
There is no ageless happiness, there is no ageless time, when you can toss, don't let yourself be idle

author:Chubby love

Some things that don't make sense will really be realized in a certain moment, and they will be completely understood! Running is really a good time to think. Suddenly I wanted to understand something, and I was suddenly cheerful and happy. Suddenly entering the time of the wise man, I want to understand something. It's not very happy to figure it out, it's just going from one annoyance to another. I don't know if I can be patient enough to stick with it for a while.

Sometimes people will suddenly want to understand some things and let go of some people, which is relatively rare for me who is paranoid. Suddenly understood a sentence: "It is difficult to cross oneself", I thought that I had matured and grown up to understand many things, and understood some people's feelings. For a moment, you will suddenly understand, figure it out, and then let go and let go!

There is no ageless happiness, there is no ageless time, when you can toss, don't let yourself be idle

Growing up is really a moment, you will suddenly want to understand a sentence, see a thing, will become more and more clear about what you want, it is really good. Suddenly want to understand a lot of things, too entangled in some things is meaningless, people who really care about you will take the initiative to care about everything about you, can't remember that people who care about you are useless to force, let go of everything, indifferent to all, don't care about gains and losses, just be yourself.

There seems to be a lot of truth in life that is understood in an instant. Or, in other words, the truth that I had always known suddenly understood at that moment as if it were really so. There is no ageless happiness, there is no ageless time, when you can toss, don't let yourself be idle. Man can be poor financially, but he must not be spiritually poor. You can have nothing, but you can never be useless. There are three things in this world that others can't take away: one is to eat food in the stomach, the other is the dream hidden in the heart, and the third is to read the book into the brain.

There is no ageless happiness, there is no ageless time, when you can toss, don't let yourself be idle

How much a person can do, the key is to see how he treats his time, and your relationship with time has formed yourself. You make time more valuable, and time makes your life more valuable. Only people appreciate your success, no one appreciates your means, this society is so realistic, look down at courage, look up at strength.

People can do a lot of stupid things in their lives, but the two stupidest things are: refusing to read and ignore the soul; refusing to exercise, ignoring health. Don't get acquainted with anyone too quickly, don't think that the topic is the same at the beginning, there are many things in common, you are the confidants who see each other and hate each other. Language is often fake, and what is experienced together is real.

There is no ageless happiness, there is no ageless time, when you can toss, don't let yourself be idle

There can be no Yaxing, but there must be hobbies; you can not travel but you must read more; you can not wear makeup but you must be refreshing; you can have no developed connections, but you must have a confidant; you can not do public welfare but you must have a warm heart; you can not be extremely gentle but you must be generous; you can have no lovers but you must be independent and self-reliant.

If you want to live an ideal and easy life, you need to work hard. After all, no one's day falls from the sky, and any bit of beauty you want has to be picked on tiptoe. If a person says he likes you, please wait until he takes good care of you and then believe it, if he promises to take you to the place, wait until he books a plane ticket and be happy, if he says he wants to marry you, wait until he buys a ring and kneels in front of you and then moves, feelings are not just talking, we have passed the age of hearing love.

There is no ageless happiness, there is no ageless time, when you can toss, don't let yourself be idle

Mixing a day and working hard for a day, a day can not see any difference, three days can not see any change, seven days can not see any distance, but after a month will see the topic is different, three months later will see the aura is different, half a year later will see the distance is different, a year later will see a completely different path in life.

In some things, there is no need to put yourself too low, your own, you must actively fight; before some people, you do not have to tolerate it again and again, and you cannot let others trample on your bottom line. Only by straightening your waist, the world will give you more feedback. Don't expect others to experience life for you, you have to eat the suffering you should eat yourself, and the experience you should have had to go through one by one.

There is no ageless happiness, there is no ageless time, when you can toss, don't let yourself be idle

I am chubby, grateful for life, sharing happiness! Answer every question carefully, make every friend with your heart, thank you for reading, agree with please forward and like, thank you for paying attention to the headline number: fat love!

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