
There is wine in this dynasty and drunkenness in this dynasty - the spiritual philosophy of the ancient Greek dionysus: the carnival feast of free will Introduction I. Death and rebirth, worship and revelry - the birth of the god of dionysus and the emergence of sacrificial rituals Second, the spirit of Dionysus directly affected the production and development of ancient Greek wine and drama Third, after the end of ancient Greek history, the spirit of Dionysus still has a far-reaching impact Summary

author:Southern Shi Jiaoniang

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > introduction</h1>

Dionysus, also known as Bacchus, was one of the twelve main gods of Olympus in ancient Greek mythology, patronizing the Viticulture and Winemaking Industries in Greece, as well as the Greek theatrical culture. In ancient Greece, temples dedicated to Dionysus were scattered, and the worship of Dionysus and the almost fanatical rituals of worship and sacrifice had a profound impact on the development of Greek culture and the spirit of personality, and later Western civilization.

There is wine in this dynasty and drunkenness in this dynasty - the spiritual philosophy of the ancient Greek dionysus: the carnival feast of free will Introduction I. Death and rebirth, worship and revelry - the birth of the god of dionysus and the emergence of sacrificial rituals Second, the spirit of Dionysus directly affected the production and development of ancient Greek wine and drama Third, after the end of ancient Greek history, the spirit of Dionysus still has a far-reaching impact Summary

"Without reason, the eyes are the worst witnesses." Without sensibility, knowledge loses the meaning of witnessing.

Rationality is the internal logic of ancient Greek social order and philosophical thought, and the exploration and thinking of ancient Greek philosophers on the world is an important achievement of human science and reason, and at the same time, rationality is also the basic guideline for the development of modern Western science and technology. But the spirit of sensibility and freedom and the pursuit flowed like blood in the bodies of the ancient Greeks, forming the spirit of Dionysus, full of wildness and passion. The Western society, which is based on human nature and advocates humanism, its demand for respect for people and the liberation of individuality shows the shadow of the ancient Greek worship of Dionysus.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >, Death and Rebirth, Worship and Revelry – The Birth of Dionysus and the Emergence of Sacrificial Rituals</h1>

The story of Dionysus is not a myth or legend that grew up in Greece itself, and was only adopted by the Greeks at a very late time and gradually internalized as part of the national culture and social customs. Most of the content we know about Dionysus today comes from the stories of ancient Greek oral folklore, which were later collected, processed and sorted out, and gradually formed the stories we see today. Dionysus occupies a very special place in ancient Greek myths and legends, which has a certain relationship with his own importation from the outside world, and there are several legends and even names of his lineage.

There is wine in this dynasty and drunkenness in this dynasty - the spiritual philosophy of the ancient Greek dionysus: the carnival feast of free will Introduction I. Death and rebirth, worship and revelry - the birth of the god of dionysus and the emergence of sacrificial rituals Second, the spirit of Dionysus directly affected the production and development of ancient Greek wine and drama Third, after the end of ancient Greek history, the spirit of Dionysus still has a far-reaching impact Summary

One theory is that Dionysus was the reincarnation of Zagreos, son of Zeus and Persephone. However, the newborn Zagreos was seduced and killed by the enraged god Herapatidan, and his body was destroyed. The goddess Athena rescued his heart and gave it to Zeus in a small box, who swallowed the heart to preserve his soul and reincarnated his soul into Thermolle's body to regenerate it.

Another theory is that Dionysus was the result of Zeus, who had been hit by the arrow of Eros, fell in love with the Princess Thebes, Semele, and incarnated into a rendezvous with him at night. The jealous queen of the fire, Hera, formed a relative of the princess and instigated her to make Zeus's request to appear in the wedding ceremony, zeus promised not to take it back, and the lightning and thunder fire brought by the appearance (Thor) burned Semerer to death. Zeus rescued the less-month-old baby that Semele was pregnant with, sewed him into his thigh, and waited for the full-term removal. During this time Zeus walked like a cripple, and dionysus (the lame man) derived his name from this.

"Happy Dionysus, there are dead and undead."

