
Jichuan Pharmaceutical: At present, Pudilan anti-inflammatory oral liquid is only sold in China


Tonghuashun (300033) Financial Research Center on January 22, some investors asked Jichuan Pharmaceutical (600566) a question, hello secretary of the board, Pudilan oral liquid is now a common medicine at home, the effect is also good. Although it has not entered the medical insurance volume, the company's secondary market situation cannot be so bad, right? Pudilan oral liquid has a curative effect on the new crown virus, is it exported? Under the impact of the epidemic, has the company's strategy been adjusted to cope with the current situation?

The company replied that the fluctuation of stock prices in the secondary market is affected by various factors such as macroeconomics, market supply and demand, the overall situation of the industry, investor sentiment, and company operation and management. Pudilan anti-inflammatory oral solution has the effect of clearing heat, detoxification, anti-inflammation and swelling, and is mainly used clinically for boils, mumps, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and so on. At present, Pudilan anti-inflammatory oral liquid is only sold in China. The company will continue to do a good job in the market promotion of major products, while accelerating the research and development of new products and the secondary development of old products, and continuously expanding the product line to enhance market competitiveness. In view of the risk of intensified competition in the industry, the company will also uphold the strategy of epitaxial expansion, and continue to acquire more varieties through mergers and acquisitions to consolidate the foundation for the company's sustainable development. Thank you for your interest in the company.

This article originated from the Flush Financial Research Center

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