, good wine, let go of drinking with them, the people who came from the town, one by one, were accompanied by a dizzy, when the townspeople left, they all remembered Wang Weizi and praised Wang Weizi for being a good person.

From then on, the units in the town, as long as people came, they went to Wang Weizi's house for dinner, Wang Weizi warmly welcomed, let Fengzi cook dishes, bought good cigarettes and good wine to entertain, and finally, the people who came to accompany them left suddenly.

Before long, the boundaries in the village were about to change, and Wang Weizi was elected as the village chief.

When Wang Weizi became the village chief, he became the parent official in the village.


At the same time that the life and destiny of Wang Weizi's family are changing, the life and destiny of Li Linzi's family are also changing.

Wang Weizi works seriously, hard, and outside of work, he returns home, accompanies his family with Zhen'er, and lives a peaceful and happy life without worry.

Wang Weizi cherishes and is satisfied with such a life, and longs for such a life to go on forever.

However, the peaceful and happy life that Wang Weizi likes has changed little by little. In his work, no matter how hard he tried and devoted himself, he did not get the affirmation of the leaders of the unit, and he often criticized him. And the parents of those children, especially those from their own villages, often come to the unit and sue him in front of the leaders.

In the village, no one praised Li Linzi anymore, saying that Li Linzi was not good, people were arrogant, and they looked down on the villagers. Although he envied Li Linzi's life, he was full of hatred and hostility toward Li Linzi's life.

Li Linzi's work was suddenly transferred from the school in the center of the ravine in his hometown to the school in his own village.

In school, he was alone, and all the work was done by himself and managed by one person.

This surprised Li Linzi, the leader of the unit, smiled and said to Li Linzi that this was to take care of him, closer to home, convenient to take care of the family.

Li Linzi's heart actually rose warm, with warmth, gratitude, yearning, and went home to work in the school of the village village.

Li Linzi went to work in the school in his hometown village, the school was very dilapidated, the earthen wall black tile house, the roof was cracked in many places, leaking rain, leaking wind. The walls are mottled and the ground is uneven. The yard is not large, and it is full of wild grass. On the side of the yard, there was no wall, and it was empty. The toilets were as dilapidated, the black tiles on the top were peeling off, and the walls were mottled and full of mud marks. Inside the pit, there was a pile of dung and a foul smell.

This made Li Linzi feel a little lost. However, thinking of working in the hometown village, close to home, and another person, no one to spy, not many complicated things, to teach the children well, work easier, freer. I don't live in the school either, I go to school every morning and go back in the afternoon, and although the school is dilapidated, after all, I don't live in the school and live.

Thinking like this, Li Linzi's heart felt relieved again.

Li Linzi registered the child, and then, cleaning up, began his work in the school in his hometown village.

However, when he signed up, Li Linzi once again encountered something that was lost and cold.

Those children were a little timid, but the parents who sent their children called his nickname, some called his big name, and did not call him teacher.

Li Linzi worked in his village village, and was called a teacher by everyone, working in the central school of his hometown Ravine, and was also respectfully called a teacher, so that Li Linzi had a noble and respected sacred feeling. At this time, back in his hometown village, the people of his hometown village all called him like this, which made Li Linzi feel humiliated. However, looking at the familiar faces, the mouths that had once praised him, there was no anger in his heart, and he could not produce anger. You also have to make a smiley face, listen to their opinions, and sign up your child. Some parents told Li Linzi how his children were, how they were, how they were in school, and how they wanted to do it. He also told Li Linzi that li Linzi should teach his children well, and if the children's grades are not good, it is difficult to say. The tone of his speech, like a leader, instructed Li Linzi. Li Linzi was angry and annoyed, but he still had a bad seizure, accompanied by a smiling face, listening to their words.

Just like this, he finished reporting the name of the child, sent the parents away, and began his work.


After Wang Weizi became the parent official in the village, although he saw that people were still enthusiastic and made a smile on his face, in his heart, he had a feeling of pride and greatness. Wang Weizi specially bought a new suit, wore leather shoes on his feet, bought a water cup, good tea leaves, every morning, habitually hugged the tea leaves, walked around the village, looked at the village, the eyes, full of pride, there is a village, in addition to heaven and earth, is my greatest feeling to come.

At first, Wang Weizi did not go to the school to transfer. Just walk around the village, and don't go to anyone's house. When you meet someone, as usual, make a smiley face and take the initiative to say hello. Wang Weizi still treated the people in the village as if he had not been the village chief. If anyone has something to do, go to help, and if someone borrows money, lend it to them.

The people in the village praised Wang Weizi for being good, being a good person, becoming an official, and having no shelf, just as good.

