
Underwater Phantom - Attack nuclear submarine

author:Leo popcorn

Nuclear submarines are a type of submarine that refers to submarines designed with nuclear reactors as a power source.

In 1620, the Dutch physicist Cornelis Dreher succeeded in building the first diving ship in human history.

On January 21, 1954, the world's first nuclear-powered submarine, the USS Nautilus SSN-571, was launched, which announced the birth of the nuclear submarine.

Underwater Phantom - Attack nuclear submarine

After World War II, the Nautilus nuclear submarine arrived in the Arctic

At present, there are six countries in the world that claim to have nuclear submarines, namely China, the United States, Russia, Britain, France, and India.


The Los Angeles Polar Nuclear Submarine is the largest batch of first-class attack nuclear submarines built in the world.

Underwater Phantom - Attack nuclear submarine

The Los Angeles class nuclear submarine of the United States

The Los Angeles-class attack submarine is the third generation of the main nuclear submarine of the United States. It is also the world's largest batch of first-class nuclear submarines, with excellent comprehensive performance, mainly undertaking anti-submarine, anti-ship, land attack and other tasks. Because its first boat number is 688, it is also known as the 688 class nuclear submarine. The first 12 submarines of the type were named after the region represented by senators who supported its development plans, and with the exception of SSN709, the other successors were named after American cities, breaking the U.S. Navy's long-standing rule of naming sea creatures.

Based on the age of construction and different improvements, the Los Angeles class is divided into three slightly different models, of which the 688 ship to the 718 ship is the basic model of the Los Angeles class. Due to the reduction in the total number of submarines, the U.S. Navy added the Tomahawk to Land Nuclear Attack Cruise Missile (TLAM-N) to the attack nuclear submarine, with a maximum range of 1400 kilometers. Also added is the latest Block III Type Tomahawk missile equipped with a conventional warhead, with a range of 875 kilometers and the ability to carry multiple warheads, with a fairly flexible strike range. From ships 719 to 750, a 12-tube vertical launch system was added in front of the bridge, which could launch Tomahawk cruise missiles and Harpoon anti-ship missiles; from ships 751 to 773, they were called the 688I class, or Improved. This model improved the mute effect and modified part of the submarine's hull design.

The Virginia Class is the world's most powerful attack submarine

The Virginia-class rapid attack nuclear submarine is the fourth generation of the main nuclear submarine of the United States. Mainly used to replace a large number of los angeles-class attack nuclear submarines in service, it has gradually become the main force in coastal operations in the 21st century, while also retaining the ocean-going anti-submarine capability. In terms of silence, detection system, electronic system and other aspects have absolute advantages, but in the depth of the submarine, tonnage is slightly inferior, in contrast to the comprehensive consideration of the "Virginia class" should currently be the strongest in the attack nuclear submarine, has been in service 18, in the number and construction speed is also higher than the "Seawolf class" and "Yasen class".

Underwater Phantom - Attack nuclear submarine

U.S. Virginia-class attack submarine stamp M