
"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

author:DJ Yaqing
"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

In 1979, Xie Jin was still filming "Ah! When the cradle was in place, he had already been given the task of directing "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain".

This is a pact between him and the script creator Lu Yanzhou.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

In 1979, Lu Yanzhou created the novel "Legend of Tianyun Mountain". It has not yet been published publicly, but it has already been favored by Shi Fangyu, who was the deputy director of the Film Studio at the time, and urged Lu Yanzhou to come up with a film and literary script. Lu Yanzhou moved quickly, and in May 1979, he published the script renamed "Wind and Rain Cuckoo Red" in "New Film Works".

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

At that time, the studio had already included the film in the shooting plan, and many directors wanted to create this film. But Lu Yanzhou insisted on waiting for Xie Jin to shoot. Because before this, the two had agreed that they must make a movie together. And "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain", Lu Yanzhou felt that only Xie Jin could shoot the feeling he wanted.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

Xie Jin was also very excited after reading the script. The most important thing is that he sees the shadow of himself and many friends in the male protagonist Luo Qun. Luo Qun's encounters and experiences in various sports, they have also encountered. Xie Jin feels that only by reflecting on the past can we have a better future. He hoped that "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain" could truly reflect the issues that people were most concerned about at that time, and at the same time promote the truth, goodness and beauty, and lash out at the false and ugly.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

And this is exactly what Lu Yanzhou wants most.

The establishment of the crew of "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain" was already in the early 1980s. At that time, the creative environment was not very relaxed. Because the film involved "anti-rightism", and at that time, the expansion of "anti-rightism" had not been fully denied. So many of Xie Jin's friends sweated for him, thinking that he was likely to lose the movie.

But Xie Jin still withstood great pressure and insisted on finishing the film.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

After the film was released in 1981, it caused a strong response among the audience. At that time, more than 100 million of China's 900 million people had seen the film. Everyone thinks it expresses the voice of the people. Until now, even after 40 years have passed, people's evaluation of it is still very good, and Douban's 8.0 score is a good portrayal.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

I remember that in 1981, China held the Golden Rooster Award for the first time. There are two films that are very competitive, one is "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain" and the other is "Bashan Night Rain". In the end, "Legend of Tianyun Mountain" led "Bashan Night Rain" with an advantage of one more vote, and became the well-deserved Golden Rooster Award for Best Film this year.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

However, after careful consideration, the jury decided that "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain" and "Bashan Night Rain" would be tied for the best film, but in terms of ranking, they felt that "Legend of Tianyun Mountain" should be in the front. However, after the list was reported, the opinion given by the superior was that "Bashan Night Rain" ranked first. In addition, Xie Jin won the Best Director Award, Xu Qi won the Best Cinematography Award, and Chen Shaomian and Ding Chen won the Best Art Award.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

Many viewers were indignant that "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain" did not have an actor win an acting award. Because everyone feels that whether it is Shi Weijian and Wang Fuli, who play the male and female protagonists, or Zhong Xinghuo, who plays Wu Yao, they all present amazing acting skills, which are completely comparable to the actors in "Bashan Night Rain". However, in the end, the winners were all actors from the crew of "Bashan Night Rain". This made the audience feel that the judges were clearly "eccentric".

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

But in any case, the word of mouth generated by the movie "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain" among the audience is good. After filming this film, Xie Jin received tens of thousands of letters from the audience. He was inspired by this, so he soon made a rethinking work on history, Wrangler, which was equally successful.

And the actors who participated in this movie have always been remembered by fans. Especially Wang Fuli, Shi Jianlan, Shi Weijian, Zhong Xinghuo, Hong Xuemin, Li Shujun, Wu Hao, Niu Ben, etc., the characters they created on the screen in the past still exist vividly in our minds and linger in us.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

So, now that the 40s have passed, what kind of changes have they had? What is their current and current situation? This is also the most concerned issue for everyone. Today, let Yaqing and everyone explore it.

Interestingly, the actors of the three male and female protagonists later became old artists with both virtue and art, while a supporting actress became the "old Lai" in everyone's mouth. Why? I think this is not unrelated to their pursuit of life. Three of the protagonists are played, and they all dedicate their lives to art without complaint or regret. The supporting actress, however, chose to go to the sea to do business because she was too "poor" in art, but she did not expect to be trapped by "money" in the end.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="48" > Shi Weijian plays Luo Qun</h1>

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

In "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain", the reason why Xie Jin chose Shi Weijian to play the male protagonist Luo Qun, I think, is that the main reason is to see two major advantages on him, one is his handsome appearance, and the other is his excellent acting skills.

