
Make good use of the year-end law to advance the construction of the rule of law

author:Overseas network

Source: People's Daily

Make good use of the year-end law to advance the construction of the rule of law

Cadres of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province took the initiative to go deep into the homes of party members and mass representatives to collect opinions and suggestions for debriefing. Photo by Liu Jinyin

Make good use of the year-end law to advance the construction of the rule of law

Cadres of Hulunbuir City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, take the constitutional oath. Photo by Han Yingqun

In February 2021, the Central Committee for Comprehensively Ruling the Country in Accordance with the Law issued the Opinions on the Inclusion of the Principal Responsible Persons of the Party and Government in Their Performance of the Duties of the First Responsible Person for Promoting the Establishment of the Rule of Law in the Year-End Reporting Work, emphasizing that the principal responsible persons of local Party committees and governments at or above the county level should report the law at the end of the year.

At present, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Central Office for Governing the Country According to Law, all localities have solidly promoted the work of expounding the law and actively carried out useful explorations.

The work of describing the law "sees people and sees things", and conducts a comprehensive "inspection" of the rule of law on the objects of the law

"I have appeared in court of first instance and second instance many times to respond to lawsuits, and my awareness of administration according to law has been further enhanced, and in 2021, the administrative responsible person of our bureau will appear in court to respond to lawsuits at a rate of 100%."

On January 12, at the conference hall on the second floor of the Shanghai Jinshan District Convention Center, a special meeting of the Standing Committee of the District Committee on the law was underway. Chen Jian, secretary of the party group and director of the Jinshan District Market Supervision Bureau, one of the three departments that described the law on the topic, posted a year's "rule of law report card" at the meeting.

"The principal responsible persons of the party and government should not only read the draft when describing the law, but must go out of the draft to report some specific work." This is the hard rule of the Jinshan District Thematic Description Law. Lu Weidong, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal CPC Committee's Municipal Office for Administering the City according to Law and secretary of the Party Committee and director of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Justice, said that the work of expounding the law is to "really sword and real gun" and "see people and see things," focusing on discovering problems and solving problems in the process of expounding the law, and letting the principal responsible persons of the party and government who report the law "put themselves in the position" and conduct an all-round "inspection" of the rule of law on the objects of the law.

Standardize the process, clarify the form, and "red face" and "sweat" at the scene of the law.

"What are the practices in creating a law-based business environment? How to improve satisfaction with the construction of the rule of law? How to avoid civil disputes caused by untimely and inadequate performance of contracts..."

On the morning of January 24, at the special meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Pizhou Municipal Committee of Jiangsu Province on Comprehensively Governing the Law in Accordance with the Law, four township and functional department "number one" were questioned and evaluated, and the on-site answers were not hidden.

"Using the first-person description of the law, coupled with the links of questioning, commenting, and evaluation, to force all departments to improve their ability to use rule of law thinking and rule of law methods to deepen reform, promote development, resolve contradictions, and maintain stability is a powerful measure to consolidate the responsibility of leading cadres for the rule of law." Cao Xiangqing, secretary of the party group and director of the Pizhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, who participated in the description of the law, said that in the next step, the bureau will further strengthen the awareness of the rule of law and take more initiative in ensuring the development of people's livelihood services.

In Hebei, before the end of each year, the principal responsible persons of the party committees and governments of cities, counties, and townships must make a report on the law to the provincial (city, county) committee of the party committee at the level above to comprehensively administer the law in accordance with the law, and the principal responsible persons of the work departments of the party committees and governments at the provincial, municipal, and county levels must report on the law to the party committee at the same level or the provincial (city, county) committee at the same level for comprehensively administering the law according to law, thus forming a system and mechanism for the annual report of the principal responsible persons of the party and government at all levels in the province.

"Through the annual report on the law, the 'report card' of the rule of law construction has been placed and sunburned, which has effectively promoted the action consciousness of leading cadres at all levels in grasping the rule of law." Zhang Weiliang, secretary of the Handan Municipal CPC Committee of Hebei Province and director of the Municipal Committee for Comprehensively Administering the City in Accordance with the Law, said that through the year-end exposition of the law, we should further understand the important significance of implementing the responsibility system for the construction of the rule of law among the principal responsible persons of the party and government, and we must give play to the "head goose effect" of respecting the law, studying the law, abiding by the law, and thinking about problems, making policy decisions, and handling things under the rule of law.

Promote supervision by describing the law, and promote the "key minority" to take the lead in respecting the study of the law and abiding by the law

"In recent years, some cases of serious traffic accidents caused by overloading of freight vehicles have been reported across the country. In response to the overload of freight, what measures has the Transportation Bureau taken to control the situation? On December 20 last year, the special discussion meeting on the description of the law by leading cadres in Huainan City, Anhui Province, was held in the form of online live broadcast, and experts "asked the government" online to the cadres who described the law.

"Huainan City is an energy city, and it is an important task to control overruns and overloads. In recent years, we have increased the governance of freight overload and overload, increased law enforcement penalties, strengthened the publicity of enterprises, and used face recognition and other technologies to improve the investigation and punishment, effectively curbing overload. Li Hui, director of the Huainan Municipal Transportation Bureau, responded in real time.

After deliberation, a review panel composed of more than 10 people, including rule of law supervisors and "two representatives and one committee member," gave Li Hui a score of 93 points.

