
Before pancreatic cancer occurs, the body may have these 5 signs, if you have, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Pancreatic cancer is an early and difficult to diagnose disease, and it is one of several cancers with a high incidence and a very high mortality rate.

Therefore, the prevention and treatment of pancreatic cancer are very important, so what symptoms can we predict the occurrence of pancreatic cancer in advance?

Before pancreatic cancer occurs, the body may have these 5 signs, if you have, seek medical attention as soon as possible

First, jaundice appears

When the metabolism of bilirubin in the human body is impaired, it will cause the concentration of bilirubin in the blood to increase, which is jaundice.

After jaundice, excess bilirubin is excreted from the skin or other omentum. Therefore, the symptoms of jaundice are generally yellowed in sclera, skin and other tissues, and yellow in urine and tears.

There are many pancreatic cancer patients who will have jaundice symptoms in the early stage, and even after treatment of jaundice, there will be no relief, but will lead to more and more serious symptoms, then this time must be timely medical treatment.

Before pancreatic cancer occurs, the body may have these 5 signs, if you have, seek medical attention as soon as possible

2. Abdominal discomfort

Abdominal discomfort and pain are very common in pancreatic cancer patients, and this discomfort usually occurs on a relatively large scale and cannot be accurately determined in its central location.

Abdominal pain in patients is generally manifested as colic, intermittent pain, or pressing pain. And if it is the time after the meal, this pain will even be aggravated, and some will continue for a long time.

Therefore, if such a situation occurs, it is necessary to confirm in time whether it is caused by pancreatic cancer.

Before pancreatic cancer occurs, the body may have these 5 signs, if you have, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Third, fever without cause

In a small number of patients with pancreatic cancer, symptoms of frequent fever may occur frequently. However, when most patients feel fever, they will hardly think that it is pancreatic cancer, but more often mistakenly think that it is caused by colds and fevers.

In this way, according to the situation of cold and fever, it may lead to delays in the condition, miss the best time for treatment, and it is also possible that some drugs to treat the cold will lead to aggravation of the disease.

Therefore, if there are symptoms of fever that have not been effectively alleviated after simple treatment, and have lasted for a long time, then it is necessary to seek medical treatment in time.

Before pancreatic cancer occurs, the body may have these 5 signs, if you have, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Fourth, the obvious wasting without cause

In the early stage of pancreatic cancer, there will also be cases of unprovoked wasting in the body, and this emaciation will be particularly obvious. There are two reasons for this symptom,

First, after suffering from pancreatic cancer, the patient has a loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, so it has an impact on weight;

Second, because the nutrients ingested by the body are absorbed by tumors, the human body cannot be fully replenished, even if it is a normal diet, the body will continue to lose weight.

The opposite of the body's emaciation is that the tumor will continue to develop and grow, and it should be noted that pancreatic cancer may not be early, but worse at this time.

Before pancreatic cancer occurs, the body may have these 5 signs, if you have, seek medical attention as soon as possible

5. Neurological symptoms

Some pancreatic cancer patients will also have changes in personality, and depression will also occur, accompanied by insomnia, which is a typical neurological symptom of pancreatic cancer.

At this time, patients need to adjust their mentality, actively face reality, carry out self-relief, ensure that they have an adequate sleep, and can also improve their own immunity through appropriate physical exercise, thereby reducing the appearance of neurological symptoms.

Before pancreatic cancer occurs, the body may have these 5 signs, if you have, seek medical attention as soon as possible

The above five are the symptoms that occur in the early stages of pancreatic cancer, but some of them are similar to many other diseases, and pancreatic cancer develops rapidly.

Therefore, on weekdays, we must pay attention to carefully observe the changes in our own bodies, and we must seek medical treatment in time when we perceive that something is wrong. At the same time, in ordinary times, everyone should also pay attention to living and eating habits, and do not give cancer an opportunity.

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