Either way, the story of Dionysus' rebirth and immortality spread throughout Greece, revering and worshipping the ancient Greek people at that time. Despite being spared from death and reborn, the adult Dionysus was unable to escape Hera's targeting and was forced to go insane and wander around. The studious Dionysus escaped the kidnapping of pirates and traveled around, inventing winemaking techniques, bringing winemaking techniques to all the places they traveled, making people rich with wine, and leading people to wander and dance, bringing people material wealth and spiritual intoxication.

There is wine in this dynasty and drunkenness in this dynasty - the spiritual philosophy of the ancient Greek dionysus: the carnival feast of free will Introduction I. Death and rebirth, worship and revelry - the birth of the god of dionysus and the emergence of sacrificial rituals Second, the spirit of Dionysus directly affected the production and development of ancient Greek wine and drama Third, after the end of ancient Greek history, the spirit of Dionysus still has a far-reaching impact Summary

Dionysus, a symbol of immortality and rebirth, abundance and joy, is extremely appealing. Around the 8th century, the worship of Dionysus became popular in parts of Greece and quickly swept across the country, forming fanatical sacrificial processions. The Dionysian madwomen roamed the mountains and forests in droves, dancing wildly. And because Dionysus once incarnated as a goat, there were singers dressed as goats in the festival carnival who sang together to attract pedestrians.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > ii. The spirit of Dionysus directly influenced the production and development of ancient Greek wine and theater</h1>

The ritual of dionysus sacrifice has a distinctly carnival character, primitive, barbaric, full of joyful passion, almost crazy indulgence and indulgence. Fanatical devotees sing and dance all night on the barren mountain, drinking and music, chanting "Bacos, Euoe!" At the climax of this frenzy, they even destroy everything they see, tearing the beast to pieces and eating it raw.

"The cult of Dionysus preserves and restores the freedom of the most primitive existence of mankind in ancient times."

This primitive and barbaric religious ritual once had an extremely wide influence in Greece. This cult epitomizes a state of mind of ecstasy, and this state is indeed closely related to wine. The Dionysian spirit implies an unrestrained instinctive release, an outburst of primitive impulses and animal instincts. This way of worship shows people's desire to temporarily break away from civilization and moral customs, escape from and oppose social ethics, temporarily liberate the wild nature and nature of nature, and enjoy the enthusiasm of life and carnival.

There is wine in this dynasty and drunkenness in this dynasty - the spiritual philosophy of the ancient Greek dionysus: the carnival feast of free will Introduction I. Death and rebirth, worship and revelry - the birth of the god of dionysus and the emergence of sacrificial rituals Second, the spirit of Dionysus directly affected the production and development of ancient Greek wine and drama Third, after the end of ancient Greek history, the spirit of Dionysus still has a far-reaching impact Summary

This ritual of worshipping the spirit of Dionysus and Dionysus with fine wine and song and dance directly influenced the formation of ancient Greek wine civilization and the birth of drama.

Legend has it that winemaking techniques were invented and spread by Dionysus, and the promotion of Dionysus sacrifices gradually evolved into the carnival we know today. Wine has been not only used as a sacrificial item, but a common drink of people and gods, and has entered the daily life of the common people from the upper class, and has also been endowed with medicinal functions and has become an important part of ancient Greek civilization. In Greece, rich or poor, wine has become an indispensable drink at every meal. Today, when we taste Greek wines that come from across the ocean, can we also glimpse a little fragment of the mysterious and unique civilization in the rich aroma of wine?

Aristotle pointed out: "Tragedy arises from the singing of a momentary and professional choir; comedy is born from the make-up play of the villagers in the festival of grapes and grain harvesting." "

There is wine in this dynasty and drunkenness in this dynasty - the spiritual philosophy of the ancient Greek dionysus: the carnival feast of free will Introduction I. Death and rebirth, worship and revelry - the birth of the god of dionysus and the emergence of sacrificial rituals Second, the spirit of Dionysus directly affected the production and development of ancient Greek wine and drama Third, after the end of ancient Greek history, the spirit of Dionysus still has a far-reaching impact Summary