However, in the village, which family has another matter, Wang Weizi to help, no longer as before, do things, but to be the person in charge, move the mouth, move the hands, there are people who are happy to run upside down, the people who have passed the incident, just smoke, good wine hospitality, so that Wang Weizi incomparable scenery.

The people in the village borrowed money from Wang Weizi, no longer came to borrow it at any time as before, took the money and left, and when they repaid the money, there was nothing to do. When borrowing money, he said in advance, some invited him to drink, some brought him something, some were tobacco and alcohol, some were eggs, and some were turkeys. They are all things that Wang Weizi likes.

There is also a change that Wang Weizi's family, as long as there is a little thing, there will be people in the village to help, Wang Weizi's family burns firewood, planting land, there are people from the village to help, or some bits and pieces of work in the family, there are people to help. Fathers and mothers celebrate birthdays, and people come to give gifts.

In this way, the people in the village, as before, praised Wang Weizi and said that Wang Weizi was good. On the mouth, Wang Weizi is often hung, wang Weizi is in the village, is a celebrity, is a wonderful person. But no one mentioned Li Linzi anymore, not even envy, some disdain, and contempt in the eyes, or hatred.

Wang Weizi still plays with those who can play together, drink, play cards, and smoke in the past. The difference is that when Wang Weizi called them to come to the house to play less, when Wang Weizi called them, they pushed that there was something wrong, and then, they invited Wang Weizi and Fengzi to play in their homes, got good cigarettes, good wine, good food, and served, and Wang Weizi drank red, and his head came back dizzy, and the days were like gods.

What has changed is that the boss, after Wang Weizi bought a car and did business, never came again. The same is that the people in the town often come, come Wang Weizi Bi Gong Bi Respectful, greeted with a smile, Fengzi was busy making dishes, and then, Wang Weizi bought good cigarettes and good wine to entertain, on the wine table, sacrificed his life to accompany and drink, and the people from the town, one by one, accompanied by fluttering. Then, they all talked about Wang Weizi's good work and ability. Say that Wang Weizi has something to do, just say.

Time, in Wang Weizi's heroism, great shore, and scenery, day by day.

At this time, the village is also beginning, and it is changing little by little. There are many good things, one by one, pouring into the villages.

The state pays for the renovation of houses for the villagers. It is necessary to repair running water for the villagers, pave cement floors, and roads. Electricity should be set up in the village. The mobile phone tower is also going to be erected in the village. In the ravine, through the potholed dirt road of the village, a plan has also been made to build a cement road.

A mine owner, in the village, has discovered a mine and is about to open it.

This one thing after another, rushed to the village, and all the things, involving people and things, money, needed Wang Weizi to take care of, he nodded, said before it mattered.

In the village, those who have physical strength, young and strong, do not cultivate the land, and they all look for Wang Weizi and want to work. The fields were planted by those who were physically inferior and older.

But whoever finds Wang Weizi must take something for Wang Weizi, some take cigarettes, some take wine, Wang Weizi's good cigarettes do not play, good wine does not play. Some of the work to be done is big, and if they make more money, they will directly give Wang Weizi money. And the people who can do these jobs are the people who Wang Weizi used to play together well, the people in the village.

The owner of the mine gave Wang Weizi a lot of money, and when he was still in the mine, he arranged a thing for Wang Weizi to do, and gave him a lot of wages every month. Returned to Wang Weizi's family, the house was repaired, and the two-story small Western-style building was repaired.

In the village, Wang Weizi became the richest, most powerful, and most beautiful person in life.


After the famous newspaper, Li Linzi led the students to clean the playground and classroom hygiene, and then prepared for the class, and when the school was over in the afternoon, the children went back, and he also went back.

Li Linzi led the child, just cleaned for a while, there were parents of the child came, angrily took the child's hand and left, said to Li Linzi, his child is small, he has not done work at home, and he cannot work at school. Then he nagged, saying that Li Linzi was lazy, did not do the work, and let the children do it.

Li Linzi's heart, there is unspeakable anger, desolation, and then, let the child go to play, he alone in the yard of the sanitary, classroom hygiene cleaned, tired sweat DC, waist pain and back pain. Then, let the crazy children who are playing and chasing the fights, enter the classroom, and get ready for class.

In this way, finally stayed up until the afternoon, after school, the children carried their school bags, went back, and the courtyard was quiet, only the empty yard, the quiet house. Li Linzi dragged his tired body and heavy legs back home.

The school is a mile or two away from Wang Weizi's village, home. In a ditch outside the village, in between, there was a mile away, there were no people, and the sky above his head was blue, blue, blue, serene and warm. The mountains stood quietly, the river flowed silently, the crops in the fields were ripe and emitted a mature breath, the birds were chirping, and Wang Weizi's heart became so down-to-earth and peaceful.

In my heart, I thought of the warm home, Jane, the child, the honest, the duty, the industrious parents, and hurried home.

