
Marriage counselor: The other half is very clingy, is it good or not?

author:Wang Siyu

#Can you accept that the other half is very clingy#

Cherish the person who sticks to you, but also don't be a "very" clingy person.

Your "very" clingy will become "annoying" if it is not divided into time and occasion. Because everyone needs a private space and needs to be alone.

Of course, he will know that you love him, so stick to him, but think about it, your mother will be suspicious of you, annoyed with you, won't your partner?

I received a private message from a girl the other day, through her narration, I found that she became very selfless after the relationship, she always wanted her boyfriend to reply to the message at any time, wanted to be with her boyfriend, as long as she was around her boyfriend, everything was happy.

Marriage counselor: The other half is very clingy, is it good or not?

But her relationship with her boyfriend is in trouble, because the boyfriend has his own things to deal with, but she is very distracted. And over time, the boyfriend feels that the girl is clinging to herself all day, doing nothing, and is more and more dissatisfied with the current situation of the girl.

Some people think, "Isn't it good for people to stick to you?" This shows that she cares about you! ”

But this care can feel a bit suffocating.

I agree with the statement that clinging is a direct manifestation of love and care, but anyone who loves you is also in love with himself.

He will also selfishly want to make himself more comfortable in feelings and life, so the emotional needs of the two of you will not match, and disputes will naturally arise.

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