Prior to this, Shi Weijian had been acting on the drama stage for almost 30 years and had rich performance experience. In 1977, he debuted on the screen and successfully created the character image of the male protagonist Li Xin in the movie "Bear Trace". Xie Jin felt that in Shi Weijian's body, he had many of the same qualities as Luo Qun, such as polite and gentle, sunny and handsome. So although he was 45 years old at the time, Xie Jin still handed over the crucial role of Luo Qun to him.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

It turns out that Shi Weijian's performance is very good, and he vividly interprets Luo Qun's state of different periods, whether it is the spirit of youth or the strong optimism after suffering. And the cooperation with the two young actresses Wang Fuli and Shi Jianlan is also so complementary that it is almost impossible to see the age gap between them.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

"The Legend of Tianyun Mountain" made Shi Weijian the most familiar movie star for audiences in the 80s. Since then, he has starred in film and television dramas such as "Qiu Jin", "The Legend of the Eight Immortals", "Yang Guifei", "Tang Minghuang", "Mei Lanfang", "Red Rock" and so on. In particular, Lü Dongbin in "The Legend of the Eight Immortals" and Li Bai in "Yang Guifei" are almost like characters tailored for him.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

Later, Shi Weijian took up the position of director of the China Youth Art Theatre. Not only was he a national actor, but he also received a special allowance from the government for art experts and became a true artist. Now that he is 86 years old, he still maintains his elegant demeanor and style

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="160" > Wang Fuli plays Song Wei</h1>

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

In fact, I think that in the whole "Legend of Tianyun Mountain", the best written character is Song Wei. She can be said to be the epitome of that era. And the actor Wang Fuli was able to enter the crew of "Legend of Tianyun Mountain", which is purely coincidental.

She was filming "Green Sea" at the studio. I heard that "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain" was going to be filmed, so I asked someone for the script. At a glance, I was attracted by the beautiful and kind character of Feng Qinglan. So she took the initiative to find Xie Jin, talked about her understanding of the role of Feng Qinglan, and also expressed her determination to play this role well.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

Prior to this, Wang Fuli had created several similar characters on the screen, all of which were successful. Whether it is Lu Ruifen in "Golden Light Avenue", Li Minshu in "Green Sea Tianya", or Xu Xiuyun in "Xu Mao and His Daughters", all of them are so gentle and virtuous, dignified and unforgettable.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

Therefore, Wang Fuli has reason to believe that the role of Feng Qinglan is none other than himself.

However, director Xie Jin finally handed her over to Song Wei, whose inner world was more complex and the age span was larger. This came as a big surprise to her.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

But after Xie Jin talked about his true thoughts, he made Wang Fu Li Mao open up.

It turned out that Xie Jin had specially watched the films that Wang Fuli had acted before, and was satisfied with her relaxed and natural performance, and saw the plasticity of a good actor. He feels that Wang Fuli should not only play the same type of role, but should make more bold attempts and open up his own drama path. And the role of Song Wei is an opportunity he provides for Wang Fuli.

When Wang Fuli heard this, she was so moved that she almost cried.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

She vowed that even if she tried everything in her power, she would satisfy director Xie Jin.

To this end, she found a lot of information to immerse herself in Song Wei's inner world. Even if she returned to Nanjing to visit her relatives, she also appeared as Song Wei. This made the neighbors think, how come Wang Fuli seems to have changed into a person? In this way, by tapping into her potential, she created a character on the screen for the first time that was completely different from her previous image.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

With the first, there is a second.

After that, she boldly tried the role of Cuixi in "Sunrise", and in "Our Cow Hundred Years Old", she successfully created the character of Chrysanthemum. And the source of these successes comes from Xie Jin's hopes and requirements for her.

Therefore, Wang Fuli was grateful to Xie Jin as a benefactor all his life.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

After performing "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain", Wang Fuli ushered in the brilliant moment of her artistic life, as the brightest star of the 80s, she has successively starred in many film and television dramas, won numerous awards, and became a veritable performance artist. Now that she is 71 years old, she is still active in front of the film and television camera, and her superb acting skills are becoming more and more pure.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="253" > Shi Jianlan plays Feng Qinglan</h1>

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

The actor who played Feng Qinglan in "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain" is named Shi Jianlan. She is an actress that Xie Jin admires very much.

