
After watching "The Origin of the Journey to the West", I can't hide my excitement, and Zhou Xingchi's classic IP has followed

author:Qingqing's entertainment diary

Over the years, countless directors and countless stars have tried to remake Zhou Xingchi's classic god work "Journey to the West", without exception, and the final result is one by one defeat.

The reason is simple, because Stephen Chow did interpret comedy and love to the extreme through this "Journey to the West".

Therefore, before the launch of this online version of "The Origin of the Journey to the West", almost most people felt that this movie was again a bad film that followed the trend.

But who could have imagined that after watching the whole film, I would cry, and after 27 years, there was finally a version of "Journey to the West" that could compete with Zhou Xingchi's version, and I really couldn't hide my excitement!

So what is the quality of this "Journey to the West"? Listen to me slowly!

After watching "The Origin of the Journey to the West", I can't hide my excitement, and Zhou Xingchi's classic IP has followed

1, All-star team!

Although the male and female protagonists of this "Journey to the West" may not be familiar to many people.

But the supporting characters in this movie are really big names.

The one that surprised me the most was Mr. Wu Mengda, perhaps for the movie "Journey to the West", Zhou Xingchi and Zhu Yin are the soul.

After watching "The Origin of the Journey to the West", I can't hide my excitement, and Zhou Xingchi's classic IP has followed

But for audiences who like comedy, for audiences who like Stephen Chow, the lack of Mr. Wu Mengda's films is absolutely lack of vitality.

And Mr. Wu Mengda is the standard of Stephen Chow's comedy, with Zhou Xingchi in it, and Wu Mengda in it, it is perfect.

Therefore, this time "The Origin of the Journey to the West" can find Mr. Wu Mengda to star, it is indeed a heart.

And the most important point is that this movie should be regarded as the last work of Mr. Wu Mengda, the last film, leaving its own figure in the classic movie "Journey to the West", for the audience, this is indeed a kind of luck.

After watching "The Origin of the Journey to the West", I can't hide my excitement, and Zhou Xingchi's classic IP has followed

In addition to Mr. Wu Mengda, there are many classic supporting roles in Stephen Chow's films in this movie.

For example, yuan xiangren, a beggar professional who starred in "Kung Fu" and "Wu Zhuangyuan Su Qi'er", played a fortune teller in this movie this time;

After watching "The Origin of the Journey to the West", I can't hide my excitement, and Zhou Xingchi's classic IP has followed

There is also Zhang Mei'e, who became famous in the "Journey to the West", and this time she also played the hostess of an inn in this movie;

There are also many familiar faces, such as Yang Neng, who played the pork guy in "Shaolin Football", the curator of "Mermaid", and Zheng Jifeng, who played Zheng In "Mermaid", and so on.

The golden team in these Zhou Xingchi movies all joined this classic IP, and indeed the star flavor came out!

After watching "The Origin of the Journey to the West", I can't hide my excitement, and Zhou Xingchi's classic IP has followed

2, the plot is more poignant than Zhou Xingchi's version of "Journey to the West"!

In addition to the eye-catching cast, one of the most touching and attractive points of this movie is that the plot of this movie is enough to explode.

Zhou Xingchi's version of "Journey to the West" is about the Supreme Treasure who, in order to save Zixia, had to become the Great Sage of Qi Tian, and had to cut off the root of love.

However, this version of "The Origin of the Journey to the West" is about the Supreme Treasure, an ordinary person who sacrificed his life in order to save Zixia, and did not hesitate to change his life against the heavens.

After watching "The Origin of the Journey to the West", I can't hide my excitement, and Zhou Xingchi's classic IP has followed

That is to say, the supreme treasure in this time and space is destined to be just a "cooked noodle" guy, destined to be just an ordinary person who has been doing nothing in the village all his life.

But after he met Zixia, but after he fell in love with Zixia.

He did not hesitate to travel through time and space, and he did not hesitate to put on his battle robe.

Even if you fight to the ground, you will not hesitate to say it.

And in this version of "Journey to the West", one of the most poking shots for me is:

The Supreme Treasure traveled through time and space countless times, and countless times wanted to find a way to save Zixia.

After watching "The Origin of the Journey to the West", I can't hide my excitement, and Zhou Xingchi's classic IP has followed

But in his final determination, in this life, he was not Zixia's lamplighter, and in this life, he and Zixia had no connection.

