
Suffering from neurasthenia, in addition to insomnia, endless exhaustion is also one of the symptoms

author:Inner Mongolia Department of Justice

Nowadays, the pace of life is getting faster and faster, and stress seems to be everywhere.

"Neurasthenia" - a common disease spreads in the population, can not find specific lesions, but has obvious symptoms, seriously affecting study and work, but there is no good treatment. What to do?

What are the symptoms of neurasthenia?

After long-term investigation and research, psychiatrists in China believe that neurasthenia is a common neurotic disorder.

For a long time, many people do not understand this, so it has not attracted attention, resulting in its high incidence in China, but the medical treatment rate is low.

In general, people with introverted personalities and perfection-seeking personalities are more likely to have a nervous breakdown.

According to the third edition of the Chinese Classification and Diagnostic Criteria for Mental Disorders (CCMD3), the core symptoms of neurasthenia are mainly symptoms of brain and body function, characterized by persistent and distressing mental fatigue (such as feeling no spirit, feeling sluggish brain, lack of concentration or non-lasting, poor memory, decreased thinking efficiency) and physical fatigue, and can not be recovered after rest or recreation. It is often accompanied by irritability, nervousness, annoyance, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia and other manifestations.

In simple terms, it can be summarized as the following types of symptoms:

Debilitating symptoms

Mental and physical strength are prone to fatigue, malaise, weakness, drowsiness, memory loss, forgetfulness, lack of confidence, easy pessimism.

Emotional symptoms

Continuous self-doubt, inexplicable fear, frequent self-denial and shame, but also easy to provoke, emotional impulses, angry, for small things and repeatedly worry about, worry.

Morbid symptoms of nervous excitability

Things that have nothing to do with the reality of the current environment flash repeatedly in the mind, and scenes of memories and events that have passed through previous movies flash in the mind, which is difficult to control.

Head discomfort

Headaches appear, persistent, and have been good and bad for a long time.

Sleep disorders

Sleep disorders are typical symptoms of anxiety and depression, and chronic lack of sleep makes it easy for you to become oversensitive to stress or fall into panic.

Autonomic dysfunction

Such as palpitations in the circulatory system, chest tightness in the respiratory system, holding breath, growing out of breath, lack of appetite in the digestive system, nausea and so on.

Neurasthenia, what to do?

Timely medical treatment is the first choice for patients with neurasthenia.

In addition to this, people with neurasthenia can also use self-massage therapy to relieve symptoms.

Press the head

Half an hour before going to bed every night, first rub your palms together, then put your palms on your cheeks, point your fingers up to the incense point, push up to the hairline, through the eyes, bamboo and other points, and then separate your hands to the sides to the forehead corner, the index finger through the ear gate back to the starting point, so repeated massage 30 to 40 times.

Rub your breasts

Sit cross-legged and rub your right rib flat with your right hand to the left shoulder 30 times, then with your left hand flat and from the left rib to the right shoulder, 30 times.

Rub your belly

Take a cross-knee seat, fold one palm on the other palm, press on the abdomen, centered on the umbilicus, and rub the abdomen 30 times clockwise, then 30 times counterclockwise.

Wipe your waist

Take the cross-knee seat, cross your waist (four fingers back) along the side of the spine from top to bottom to the buttocks, a total of 30 times, if you find a tender point, you can use your fingers to press for 20 to 30 seconds.

Rub your knees

Take the seated position and press your hands on the knee bones, kneading 30 times from the outside to the inside, and then 30 times from the inside out.

Rub your feet

Take the seat and hold the left ankle with your left hand, rub the left foot (the front half of the sole) back and forth with your right hand 30 times, then hold the right ankle joint with your right hand and rub the right foot 30 times with your left hand.

Neurasthenia is the overwork of the mind

Long-term stress and tension are like a hammer that constantly hits the nerves, and when the tension of the nervous system exceeds the tolerance limit one day, it will lead to the occurrence of neurasthenia, and the body is prone to various abnormalities.

Properly relaxing one's spirit also helps to alleviate the disease.

Less "caring" about yourself

People with introverted personalities are more likely to perceive negative feelings such as slight discomfort in the body, feeling bad emotions, and are more likely to have nervous emotions.

Many people report that when they do not pay attention to themselves, bad symptoms and feelings will disappear.

Therefore, people with neurasthenia, it is best to shift their attention from themselves to other places, put more energy on action, and do what they should do, which is a good choice.

Learn to relax

In addition to busy work pressure, people do not cope well with the environment, and the brain remains nervous, which can also cause fatigue.

Therefore, it is very important to correct one's own "rigidity and stubbornness" and learn to live a relaxed and measured life.

Usually, you can find a favorite entertainment activity, you can also do some exercise appropriately, to ensure the combination of work and leisure, to meet the relaxation needs of the nerves.

Adjust sleep

Many people attribute inattention, decreased work ability, fatigue, and physical discomfort to poor sleep, and struggle with ways to improve sleep.

But the result is that they are overly stressed in their sleep and have worse sleep quality.

In fact, in the face of sleep problems, there is no need to be so nervous, maintain a good sleep law, give sleep a little space, will reap better results.

If the quality of sleep does not improve consistently, you may consider seeking help from a doctor.

Tranquilizing tea

Yuanzhi jujube tea

Ingredients: Yuanzhi 15g, jujube 5 pieces.

Directions: Put the two flavors into a casserole dish, add water to a suitable amount, fry for 20 minutes, remove the residue to get the juice, that is.

Directions: Take 1 dose daily, 2 times in the morning and 2 in the evening.

Suitable for: patients with heart-kidney incompatibility.

Cypress kernel tea

Ingredients: 15g of baiziren, 5g of green tea.

Directions: Mash the cypress kernels, put them in a cup, and brew them in boiling water with a lid for 15 to 30 minutes.

Directions: 1 dose daily, frequent tea substitutes.

Suitable for people: insomnia of heart and yin deficiency.

Sour date kernel tea

Ingredients: 15~30g of sour date kernels, sugar to taste.

Directions: Put the sour dates in a cup, brew in boiling water with a lid for 15 to 20 minutes, add an appropriate amount of sugar to taste, and obtain.

Directions: Take 1 dose daily, once after dinner.

Suitable for people: heart and liver blood deficiency insomnia, neurasthenia, etc.

Schizandra tea

Ingredients: Schizandra 10g, Nootropic Kernel 10g, Cypress Kernel 10g, Sour Jujube Kernel 10g.

Directions: Mash the upper four flavors, put them in a cup, and brew them in boiling water with a lid for 30 minutes.

Directions: Take 1 dose daily in 3 divided doses.

Suitable for: patients with heart and spleen deficiency insomnia.