
Apple Rollover! The iPad mini 6 causal frozen screen problem was complained about by consumers

Recently, a consumer in The United States in Coronado filed a lawsuit in court, complaining that Apple concealed the "jelly screen" design flaw when selling the iPad mini 6 tablet.

Apple Rollover! The iPad mini 6 causal frozen screen problem was complained about by consumers

As a new iPad product listed in 2021, the iPad mini 6 was exposed to the "jelly screen" incident after the listing, and the "jelly screen" problem is that when the iPad mini 6 is used in the vertical screen, the up and down dragging screen will appear from right to left, the position will not be synchronized, the screen is shaky, and the screen is seriously smeared. According to the current situation, the jelly screen situation of the iPad mini 6 is likely to be caused by internal design defects, after all, the iPad Air and New iPad listed at the same time have adopted LCD panels, but no similar situation has occurred.

Apple Rollover! The iPad mini 6 causal frozen screen problem was complained about by consumers

Apple has not yet given a specific response, but considering the popularity and sales of iPad mini products in the market, Apple is likely to provide a complete after-sales process to solve this problem in the future.

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