Both comedy and tragedy are profoundly influenced by the free-spirited Dionysian spirit. Ancient Greek tragedy, which should be called "drama" in the strict sense of the word, is an art form in which pain contains happiness, and even pleasure in suffering. Even the most serious tragic writers are singing the praises of Dionysus as they breathe the stars of the flames, with whom they move. And the comedy of ancient Greece is absurd, funny, the characters are rough and debauched, with a humorous satire to bring people heartfelt laughter. In addition to drama, ancient Greek literature, sculpture, painting and other fields make us feel the love of life and the pursuit of freedom of this people who know how to enjoy and enjoy.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > third, the Dionysian spirit still has a profound influence after the end of ancient Greek history</h1>

Ancient Greece was the birthplace of Western culture. With its unique characteristics of freedom and liberation, the spirit of Dionysus took root in the soil of the intellectual and cultural history of ancient Greece, and also influenced the social civilization of individual freedom and individual liberation in Western society, laying the foundation for the spirit of modern Western humanism.

But after the defeat of the Greek city-states in the Macedonian kingdom and their disappearance from the stage of history, the Western world was once plunged into asceticism and the almost ascetic Christian life of the Middle Ages, and people seemed to overemphasize reason, self-will, responsibility and mission, and forgot the satisfaction of the body and mind and the freedom of the spirit. It was not until the Renaissance revived the trend of learning ancient Greek culture that Dionysus returned to the human world, and the call for the liberation of individuality reached its climax.

There is wine in this dynasty and drunkenness in this dynasty - the spiritual philosophy of the ancient Greek dionysus: the carnival feast of free will Introduction I. Death and rebirth, worship and revelry - the birth of the god of dionysus and the emergence of sacrificial rituals Second, the spirit of Dionysus directly affected the production and development of ancient Greek wine and drama Third, after the end of ancient Greek history, the spirit of Dionysus still has a far-reaching impact Summary

"Cangsheng, have you fallen to the ground in awe?" O Universe, have you sensed the Creator? "

When the slogan "God is dead" was shouted out, and the irrational trend of Western philosophy arose, revaluing all values and advocating attention to the true nature of man himself and life, Dionysus was once again put on the altar. This deep-hearted desire for freedom and joy was once again recognized and confronted, and people began to love life, enjoy the moment, think freely, and live happily. The Spirit of Dionysus ushered in a new awakening after a temporary slumber.

Inheriting the ancient Greek tradition, Western society is a contradictory unity of rationalism and humanism in parallel, rational rigor and free indulgence. Although the Renaissance used the revival of Greek culture to propagate new bourgeois ideas, it undeniably studied and inherited the civilization and wisdom of ancient Greece, and it can be said that at the ideological level, it laid the foundation for political democracy and human rights protection in the West. The Declaration of the Rights of Man of the French Revolution, the Constitution of 1787 in the United States, and contemporary social reforms all undeniably have the idea of Greek democracy, which inevitably traces back to the prevalence of the spirit of Dionysus.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > summary</h1>

Although Dionysus was not a native god of ancient Greece, and even when tracing the legendary lineage, the worship of Dionysus and the derived spirit of Dionysus were indeed rooted in the ancient Greek social and cultural soil, and they drew branches, blossomed, and produced results. The energy of this passion of life, the spirit of rebellion against the world's courageous pursuit of freedom, has created a glorious history in the field of ancient Greek literature and art to a certain extent. And it spread from Greece to Europe and other countries, and after a short period of silence, it soared into modern society, which had a profound impact.

There is wine in this dynasty and drunkenness in this dynasty - the spiritual philosophy of the ancient Greek dionysus: the carnival feast of free will Introduction I. Death and rebirth, worship and revelry - the birth of the god of dionysus and the emergence of sacrificial rituals Second, the spirit of Dionysus directly affected the production and development of ancient Greek wine and drama Third, after the end of ancient Greek history, the spirit of Dionysus still has a far-reaching impact Summary

Ancient myths and legends are passed down in words or writings, but the spirit inherited from ancient history is engraved in the genes of the nation and culture, and it is difficult to tamper with and erase. To this day, not only the Greek people or Western society, the spirit of Dionysus is like a fragrant wine, infiltrating the minds and hearts of people around the world. In this rapidly developing society, the proper inheritance and learning of the spirit of Dionysus may enable us to face up to our inner needs more squarely, not indulgence and endless intoxication, but moderate liberation and spiritual release.


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