Walking to the village, far away, seeing the smoke coming out of the chimney on the roof of the village, his own house, and the stove house, Li Linzi's heart had a warm feeling. All the losses, and the grievances in the heart, are gone.

Go back, look at Zhen'er's bulging, bigger and bigger belly, look at Zhen'er's smile, the heart is warm, forget the loss, unhappiness, and still full of hope for life.

In the twilight, the father and mother returned from the field, and the family sat together and ate a meal, talking about homely, Li Linzi's heart, so happy and warm.

Father and mother, gradually getting older, many times, silently do everything, everything in the family, handed over to Li Linzi, Li Linzi's work, can not worry, do not ask much.

Li Linzi felt that he was the top pillar of the family at this time, no matter what he encountered, he had to bear more, to support the family, and let the family live such a peaceful and happy life.

Li Linzi got up in the morning, ate in a hurry, went to work in school, and after the day's work, returned home in the afternoon, accompanied Zhen'er, and was with her family to enjoy that happiness.

It wasn't long before the child was born, also a son. In the sound of the child's wow, let Li Linzi feel happy and hopeful. Father and mother, Jane'er is also happy.

However, at the time of the child's full moon, except for Zhen'er's parents and some people who were somewhat related, they came to see the child and congratulated them, and many other families in the village, as if nothing had happened to Li Linzi's family, no child was born, no visit, no blessing.

However, Li Linzi's heart did not care about these things, he felt that as long as the work was smooth, he could be with his family, have a warm cabin, and live a peaceful life, it was happiness.

Li Linzi made wine and dishes, entertained the people who came to see the children, in the silence and loneliness, looked at the clean, simple house, looked at the child's cute face, dark eyes, and felt so warm and happy in his heart.

The birth of the child brought hope, motivation, and also felt a heavy responsibility on the shoulders. In the morning, rush to school, a day in school, dedicated to work. Free time, worrying about home, thinking about children. When it was time to finish school, I hurried home, accompanied Jane, held the child, looked at the child's dark eyes, chubby face, and felt so warm in my heart.

How Li Linzi looked forward to such a peaceful and happy day at home, it could last a long time.


First of all, children, often sick, although it is not a big problem, but Li Linzi has to worry, anxious, send the child to see the disease.

Li Linzi was anxious, Zhen'er was also anxious, and Zhen'er was haggard day by day, and that beauty gradually dissipated in the years and life. Looking at it, it made Li Linzi feel guilty and distressed.

However, fortunately, after worrying and worrying, after sending the child to the doctor, the child's illness, after a few days, got better. With a smile on Zhen'er's face, Li Linzi's body and mind also relaxed. Father and mother, too, breathed a sigh of relief.

And one day, Li Linzi's father suddenly fell ill. At first, I thought it was a small illness, but I saw it in the village and the township hospital, took a lot of medicine, and gave many injections, but I didn't get better. I still can't eat, and when I eat it, I vomit. The stomach is very bloated. The doctor suggested that he go to the big hospital in the city for examination.

Li Linzi accompanied his father and went to the big hospital in the city for examination.

When the inspection results came out, Li Linzi suddenly felt that the sky had collapsed, and his heart was a blank in pain.

My father had cancer, which was already advanced and could not be operated on, so he could only take some medicine and maintain treatment.

After spending almost all the money in the family, my father still did not live long, and left this world with pain, regret, and worry about Li Linzi.

The mother was in pain, with a somber face and tears all day.

The home suddenly seemed empty, immersed in grief.

The peaceful, happy life that Li Linzi longed for became a memory.

However, there are still mothers, Janes, lovely children, and warm old houses, and there are still remnants of the peaceful, happy life that Li Linzi longs for, and in pain, li Linzi's heart is comforted. In the midst of the pain, there was hope. In the midst of hardship, I chose to cheer up.

Li Linzi got up every morning, from a hurried meal, went to work in the school, worked seriously and diligently every day, and in the afternoon, the children left, he also left the school, returned home, and his mother, Zhen'er, and the child together, let that memory, the peaceful and happy life continue, forgetting the death of his father, the pain left, the desolation.

Li Linzi hopes that his work will go smoothly and his family will be safe.

However, things are still one thing, one after another.

After the initial smoothness, the work suddenly became less smooth. Although he was in school, working as seriously as he had been in the school where he had stayed, the leader came and always said that he had not done a good job, that he had not done a good job, and that he was full of criticism. And the parents of those children often come to find trouble, a little thing. The child is at school, and there is a conflict. What work did the child do in school? The child did not do homework, Li Linzi criticized it, they came to the school, light, said a few words about him, heavy, like scolding the street, pointing at him, shouting his name and scolding him.