Originally a Yue opera actress in Yueqing, Zhejiang, she was later favored by Huang Zongying and recommended her to Zhang Ruifang and Xie Jin. After director Xie Jin saw Shi Jianlan, he felt that there was a very simple thing in this actress that was particularly rare. So I made the movie "Ah! When he was in the cradle, the first actress candidate he thought of was Shi Jianlan.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

However, just as Shi Jianlan was filming "Ah! During the "Cradle", he fell off the horse due to an accident, resulting in severe brain contusions, so that he was unconscious for half a month. Fortunately, after the timely treatment of the hospital, Shi Jianlan finally recovered her health, but she missed the "Ah! The opportunity to play the heroine in "Cradle". She was very sad about that. Director Xie Jin came to see her from outside Shanxi and told her: First raise your body, make a movie, and come to Japan for a long time.

As a result, it didn't take long for her to receive the opportunity to play Feng Qinglan in "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain".

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

Feng Qinglan is the most beautiful character in "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain". This beauty does not mean that the character looks beautiful, but that she is beautiful in her heart. Her soul radiated a dazzling light. I think whichever actress plays this role, it will be a hit.

Sure enough, after the release of "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain", Feng Qinglan, played by Shi Jianlan, became a role model for people to learn from that era, especially the scene of pulling a car in the snow at the beginning of the film, I don't know how many people were moved.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

Later, I always wondered, why are the generation born in the fifties and sixties so willing to give and have the courage to give? I think it is not unrelated to the positive energy promoted by literary and artistic works at that time. For example, Feng Qinglan in "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain", she is like a candle, silently burning herself and illuminating others.

And now, in this era when everyone pays attention to themselves, how many people like Feng Qinglan are there?

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

Shi Jianlan has since become a professional film actor of Bayi Factory, and has also won the love of the audience by starring in "Big Tiger", "Golden Deer", "Divine Doctor Bian Que", "Xia Jiang Shadow", "Blue Love", "Lai Village Girl", "Jiangshan Beauty", "Li Wei as an Official", "Faith" and other works. Today, the veteran artist is 74 years old and lives a happy and peaceful life.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="252" > Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yao</h1>

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

Before starring in "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain", Zhong Xinghuo was already a film performance artist. In particular, the thick and simple peasant image he played in movies such as "Southern Expedition and Northern War" and "Li Shuangshuang" is very deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. So when he appeared in "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain" as the villain Wu Yao, many viewers were surprised.

But his performance was very successful, so that everyone did not feel any violation.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

The role of Wu Yao was also won by Zhong Xinghuo on his own initiative. But at that time, Xie Jin was also quite a drummer in his heart. Because Zhong Xinghuo was 56 years old at the first time, to play a husband and wife with Wang Fuli, who was just in his 30s, would it make the audience feel that the age gap was too big? The eyes of the second ZhongXinghuo teacher are very distinctive, and many people will think of Sun Xiwang, who he played in "Li Shuangshuang", as soon as they see his eyes. So Xie Jin was particularly worried that the audience would laugh when they saw him.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

However, Zhong Xinghuo squinted his small eyes and smiled at Xie Jin, saying to Xie Jin, Wasn't there a lot of things about old cadres marrying their daughters-in-law at that time? Besides, I'm not as old as you say, and I'll be younger when I put on makeup. As for the performance, we'll see you on camera. As a result, Zhong Xinghuo, a thick and honest man, used his acting skills to fully embody Wu Yao's city government and hypocrisy.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

I remember that Teacher Zhong Xinghuo filmed several plays at that time, and the roles he played included the police in "Bashan Night Rain", the peasants in "The Laughter of Moon Bay", and the factory director in "Contemporary People", different personalities, different identities, but he acted vividly, which is really a model of what it is like to act.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

After that, Zhong Xinghuo also starred in film and television dramas such as "Acacia Tree Woman Hakka", "Fake Girl True Feelings", "Red Riding Hood Romance", "Kou LaoXier", "The Great Cause of The Founding of the People's Republic", "Flying Over the Old People's Home" and other film and television dramas, and at the age of 90, he also starred as a 95-year-old volunteer docent of Mao Zedong's former residence in the movie "Mao Zedong in Shanghai 1924". Not long after filming this movie, he drove to Hexi at the age of 91. It's really a lifetime of contribution to Chinese films.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="278" > Hong Xuemin plays Zhou Yuzhen</h1>

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

Hong Xuemin played a supporting role in "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain", but her performance was also widely recognized by the audience.

