
Pharmacist Detailed Explanation - The difference between Pudi blue anti-inflammatory tablets and compound houttuynia tablets and combination drugs!

author:Pharmacy services of Pharmacist Chen

Pharmacies often encounter customers who ask pudi blue anti-inflammatory tablets and compound houttuynia tablets the same effect, their instructions are written with "detoxification and detoxification", then, for professional clerks, how should we introduce their differences and efficacy comparisons to customers? What are the differences between them?

Today, let's understand the difference between these two drugs and the combination of drugs!

Similarities: both contain skullcap and plate blue root, both of which have the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, in summary, pudi blue anti-inflammatory tablets and compound houttuynia tablets have the effect of clearing heat and detoxification.

Differences: Pudi blue anti-inflammatory tablets are biased towards gas heat, that is, the patient shows a heavier thermal phase and yellowing of the tongue; compound houttuynia tablets are biased towards ephemeral heat, that is, the patient's heat potential is relatively small, but the table is more obvious.

Pudi blue anti-inflammatory tablets


Treatment principles: detoxification, detoxification, blood activation and stasis + with external drugs

Joint examples:

Pudilan anti-inflammatory tablets + Liushen pills + erythromycin ointment

Pudi blue anti-inflammatory tablets + ruyi golden yellow powder + erythromycin ointment


A few pills of the Six Gods, boiled with water, and applied externally to the place where the boils are swollen and not ulcerated, which can clear the heat and reduce the swelling.

Ruyi golden yellow powder with herbal tea juice, apply boils to the swollen area, dry after changing the dressing. It is used for people with hot boils redness and suppuration, yellow-white pus on the top, hard and swollen chassis and redness.

To prevent infection, people who have broken can choose Western medicine creams, such as erythromycin ointment.

Sore throat

Treatment principles: antibacterial or antiviral drugs + proprietary Chinese medicines + symptomatic drugs (with lozenges, fever with antipyretic analgesics, etc.).

Joint examples

1. Bacterial upper respiratory tract infection

Principles: antibacterial drugs + antipyretic detoxification proprietary Chinese medicines

Examples: cephalosporin antibiotics/azithromycin + puddish blue anti-inflammatory tablets

Tips: It is best to choose the appropriate antibiotic based on the test results.

2. Viral anti-respiratory infections

Principles: antiviral drugs + antipyretic detoxification proprietary Chinese medicines

Example: ribavirin tablets + puddish blue anti-inflammatory tablets

3. Acute pharyngitis attack and fever symptoms

Principles: antipyretic analgesic drugs + antipyretic and detoxification drugs

Example: acetaminophen + puddish blue anti-inflammatory tablets

Warm tips: Choose suitable Western medicine according to the test results.

4. Patients with chronic pharyngitis have worsening dry itching pain

Principles: Detoxifying proprietary Chinese medicine + lozenges

Example: Pudi blue anti-inflammatory tablets + watermelon cream lozenges (or golden throat lozenges / fat sea lozenges, etc.) combined drug examples

(1) Compound houttuynia flakes + cold cough granules

Efficacy analysis: compound houttuynia tablets detoxify and detoxify; cold cough granules clear pyrolysis table, cough and phlegm. The combination of the two can effectively improve the symptoms of fever and bad wind, headache and nasal congestion, sore throat, dry cough and other symptoms caused by wind fever and cold.

(2) Compound houttuynia flakes + compound borax solution

Utility analysis: compound houttuynia flakes detoxify heat and detoxification; compound borax solution has antibacterial antiseptic, anti-inflammatory astringent and other effects. Combined with external gargling, it is suitable for acute tonsillitis.

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