What caused Li Linzi the most headache was that there were several children from families with good family conditions, rich money, and good relations with Wang Weizi, who did not listen to him in school, made trouble in class, bullied classmates after class, and Li Linzi went to manage, they called Li Linzi's name, scolded Li Linzi, and said that they wanted to go back to their parents. Then, the parents of these children, found in the school, but blamed Li Linzi for not having the ability, even the children could not control, and what books to teach, it was better to get out. He also told Li Linzi that if his child was in school, what happened, how it was, and he couldn't learn knowledge, let's talk about it.

At home, although the family is safe, in the pain of losing their father, they can cheer up, live smoothly, and feel the warmth and happiness in the memory. However, none of the good things that were going on in the village could be brought to Li Linzi's family, that is, to Li Linzi's family, and all of them changed their taste.

The electricity of the frame, the line to the household, does not give Li Linzi assumptions. The electric pole was also far away from Li Linzi's house. The tap water repaired is not sent to Li Linzi's home, which is far away from Li Linzi's home and has not yet spoken. The materials given for the renovation of the house are not Li Linzi's family, that is, there are few, or others use leftovers, or very poor materials. The mine that was opened was on the hill of his house, and the subsidy money that he said he would give was not given.

These things seem to be deliberately done by someone. Li Linzi was very angry, so he asked the people who did those jobs, and they said that they only had to work, and they could do whatever they wanted, and they couldn't do it.

Finally, they went to find the person who packed the work, and said that Wang Weizi asked them to do what they wanted them to do.

Li Linzi thought about Wang Weizi, the power in the village at this time, the scenery. Thinking about Wang Weizi again, I can't recognize a few big characters, isn't it all about eating, drinking, gambling, and gambling? In my heart, I still couldn't see Wang Weizi clearly, felt disgusted, and didn't want to ask Wang Weizi to say anything to him. Just write this thing, write something, reflect it up.

Although, later someone came to investigate. The person who investigated, after the investigation, said that he wanted to give a reply to Li Linzi. Then, he went to Wang Weizi's house to drink and walked away with a red face. The things that Li Linzi reflected, in the end, were not resolved.

Since then, Li Linzi's work has become more and more unsmooth, and if there is no matter, there will be parents of children who come to the school to find his things, making him anxious. The leaders of the unit also came, and they still always said that he did not do a good job, that he did not do a good job, and it was all criticism.

The most infuriating thing is that on that day, Wang Weizi followed the leader of the town and suddenly came to the unit, full of red light and drunk. The people in the town yelled at Li Linzi, good work, not good work, roll.

Although Wang Weizi did not say anything, those eyes looked at Wang Weizi, so sharp, as if they were going to assassinate Wang Weizi, and the corners of his mouth hung with a triumphant smile.

In the village, a wind blew out, saying that Li Linzi had no ability and could not teach. With some trivial things, Li Linzi said that the people were not.


At the end of the year,away from some of the children Li Linzi taught, their grades were good. However, when Li Linzi reopened the school, he was still transferred away. Transferred to a remote ravine far from home, far away, and generally could not come back, to work in a dilapidated school, where he was a teacher.

Li Linzi went to look for someone, but no one paid any attention to him. Instead, he told him that he had gone, and if he did not go, he would be dismissed.

Li Linzi had to go.

Although the child is learning to speak, the steps are faltering. Despite her mother's pain, she grew older and needed his care. Although Jane'er was incomparably weak and needed his company, she had to go in order to work.

In that remote village, Li Linzi still worked seriously and diligently. Free time, sleepless nights, full of nostalgia for children, mothers, wives, and dead fathers. Li Linzi thought, doesn't he just want to work smoothly, and then, have a stable home that can shelter the wind and rain? In reality, how difficult it is.

On the weekend, Li Linzi wanted to go back to see her children and family. However, the road is far away and it is difficult to go back. Can only wait for a long holiday.

However, the long holiday did not come, and Li Linzi suddenly got a letter asking him to go back quickly, and there was an accident at home.

Li Linzi settled the students, trekked all the way home, only to learn that something big had happened at home, Zhen'er led the child, and heard that she ran away with a boss. Where it went, no one knows.

The mother's face was sad, shedding tears, crying, it was so painful, hopeless.

The people in the village were busy doing their own things, and what happened to Li Linzi's family seemed to have nothing to do with them, and all they knew was ridicule.

Wang Weizi, with a proud face and a smile on his face, was drinking wine with people, looking so proud and beautiful.

Li Linzi's heart was suddenly hollowed out, a pale, so painful, facing the sky, scolding loudly, Dog Day.

Li Linzi calmed down, thinking about going to the police, thinking about retrieving Zhen'er and the child. It's just that, Zhen'er, whether the child can still be found, he doesn't know, the future life path, how to go, he doesn't know. The calm, stable, happy life in that memory, whether it can come back, he does not know.

2017.11.11 Draft