We can't forget her bright red dress in the film, her long wavy hair, her beautiful and moving image, or her healthy and cheerful laughter.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

In addition to hong xuemin successfully portraying the role of Zhou Yuzhen in "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain", she also played roles in several films shot at the studio at that time, such as La Yue in "Love of the Sea", such as Renfang in "Xiyingmen", such as "Love, what is your last name?" Ye Hongying in ", such as Tang Min in "Procurator".

Therefore, many fans think that she is an actor in the studio, but in fact, she is a member of the actor troupe of the Bayi factory.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

Hong Xuemin was also one of the most familiar beauty stars for audiences in the 80s. Because she always portrays supporting roles on the screen, she has also won the reputation of "gold medal supporting role".

It's just that on the big stage of life, she had a play and didn't sing well.

In the mid-1980s, with the development of the market economy, many people felt that the unit wages were too low, so they went to the sea to make money, and Hong Xuemin was one of them.

In 1986, Hong Xuemin left bayi factory after participating in the movie "Field is a Green Yarn Tent". Then she went to Hong Kong to develop. However, at the end of 2009, a news story about "Hong Xuemin owes others 5 million yuan and does not return it" made her, who had been silent for many years, once again became very popular. And judging from the photos in the report, although Hong Xuemin was wearing a fur coat at that time, he looked haggard and panicked, compared with when he played Zhou Yuzhen, it was almost like two people.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

Hong Xuemin's "Lao Lai" image makes it difficult for many fans to accept. It turned out that Hong Xuemin made some money as a financial company in Hong Kong. But then she invested in an LED project, which not only spent her savings, but also borrowed 5 million from a friend. When it came to the return date, Hong Xuemin could not come up with money, so he was sued in court and confirmed the identity of "Lao Lai".

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

It is said that it was only with the help of her mother that she paid off the arrears. Now the former "golden supporting role" is 62 years old, and she has not appeared in public for a long time, I wonder how she is doing recently?

Below, let's share the situation of several other supporting actors in "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="344" > Li Shujun plays Zhu Kechang</h1>

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

In "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain", the role of Zhu Kechang is very interesting. He was Wu Yao's old subordinate, and he looked very loyal on the outside, but in fact he was very cunning. I think the actor Li Shujun's performance is also in place, he quietly created an image of an "official old fritter" for us.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

Many friends may not be familiar with Li Shujun, an actor, he is from Anhui, once worked as an actor in the Anhui Provincial Repertory Theatre, and later became the head of the Ma'anshan Repertory Theatre. In 1987, the troupe established Ma'anshan Art Experimental Middle School, with Li Shujun as deputy director and general director, and retired in 1993. However, he died of illness on December 30, 2001, at the age of 68.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="356" > Wu Hao played the first secretary</h1>

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

In "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain", Luo Qun's problem was finally solved with the support of the First Secretary. So who is the actor who plays the First Secretary? He is wu hao, an old drama bone in the studio.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

Wu Hao has starred in films such as "Legend of Tianyun Mountain", "Lushan Love", "Acacia Women's Guest House", "The Man Who Stopped the Hearse", "Who is the Third Party" and his wife is Gao Quan, a famous actor in the Film Studio. The couple originally lived happily, but one day in 1998, they were both poisoned and accidentally died because of the gas leak of the gas water heater of the newly renovated house.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="355" > Niubenzi plays Wang Lihan</h1>

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

In addition, I also saw a familiar figure in the film, that is, the old artist Niu Ben, who played the role of Wang Lihan in it. There are very few scenes, but because he performs well, he is very impressive. Now that he is 88 years old, he saw the figure of the old man again at an event held by the Shanghai Film Studio a few days ago, and his spirit was strong and enviable.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

Looking at "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years later, I think it has reached a certain level in terms of narrative style, photography, editing, or art. Especially the photography of the film, the combination of virtual and real, is very meaningful. And the performance of the actors, I think Zhong Xinghuo is the best, Wang Fuli is also good, she also won the first Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress nomination for playing Song Wei.

"Legend of Tianyun Mountain" 40 years Why do the three protagonists become artists and the supporting actresses become "Lao Lai"? Shi Weijian played Luo Qun Wang Fuli played Song Wei Shi Jianlan played Feng Qinglan Zhongxinghuo played Wu Yaohong Xuemin played Zhou Yuzhen Li Shujun played Zhu Kechang Wu Hao played first secretary Niu Ben played Wang Lihan

I just don't know how to view this old movie in the hearts of more fans? What kind of high opinion do you have about the performances of the actors in the film? Welcome to interact with more netizens through the message area.

Text/DJ Yaqing Editorial Department: Tong Yun

© Original 丨 Article Copyright: DJ Yaqing (jiangnanhaopai88)

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