He still put on the tight hoop spell without hesitation, just to save Zixia's determination once, just to save Zixia's courage!

It can be said that in Zhou Xingchi's version of "Journey to the West", I saw the helplessness of the supreme treasure's love, and in this version of "Journey to the West", I saw the bravery of Qi Tian Dasheng.

After watching "The Origin of the Journey to the West", I can't hide my excitement, and Zhou Xingchi's classic IP has followed

Therefore, from this point of view, this version of "Journey to the West" can also be regarded as filling the regret of Zhou Xingchi's version of "Journey to the West".

In the end, the Supreme Treasure did not live up to Zixia, and after 27 years, it could still wait for such an ending, which was actually a complete success.

What's more, this version of "Journey to the West" is not only a further development in the connotation of the plot, but more importantly, the comedy rhythm and special effects level of the show are more interesting.

After watching "The Origin of the Journey to the West", I can't hide my excitement, and Zhou Xingchi's classic IP has followed

For example, the comedy rhythm, the role of supreme treasure, is more interesting.

After Zixia appeared, when the Supreme Treasure learned that he was the Lamplighter, that is, the Great Sage of Qi Tian, he wanted to pull out Zixia's sword day and night, even if Zixia clearly told him that he could not pull out his sword in this life.

He also persevered to follow Zixia to find the Moonlight Treasure Box.

After watching "The Origin of the Journey to the West", I can't hide my excitement, and Zhou Xingchi's classic IP has followed

The character building of this one character is quite comedic and quite interesting.

For example, the special effects level, the scene where supreme treasure and Zixia were chased by countless praying mantises in the cave, I felt that I saw the feeling of "Yunnan Bug Valley".

It can be said that a network is large, and it is quite remarkable to have this level of special effects.

After watching "The Origin of the Journey to the West", I can't hide my excitement, and Zhou Xingchi's classic IP has followed

3, the perfect interpretation of the connotation of comedy is a tragedy!

Why is Stephen Chow's comedy film, so many years no one can replace?

The most important point is that all of Stephen Chow's comedy movies, at first glance, are comedies, but when you look closely, you find that they are all tragedies and are life.

For example, the movie "Journey to the West", when it first came out, everyone thought that this movie was a nonsense movie, a spoof movie.

But later, when everyone watched this movie again, everyone found the sadness of love and saw the regret of love.

And this version of "The Origin of the Journey to the West" also perfectly inherits this comedic connotation.

After watching "The Origin of the Journey to the West", I can't hide my excitement, and Zhou Xingchi's classic IP has followed

For example, the Supreme Treasure, he obviously learned from Guanyin Bodhisattva that in this life, he was not destined to be The Lamplighter of Zixia, and he was destined not to pull out Zixia's sword.

However, in order to save Zixia, he still carried up fifteen thousand pounds of golden hoop sticks without hesitation, even if he fought to the end and crushed his bones, he would not hesitate!

After watching "The Origin of the Journey to the West", I can't hide my excitement, and Zhou Xingchi's classic IP has followed

For example, Zixia was the same, seeing the mortal body of the Supreme Treasure die to save him, she sacrificed her life to return to the place where the original Moonlight Treasure Box brought her.

Only this time, she did not take the initiative to go forward to recognize the Supreme Treasure, but this time she only looked at the Supreme Treasure and chose to rub shoulders with him!

Without dependent arising, there is no dependent fall!

Without a beginning, there is no final tragic ending!

After watching "The Origin of the Journey to the West", I can't hide my excitement, and Zhou Xingchi's classic IP has followed

The first life lights up, the third life bondage, this is the essence of this "The Origin of the Journey to the West", which is the connotation of Zhou Xingchi's version of "Journey to the West".

Especially when this ending is paired with Lu Guanting's "Love of a Lifetime", it can be said that this movie is really amazing!

The connotation that Stephen Chow wants to talk about in the movie is clearly explained in this movie, and the future past that is not mentioned in stephen Chow's movie is also thoroughly explained in this movie!

That's what makes me so excited about this movie, and that's what makes me cry.

After watching "The Origin of the Journey to the West", I can't hide my excitement, and Zhou Xingchi's classic IP has followed

Not only is it a tribute to the classic movie, but also a transcendence of the classic movie, this movie, as Mr. Wu Mengda's last screen classic, is indeed worth it!

I don't know if you have seen this movie, welcome to leave a message and discuss with me!

Text/Qingqing's entertainment diary

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