"This achievement will be ranked within the scope of the main responsible persons of the party and government in the municipal and county districts, and the results of the examination of the law will be used as an important basis for measuring the actual performance and role of leading cadres." Wang Qianshen, deputy secretary of the Huainan Municipal Party Committee and deputy director of the Municipal Committee for Comprehensively Administering the City in Accordance with the Law, introduced that he insisted on combining examination with application and used the assessment lever to maximize the effect of the law.

The law of exposition is not "one statement", but also the realization of responsibility.

"In view of the phenomenon that the performance of duties is not in place and insufficient, the three work lists of guidelines, reminders, and warnings are used to supervise and rectify, and the rigidity of the results of the law is enhanced." Jiang Ming, deputy director of the Provincial Office of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee for Governing the Province according to Law, secretary of the Party Committee and director of the Provincial Department of Justice, said that it is necessary to establish operational mechanisms such as process management, situation circulars, rectification and supervision, etc., improve the number of cancellation in place, remind those who do not meet the standards within the time limit until the warning is given accountability, promote supervision with the law, and promote the "key minority" to take the lead in respecting the study of the law and abiding by the law.

In terms of the application of the results, Shanxi, Shanghai, Qinghai and other places have included the law into the annual rule of law assessment, Inner Mongolia has promoted the increase in the proportion of rule of law assessment scores, and Guangdong has interviewed the main responsible comrades of cities with low rankings in the rule of law assessment.

"It is necessary to do a good job in the second half of the year-end exposition of the law, strengthen the follow-up and rectification of the shortcomings exposed in the law, and exert multiple efforts from the source, process and results to continuously strengthen the assessment attributes of the law." The relevant responsible person of the Central Supervision Bureau for Governing the Country According to Law said.

The effect of the law is transformed into the results of work, and the effectiveness of grass-roots governance is improved

Farmers who move into residential buildings can also have their own "half-point vegetable garden". In Haiya Village, Caojing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai, 384 villagers living in apartments and duplex houses for the elderly can carry hoes every day to cultivate their own vegetable gardens.

"This is the exclusive vegetable garden that Haiya Village has opened for residents." Tang Jianqiang, general secretary of the party branch and director of the village committee of Haiya Village, Caojing Town, introduced that the setting of the vegetable garden has been applauded by the villagers, but there have been problems over time: some villagers have placed water tanks, plastic or iron buckets in the fields to store water, and some have piled up garbage, which has brought certain safety hazards. In view of this situation, Haiya Village formed the "Vegetable Garden Convention" by revising the village rules and regulations, which clarified what acts could not be done, and set up reward and punishment measures, thus solving the difficulties in the management of vegetable gardens.

Haiya Village's practice of forming the "semi-division vegetable garden" management rules and effectively solving the difficulty of vegetable garden management is the embodiment of the effect of the year-end law in Jinshan District, Shanghai. In July 2018, the main person in charge of Caojing Town made a special report to the Standing Committee of the District Committee at the 58th meeting of the Standing Committee of the District Committee, and after the description of the law, he received clear feedback, "Mobilizing the masses, gathering the wisdom of the people, finding the way of governance through the village rules and regulations, and solidifying the results of governance" is one of them. Accordingly, Caojing Town takes the effective release of the governance efficiency of autonomy norms as the entry point, adheres to the combination of rule of law and autonomy, and continues to promote the revision of village rules and people's covenants (residents' conventions), so as to promote the standardization and refinement of grass-roots governance.

"There's something to judge, nothing to sit on." Located in Niutang Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, Yahe Village Residential Pink Wall Dewa, here not only has the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan Water Town, but also has the "Law Aid Council Hall" of equal consultation.

"Treat people with sincerity, educate people with morality, move people with affection, and serve people with the law", walking into the "Law AidIng Council Hall" in Yahe Village, the 16-character deliberative purpose is very eye-catching, and there are quaint eight immortal tables and benches placed inside, which make people feel very warm. Zhang Weidong, general secretary of the party branch of Yahe Village, said: "Villagers often talk about family affairs, village affairs, and deliberations here, and the 'Law Aid Council Hall' has become a new position for listening to the people's voices, absorbing the wisdom of the people, and relieving the people's worries." ”

"In the face of the new situation and new problems in grass-roots social governance, only by putting the rule of law thinking and rule of law methods in the forefront can our work be more confident." At the annual special meeting of the Niutang Town Party Committee, Yang Zhiming, secretary of the town party committee, was deeply touched when summing up and popularizing the experience of "aiding the law and deliberating"; by convening representatives of community residents, veteran party members, and lawyers stationed in villages to participate in the deliberations, he explained the law and reasoned from the two levels of Morality and law, and used the rule of law thinking and rule of law methods to guide the villagers to handle affairs according to law, and achieved remarkable results.

"The more prominent the 'head goose effect' of leading cadres respecting the law, studying the law, abiding by the law, and using the law, the stronger the sense of the masses' sense of rule of law." The relevant person in charge of the Central Supervision Bureau for Governing the Country According to Law said that it is necessary to further enhance the influence of the law, effectively transform the effect of the law into work results, and fully demonstrate the role of the rule of law in promoting economic and social development and guaranteeing the function. (Reporter Wei Zhezhe, Ju Yunpeng)

Typography: Wang Zheping

People's Daily (February 10, 2022, 19th edition)

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