
Netizens sent videos mocking the confirmed patients in Suizhong and the police dealt with them in a timely manner

Source: Huludao Public Security

On February 9, the Network Security Brigade of the Lianshan Branch of the Municipal Bureau found that a netizen posted a self-created song on a short video platform, mocking the new crown confirmed patients in Suizhong County, and the relevant lyrics were vulgar, which had a negative effect on the Internet.

Netizens sent videos mocking the confirmed patients in Suizhong and the police dealt with them in a timely manner

The brigade promptly pushed this information to the Bohai Street Police Station of the substation for verification. Through inquiry, the police station determined that this person was a netizen in the jurisdiction, and his fans reached more than 100,000 people. In order to eliminate the adverse effects as soon as possible, the police summoned him to the police station. After the criticism and education of the police, the netizen realized his mistake, deleted the video in front of the police, and said that he would no longer publish similar video content and publicize more positive social energy.

Here, the public security organs remind the vast number of netizens: the Internet is not an extralegal place, we must be careful in words and deeds. We should actively publicize positive energy, do not spread rumors, do not believe rumors, and jointly build a positive, healthy, civilized and harmonious network environment.

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